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Posts posted by DMP

  1. Dizzy Gillespie, "The Greatest Trumpet of Them All;" and Tyrone Washington, "Natural Essence." Both of these albums left me a little cold when I first bought them (40 years ago? Is that possible?) - they seemed to promise a lot more than they delivered - so I'm anxious to revisit them.

  2. Don't know about this CD (I can inquire), but the Allegheny Jazz Society presented concerts in Meadville, PA (90 miles north of Pittsburgh) for years. The man who presented the concerts liked mainstream-type jazz, and the artists reflected his tastes - Scott Hamilton, Joe Wilder, Dave McKenna, Weslia Whitfield, Barbara Lea were in regular rotation there, but those names are only a fraction of those wo appeared. The concerts were held in a small (maybe 40 seats around tables) hall, beer and wine were served, and you could meet the artists afterwards. Looking back, it was pretty special.

  3. Might be the only one of his Columbia's that hasn't. It's only been in the past year or so that any of his Columbia albums have been reissued, so were're making headway. (If I recall, "Gleam" pretty much represented what his live performances were really like in this period - maybe a little meandering, but different than the over-arranged studio albums. Heavy on the wah-wah electronics.)

  4. I think you're correct, it really wasn't a "title" song, just music played over the opening credits - if I remember, it just sort-of faded out when the credits ended, very arbitrary. Pretty much like the movie itself. But it will be interesting to see how my memories jibe with reality. (Probably in for a disappointment. I had a similar experience recently with Tony Crombie's "Man Fom Interpol" - my childhood recollection was much more positive than the actual music deserved.)

  5. With EMI a disaster (in this regard probably only slightly ahead of the other major labels), maybe Concord can buy Blue Note - it fits in with their "adult music"/reissue profile - and begin reissuing Blue Note albums in some kind of OJC/RVG/Keepnews Collection series. I could use a new version of "Soul Station," with updated notes by Ira Gitler.

  6. And, speaking of Eddie Harris discography questions, on "Tale of Two Cities" (one of those live sessions that Joel Dorn put out on a couple of labels), Harris mentions his upcoming album on Capitol, which apparently involved a lot of over-dubbing. (The comments come during one of the 1983 performances.) As far as I know, no such album ever materialized. Anyone know anything about this?

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