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Mac users! Help! I can't get on the board!


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Oh crap, I didn't get back to you, did I? My office machine took a dump and I couldn't get my organissimo email. All's well now.

Anyway, what problems are you having with Mozilla? The file, I believe, is a .bin file which must be expanded with something like Stuff-It Expander before you can install it.

Does that help?

BTW, I'm surfing the site right now on a new PowerBook G4. It's sweet!!! Too bad it's not mine!

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I'm now using Mozilla (as recommended by Jim A) for accessing this site, and it's working great. I had no problems at all with the download... can't remember now if I had to use "Stuffit" or not. If I was more computer savvy, I'd suggest a way to get around your memory problem (if in fact that's what it is), but unfortunately I'm not. All I can say is that Mozilla 1.0.2 works great with OS9... better than iCab 2.9.8, which I used successfully for a year or so on the previous version of the board (thanks to a rec from Jim D).

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Oh crap, I didn't get back to you, did I?  My office machine took a dump and I couldn't get my organissimo email.  All's well now.

Anyway, what problems are you having with Mozilla?  The file, I believe, is a .bin file which must be expanded with something like Stuff-It Expander before you can install it.

Does that help?

BTW, I'm surfing the site right now on a new PowerBook G4.  It's sweet!!!  Too bad it's not mine!

Doesn't a .bin file need to be burned or expanded with a virtual drive? :blink:

If you try to run a .bin file or install it on a PC, you get nothing but errors unless you mounted it somewhere?

Maybe I'm just dumb.

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That's good to know, Jim! I haven't had a computer with OS9 for a while, but I do remember liking iCab at the time, hence the recommendation.

I'm glad Mozilla is working well for you.


Thanks Jim (and Jim). :cool:

Just to clarify, I still have that version of iCab, and it still works very nicely for some purposes. :cool: I had gone to IE 5.1.7 at some point as my main browser (I forget why), and iCab kind of went "on the shelf" for me. IE worked very well for me with the previous Organissimo board software. The new board software required a switch, and before I downloaded Mozilla, iCab sufficed, but there were a few minor bugs.

Dave, I too would recommend giving iCab a try if you can't get Mozilla installed (but I'd try to solve that riddle first, given my success with Mozilla).

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I'm using OS 8.6

That brings back very distant memories.

You must be using an old Mac, possibly one that can be upgraded to accommodate OS 9 or, perhaps, Jaguar. If you tell me which model you have, I'll gladly look around for possibilities of improving it.

Warning: Mac upgrades are pricey! :ph34r:

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I'm using OS 8.6

...before I was using 8.6 with Netscape and had no problems accessing this site.. or any other one for the most part ..

But that was before the new board software, right? I think that's what's caused some of us to scramble for a browser that will work here now.

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Yeah, as I said there were a few minor problems with iCab for me (since the switch to the new board software, that is). At least it got me here and allowed me to function, though. In fact, I'd still be using it if the switch to Mozilla hadn't worked out so well. Have you exhausted all the possibilities regarding an installation of Mozilla? Is there a version for 8.6 users? It sounded like perhaps there was some potential for you to get it installed (since the reported memory "problem" didn't really make sense to you)?

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