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Devilin Tunes

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just a note that at long last every order has gone out, incuding all Euro orders. The last two months have been like one long convalescence for me with a series of physical problems, so I am certain a few of you are annoyed at my slowness to ship all boxes. I do apologize but have been working at 1/2 speed with a series of serious but non life-threatening disorders. On top of the day-gig and a two-CD project of my own that will be out in about a month (and personal mild depression at being unable to play any instrument for now due to these problems), I have had to whittle away, and am happy to say (to quote William Westmoreland) that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

For the first time, however, I did receive notice of a shipment that was received as an empty envelope (to Germany) along with an accusatory email saying I had packed the CDs improperly, and which threatened exposure on this forum. Well, 1) I have shipped over 200 packages in the same mailers and this is the first incident of vandalism or package damage and 2) I am mailing a replacement shipment this week. The mailers I have been using seem sufficient, but please let me know if they have been arriving with damage or other problems.

I still have plenty of Volumes 3 and 4, can do $45 for one shipped, $85 for both (domestic). Or I can ship you an empty envelope for $20 (to cover my time) -

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