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Posts posted by BruceW

  1. Hey Laker fans, I hate to remind you, but this is the same bullshit the Pistons tried to pull after winning their championship in 2004. Play down to the level of your competition, try to "turn it on" when you need to, etc.

    It doesn't work. When you are supposed to win a series, all the pressure is on YOU. The other team isn't supposed to win, so they can relax, focus, and play ball.

    The Lakers, if they do make it to the Finals, will not win a championship.

    On another note, I despise both Van Gundy's. I want to make a website dedicated to both of them called STFU.com :)

    Right, Pistons made same mistake for four years and never learned their lesson.

    Sorry, what is STFU.COM

    Can't disagree with any of that, Jim. Although the Celtics also pulled this crap last year and won.

    Please start the website, and include Mark Jackson and Chris Webber in the dedications.

    Yeah, but those Celtics just didn't know and learned their lesson on the way to that championship.

    I don't see the Lakers getting by Denver. Denver is on a roll and Mr.Big Shot is on a mission to prove Joe Dumars wrong.

    Agreed, but I think it is more Denver's hunger than Billups' proving anything to Joe. Billups was just the missing piece to make the team championship caliber. AI was useless.


  2. Thanks Guys, good to be back. :D

    Denver really beat up the Mavs last night. I have never seen Dirk take so many "awkward shots" even if he is trying to get a foul. Man, he scores but he sure looks bad. Right now, I think Denver could "take" the Lakers in 6. Ne Ne is in great shape for a change and KMart is really to beat up on people.

    I just plain have to wait to see what is up Joe D's sleeve.

    Orlando is probably going to take Boston. But now, we have Cleveland, the team which is hungry and ready to fight to the last man for that title.

    Sorry Paul, it is not a Big Ben, it is a set of vibes :cool:

  3. Hi Guys,

    Have not been to active on any bulletin boards for awhile. Had some setbacks but am still alive. Of course, the Pistons demise did not help my enthusiasm for posting either. Anybody care fo speculate on "what happened to the Pistons?" Somehow, I can't help thinking Joe D has an overall plan for the Pistons return to the top. Ai will definitely be gone.

    Yep, that was a great Boston-Chicago series. Denver seems to be emerging as a power??

    BruceW :bwallace2:

  4. Hey Guys,

    Anybody have the new Band In A Box - 2009??? Would like to know how those jazz tracks add to the music. Is it as good as they say?? Is it worth updating from BIAB 2006??

    I heard the sound was really good and the drums sound like real drums and the bass likewise. Even some of the horns sound like real horns.

    I'm asking because from here on out I will probably only be making videos and BIAB will be my band. I can hardly move my vibes and my closest "live" musician friends have died off.



    p.s. I am still recuperating from the Cryotherapy on my prostate cancer. Seem to be on track to full recovery.

  5. You misconstue what I mean by luck. Nadal and Verdasco was anybody's match. Nadal did not have such an easy time as you would make it out to be. They both fought a hard battle and the last point could have gone either way had Verdasco hit a better shot. That was how close it was and luck does play into that when it is that close. This is not a knock on Nadal's talent, but call it like it is. Nadal just about did not make the Finals period.

    On the flip side, I don't think Fed was mentally prepared to go another five setter with Nadal on the hard court. Too bad, but hey, this was a match made in tennis heaven. :party:

  6. The FED will be back. They also said Sampras was dead before he won his 14th. Federer is younger than Sampras when he won his 14th, isn't he. Don't count him out. Nadal will get his wins, but the Fed is not through. Somebody said earlier he needs to get a coach to straighten out and strengthen his weaknesses against Nadal (or anybody for that matter).

    WHY is nobody harping on how lucky Nadal was to get to the Final in the first place??


    I have had the heart attacks, the four hand operations, the foot cramps, the leg cramps, the three heart procedures (for stents) and now...

    In regards to my cancer situation. I have had the cryotherapy and then had complications. I have had infections and now only have one left to clear up. The additional operation I was expecting to have has been ruled out because the medication and rest therapy is working and working well.

    By February 1st, I plan to begin my regimen of restarting my practice and retraining of my vibraphone skills, hopefully including some vids. In seven months, I hope to have regained most of my abilities in playing the vibes.

    So thank you again for all your support.

    BruceW :bwallace2:

  8. Well, having lived with them for over a year now, I would say that the upper octave is extreme, but the lower and middle octave have a lot of depth that I would not describe as "bright". Maybe I got it wrong. The upper octave SCREAMS if I'm playing with med-hard mallets! Maybe that is how other vibists describe these bars as bright! I've found that the mallets make as much of an impact on my tone as anything. The bars sound very different playing with a medium mallet vs. a medium hard mallet.

    I always thought I'd play with the motor running, but I've really been playing more without vibrato than I have with.

    Bruce, do you play with vibrato most of the time?

    I just noticed this thread in which I never answered your question. Sorry, it must have been during one of my "illnesses" and I was not on the computer much. Anyway,

    Hi Impossible, how you doing? You are probably playing up a storm by now. Your question, YES, I play with the vibrato ALL the time. I would never be without it unless the motor was burned out. I'm real old school, Milt Jackson type. The vibes are just so pretty with that vibrato and kind of flat to me without it. Yes, mallets can really make the difference, especially on the smaller bar type vibes. It is now Jan 2009, Obama is President and all my musical abilities have gone down the tubes. So I trying to get the energy to "restart" again. I've even forgotten some chords and chord types. Man, I'm rusty, but give me seven months practice.

    Do you have anything we can listen to??

    :bwallace2: Pistons are average this year.


  9. What the heck is going on with the Celtics? They lose again tonight to the Knicks, and didn't look very good at that, their bench stunk. After going 29-2, their last six games are 2-4, with losses to Golden State and now the Knicks. They might not be as good as everyone thought.

