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Posts posted by BruceW

  1. Good to see you check in Bruce, and glad to hear you're in fine spirits. :tup

    (I think there may be a way to customize the color scheme here if the default isn't to your liking. I seem to remember messing around with that at some point, although it might have been the previous design.)

    Thanks but I still haven't found anything yet but it did make me go through a lot of options again for familiarity and info.


  2. Thanks to all of you for your kind words and also the words of wisdom regarding my situation. I really appreciate it.

    Will stay in touch. :party::party::party:

    BruceW :bwallace:

    p.s. Noj, can't imagine Rasheed Wallace as a Laker, can you? Is there a thread for this?

  3. OMG

    Hello My Friends,

    Yes, I have been offline for quite some time. I have been in and out on other websites also. Yes, I am fine but... (will explain a little later).

    First, seems when Organissimo changes their bulletin board design, I got caught up in not being able to find access to profile and a few other things. I gave up for awhile. Second the colors were a little stressing for me (light pastels against a bright white background)(in short I loved the old format and colors, it made the website unique.) Then I tried again to learn the nuances of this new format and failed again. And as a result, I neglected to check-in anywhere near the frequency I did before all the changes. I apologize to everyone.

    Now, my cancer is in practically complete remission (am told it never really goes away). All the problems I had with the post complications are non existent now except for urgency being rather important.

    I slacked off my vibe playing for awhile and took up bowling so I would have a more social existance. I was doing fine and my comeback was on track. (When I was "younger" I had obtained an average of 194 but that was 38 years ago). When I started back (this past summer) I managed a 154-160 average BUT I sustained leg injury which was actually a re injury to the same leg injury when I stopped bowling at 194. You know, we guys never grow old in our minds but for our bodies it is a different story. Well, I did not recognize the seriousness of this new injury and kept bowling on into the present winter season. Lo and behold, two weeks ago I suffered a double hamstring injury (both legs) and I'm through, washed out, fini as they say. Wow, what an experience. Right now I am taped up and wearing ice packs on my knee and upper legs. But, don't fret, somehow I managed to keep my interest amd blood flowing in music and my vibes all that time. So, if you can excuse the undershorts, you can see my legs bandaged up and my utilizing an icepack.

    NO, I am not down in the dumps, in fact, I feel blessed. I am still alive and very much still into my music. Now, if we can just get the economy going again, you know, some more clubs to perform in, people using live bands etc. smile! And, it was very nice to be browsing through the forums and topics and find this very concerned thread. Thank you very much Noj for opening this topic.

    p.s. just discovered the picture file was too large to attach, but I think everyone got the idea.

  4. Really hate that anybody had to go through that hurricane. Saw some really bad stuff on TV news in the New England area. Rest of coast apparently were very lucky. However, I have been going through over 100 degree heat for well over a month now and have had enough. I'm talking 110 and 112 where I live in San Bernardino. Lower degrees always on news but that just ain't so where I am. Whew!!! Can't wait for Oct-Nov.

  5. It has been overe 100 degrees for the past week and a half. Don't see any relief in sight except for today, it MIGHT be only 90 something.

    I'm in San Bernardino, CA and they always give the temp as in the 90's but where I live, you can ALWAYS add 8 to 12 degrees more. So when they keep telling us a high of 97, I can expect it to be aroound 108-112 degrees. Whew!!


  6. The Pro Bowl is nothing but an exhibition game which includes all the stars in the league. It should be viewed as such. I have always found that if I keep my expectations down, I will not be disappointed. The intensity of the Pro Bowl has never been the same as a regular season game, playoff game, Division Championship game or the Super Bowl. FYI that way you won't be disappointed if you don't see the game (which I did not this year)or if you do.

    It is the only place you can see so many stars in the same football game. The powers that be tried to make it more than it was by changing the venue and it did not work, so it is back in Hawaii which is a holiday for the players participating. It is what it is.

  7. All I know is that I'm old enough to despise trash talk and think end zone dances are demeaning to the players involved and the game. Now that's old.

    I remember that also. Does anyone remember when it was class to score a touchdown and turn and give the ball to the ref?? or just lay the ball on the ground and trot back to your team??

    Uhhh I guess that is old too...... :g

  8. The first true NFL playoffs started in 1967, almost 50 years ago. Exactly how old are you guys???

    I don't know what you mean by "true" other than that's when the AFL started facing the NFL. The NFL has had playoffs since 1933. In fact as a little kid I knew about the Bears beating the Redskins 73-0 in the '40 title game (IIRC they ran out of footballs and stopped kicking extra points) and used this knowledge to harass a friend whenever the Redskins were in the playoffs. :) Oh, and no, I don't recall the '40 title personally (but dang Bruce, you recall when the Lions were good! Wow!;))

    Wiki does it better than footballreference.com

    Can't help it guys, we are born when we are born and football was what it was at that time. :D

  9. FFA, well, how did they do it when we were kids, before there were playoffs?

    I would have each conference with one table, and have each team play another team only once. Then, if two teams were tied for first at the end of the year, I would award first place to the team that beat the other.

    I suppose it might get complicated if three or four teams tied for first, but using a tiebreaker formula makes more sense to me than having a sixth-seeded team play in the Super Bowl.

    The first true NFL playoffs started in 1967, almost 50 years ago. Exactly how old are you guys???

    Well, I ain't bragging you see, but.....

    I really remember when the Cleveland Browns were in the NFL and they were the dominant force. Also when the Detroit Lions were the dominant force.

    I also remember when Pittsburg and the Colts were in the NFL not the AFC. I also remember when there was no such thing as the AFC; there was the AFL and also remember when there was no AFL. Whew!!!

    Damn, guess I got some mileage, eh kid! :g

  10. If one of the NFC West teams ends up winning the division, with a losing record...I think they should be disqualified and the team with the next best record in the NFC gets their slot. A team with a losing record hosting a playoff game should not happen.

    On the surface, I agree with you 100 percent, but when the playoff rules were made in their current status, there were no baaaad divisions. There was not a problem. Then they added Wild Cards and still no real problems except when all the Wild Cards came from the same division. Then the rules stated no Wild Card could play a Division Champ in the same Division in the same round. Now we have this.

    One suggestion might be made to have that low record Division Champion NOT host the game or any game. The Wild card with the obvious much better record should host the game. It is very very dangerous to have a Division Champ (no matter how bad the division) not get in the playoffs. Why, because then you may get a whole division just tanking games at the end of the season.

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