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Al "Grits" Green in Tucson 6/13

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If you go let me know how he is. He's playing the nearby Chumash Casino later this summer. It's a horrible venue but James Brown is also going to play there so I may have to make the treck a couple of times.

Edited by medjuck
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al's concert was the shizznet

the most embarassing thing that could happen to an entertainer happened to the rev.

his fly was down on the first song, "i'm getting ready to sing let's get married and my fly's down." :g:g:g then "why didn't someone tell the rev his fly is down."

someone at the airport asked al if he still has IT

trust me the rev can STILL hit those high notes

al is a true showman, he made sure everyone had a good time

his interaction with the audience was cool, maybe the best i've ever seen

the ladies L O V E al, he must have given out 40-50 roses to the ladies

his hammond player (a BIGGGGGGG bro) could give joey d a heavyweight battle on the scale

amazing grace was moving, only talked about the lord 3/4 times during the show and he kept that stuff very brief

he sang all the old classics, al only needs to sing about the first 5 words from his songs and the crowd takes over

also performed his song with queen latifah (i really like this song) and a few lines from my girl


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