Searched in vain for a YouTube clip of it, and if I knew the repertoire better (or at all..) I'd probably be able find this information myself, but anyway...
On Season 2 of Mission Impossible, there's a part in the "dossier" scene (right when the "selections" have been made and the IMF folder tossed on to of the stack) where the bassoon plays a theme that involves two (?) notes that sound like they're the result of overblowing to get a harmonic. The effect is, to me that of a "choking" sound...not unpleasant at all, just very ear-catching and impactful.
My questions are:
Is there a specific name for this technique? If so, what is it called?
How is it scored, i.e. - indicated on the part?
What are some examples of this technique being put to use in non-soundtrack music?
I was thinking there was something like it on Sketches Of Spain, on "Saeta", but no...although on the intro to "Solea" Miles plays something that produces a similar effect.
Anyway, thanks in advance for any light to be shed.