    That's funny, :excited: didn't somebody say that same thing last year. How quick we jump ship.

    EVERY TEAM goes through a loss spell at some time every year.

  10. I remember my first VHS experience, an old piano key top loader VCR with a wired remote that only stopped and started the recording or playback. The wire was about 6-8 feet long and that was it. You could not sit way across the room. We used to edit out commercials by watching very closely for signs of a coming commercial and clues for when the commercials ended.

    We still have VCR's in two rooms, both are combination VCR recorders and DVD playbacks. Don't have a DVR yet. These are mainly for my wife's usage.

    BruceW :bwallace2:

  11. Well there you go...

    I said it five days ago and the ugly "me" has raised his ugly head already. And he will probably say I wanted to see my family. Bullshit, all that money everybody is paying owns him and makes him obligated to practice with the team. He just doesn't get it. I hope they dump him asap and that he never wins a championship, he deserves to not win. He never grew up.


  12. I am dusgusted.

    Did not see the game you mentioned but understand the pain. I feel it.

    The question is:

    HOW COULD JOE D HAVE DONE THIS?? I mean, Detroit is not the only team, preparing cap room for the very near future. Did Joe do this? Has he written off this season? What about the morale, man, it can get pretty low the way they are playing? Ai is NEVER going to practice the way "teams" practice. You would think he would get it through his thick head what the main reason is that his teams have never won a championship. Pistons now have three teams to go through to get to the Finals; Boston, Cleveland, and New Orleans. Crap :angry:

  13. I think it is obvious Billups played last year to a degree that would get him a change. He got it and seems happy. AI is not a good trade "team wise" for Detroit but can put the pill in the basket. If the rest of the Pistons maintain their chemistry they will be alright even with AI putting up the pill. But in the playoffs, AI will have to be team facilitor or the Pistons will go down again.


    Don't count on that, Bruce. AI has always been an AI facilitator. :D

    That is funny, that is also why AI has never won a championship... :excited:

  14. Pistons finally won their first game since the trade. At the beginning it looked like it was going to be another blow-out loss. They got down by 15 in the first quarter. Stagnant offense, settling for jumpshots, no defense. I thought to myself, "What happened to my team!?!?" But they suddenly came alive and started driving the ball to the hoop, instead of standing around like meatheads.

    I think the trade was awful. Billups was the most important guy to that roster. You could've traded ANYONE else and it would've been a much better trade, with less impact to the team chemistry and offense.

    Pistons needed a change because the chemistry had stagnated. I really thought Sheed was going to be the first to go but.... Then I would have expected Billups because he seemed bored with Detroit. I think Joe D saw that plus all the financial reasons. Joe D also has great young talent in the wings at Billups positiion.

    I think the trade was awful. Billups was the most important guy to that roster. You could've traded ANYONE else and it would've been a much better trade, with less impact to the team chemistry and offense.

    It's no coincidence that the Nuggets are undefeated so far with Billups on the floor, he's one of those players that makes everyone better, which AI is unable to do.

    I think it is obvious Billups played last year to a degree that would get him a change. He got it and seems happy. AI is not a good trade "team wise" for Detroit but can put the pill in the basket. If the rest of the Pistons maintain their chemistry they will be alright even with AI putting up the pill. But in the playoffs, AI will have to be team facilitor or the Pistons will go down again.


  15. I'm not sure if this is a bad trade for Detroit. AI still has a lot left in the tank. However, I do wonder about the timing of the trade. I mean they were only two games into the season and they decided to do a major shake up of the roster?? I could understand pulling the trigger if they had started say 0 and 4, a la the Sac Kings, but the Pistons seemed to doing alright. So why now?? From what I read about the reactions from the Detroit players they were wondering as well.

    Reports are that Joe D was trying to make a trade all summer but could not close a deal. Piston players should not be "wondering," Joe D served notice on ALL of them at close of last season when Pistons lost Eastern Finals again. Trade had nothing to do with start record this season.


    Okay, but... I think when you make a trade like this you do it because A. it's a slam dunk for your team OR B. you're writing off the season and you're jockeying for next years FA's by shedding contracts. Well I don't think it's a slam dunk but I can see why the trade makes sense if Dumars wants to position the Pistons for a big name FA signing next summer. Obviously, getting rid of Billups contract is key for that strategy to work. And AI's $20M comes off the books at the end of the season. Which to me says that he's writing off this season which I find curious when they were only two games into it at the time of the trade.

    Doesn't Kwame's come off the books too? Pistons could have some $$ to play with.

    I think so :bwallace2:

  16. I'm not sure if this is a bad trade for Detroit. AI still has a lot left in the tank. However, I do wonder about the timing of the trade. I mean they were only two games into the season and they decided to do a major shake up of the roster?? I could understand pulling the trigger if they had started say 0 and 4, a la the Sac Kings, but the Pistons seemed to doing alright. So why now?? From what I read about the reactions from the Detroit players they were wondering as well.

    Reports are that Joe D was trying to make a trade all summer but could not close a deal. Piston players should not be "wondering," Joe D served notice on ALL of them at close of last season when Pistons lost Eastern Finals again. Trade had nothing to do with start record this season.


    Okay, but... you're jockeying for next years FA's by shedding contracts. Well I don't think it's a slam dunk but I can see why the trade makes sense if Dumars wants to position the Pistons for a big name FA signing next summer. Obviously, getting rid of Billups contract is key for that strategy to work. And AI's $20M comes off the books at the end of the season.

    You got it. But Joe D also thinks AI will give a much more slashing/driving scorer from the point guard position. I personally think AI has too much of "me" left in him. However, the clearing the salary cap aspect is right on the money.


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