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Found 2 results

  1. I'm hoping someone can give me some information on several Italian LP box sets (listed below) that were issued in the late 80s. I did search the forum but didn't have much luck. The Parker, Young and Holiday don't seem to have a label but from the similar title I assume they were put out by the same outfit. I wonder if the other box sets are also put out by the same outfit since they were also based in Italy and came out around the same time. I'm also curious how much of this material has ben issued elsewhere. Any information would be appreciated. Lester Young: Live And Private Recordings In Chronological Order (No Label) Billie Holiday: Live And Private Recordings In Chronological Order (No Label) Charlie Parker: Live And Private Recordings In Chronological Order (No Label) Earl Bud Powell – Pure Genius Always (Mythic Sound) Coleman Hawkins: Bean And The Boys - Live And Uncommercial Recordings 1940-1965 (Queen-disc – BEAN 01-21)
  2. I've happened across a number of these locally at very affordable prices. Does anyone else here have them and of those who do, is there a consensus of opinion with respect to them? TIA...
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