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Posts posted by Matthew

  1. 33 minutes ago, Brad said:

    The season is looking more doubtful after owners submitted a revised proposal that penalizes the higher paid players.


    Sometimes I just wonder how MLB makes any money, it's the higher paid players that are the ones people want to see, not the utility players of the world. Great way to go into negotiations for a new CBA, piss off the money players.

  2. 37 minutes ago, medjuck said:

    My degree is in Drama and I wrote my Phd thesis on a film topic, but I  became a producer because a friend asked me to come to Hollywood and work with him. Basically nepotism but he wasn't a relative.   Until then I had been an academic but always interested in film and working on the periphery of he business-- eg as a critic and writer and distributor while I was teaching.


    Sorry, in the dim recesses of the past, I thought I semi-remembered that you were working on a philosophy degree.  

  3. On 5/19/2020 at 9:46 AM, Matthew said:

    This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald. For some reason, I find myself returning more and more to Fitzgerald, who I tended to ignore in my callous youth.

    This Side of Paradise - Wikipedia

    Definitely one of the most enjoyable reading experiences I've had in a long time. Now on to Fitzgerald's next book Flappers and Philosophers 

    Flappers and Philosophers - Wikipedia

  4. 1 hour ago, Brad said:

    Why the players are objecting to MLB’s requests:

    Five reasons why MLB players are objecting to owners' 50-50 revenue split for 2020 season

    Although baseball didn’t know in April the length of the shutdown and had probably only started to formulate plans to address the shutdown, they should have been talking to the players as soon as possible, as partners. The odds seem to be fairly long that there will be a season this year. At the very least, this will allow both sides to have plans in place for 2021. 

    Interesting article, thanks for posting. I always tend to be on the side of the players when it comes to money. Professional careers tend to be short, and especially in the NFL, brutal, so get the money while you can, because for 90% of the players, there won't be that much left after a career is over.

  5. 2 hours ago, Soulstation1 said:

    Honestly, the protocols being proposed are unworkable for a baseball game; for one thing, who is going to watch over and certify that the protocols are being followed? The home team? MLB? Union rep? Someone from the outside? I don't see how any sport is going to be played.

  6. 21 minutes ago, Brad said:

    Not if they can do it safely. 

    I don't get if the general public still needs to be six feet apart for safety reasons in the next couple of months, at the minimum, how players in the NBA, NFL, and MLB are going to be safe, along with their families. I know these players are in great shape, but still, young people do die from the virus. Maybe I'm missing something in all the different scenarios I'm hearing...

  7. 59 minutes ago, ghost of miles said:

    Posted this in the Covid poll thread, but it’s highly pertinent to MLB/sports discussion as well. If one guy in South Korea infect as many as 80 people in a single outing, how does that portend for large groups of athletes playing or practicing together every day?

    South Korean case shows the dangers of reopening

    Starting to look like herd-immunity-or-bust until we get a vaccine. Which means a hell of a lot more sickness and death... but also means there’s no good reason to put people and players in harm’s way for the sake of entertaining the masses. I miss baseball, but I don’t want people potentially suffering long-term organ damage or dying to bring it about. There’s plenty enough of that going on just at the day-to-day getting-by level of life right now.

    I love watching sports also, but given the uncertainty about even basic matters concerning the virus, I think it sports should shut down the rest of the year, that might mean even the SEC!

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