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Jason Moran


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From Sunday's NY Times:



September 21, 2003


Alicia Hall and Jason Moran


With her come-hither gaze and unflinching grace under fire, Alicia Hall is no shrinking violet. Rather, Ms. Hall, known among her friends for talking in swooping metaphors, might liken herself to a flowering tree: pushing upward and branching out, but remaining firmly grounded.

"Alicia is dramatic — always has been," said Joanna Broughton, who roomed with Ms. Hall at Barnard College in the early 1990's. "She is honest and not afraid to report the harsh truth." Ms. Broughton added, eyebrow raised, "Of course, two hours later you haven't gotten a word in edgewise."

Daria Brown recalled how in 1995, when they shared an apartment on Manhattan's Upper West Side, their chats were incessant, especially when the topic was men. That is, until one evening when Ms. Hall, then a freshman at the Manhattan School of Music, where she was studying to become a classical singer, appeared uncommonly quiet. "She came around the corner," Ms. Brown recalled, "and said, `So, Daria, I met this boy. His name is Jason. We sat on a bench.' " And then Ms. Hall left.

Love had silenced her.

That bench sitter was Jason Moran, then a junior at the conservatory who cut a wide swath on campus. She had first noticed him that fall. "He was very, very handsome, and he seemed to be like a tennis player who maybe just scored an ace," Ms. Hall, now 30, said. "He's a little bit exerted, but very, very powerful."

Ms. Hall, dressed for an audition that day in a tailored blazer and a skirt with a swish, had already captured the discerning eye of Mr. Moran, who is now 28 and a jazz pianist for Blue Note Records, and whose bold ideas have gone over well with critics.

"She was the new chick, a black girl with short hair and long legs," Mr. Moran said. "Then I tried to figure out her class schedule." He knew his sudden appearances had drawn Ms. Hall's attention when "she started hugging me more than was normal" for a friend, he said.

Early in their courtship, the couple stole into a two-piano practice room late at night and traded improvised melodies. To Mr. Moran's astonishment, Ms. Hall, who had studied composition at Barnard and Columbia, had some serious ideas. "She could really play," he said. "It was amazing. She could improvise and feel free." It hooked him, he said, for life.

They were married on Sept. 6 at First United Methodist Church in Stamford, Conn. The late afternoon sun cast dancing colors through an enormous stained-glass window as the bride walked up the aisle to the pounding of African drums, an almost imperceptible sashay in her stride.

Afterward, at the Winged Foot Golf Club in Mamaroneck, N.Y., the Imani Winds, a classical quintet, greeted guests, including the pianist Andrew Hill and Bruce Lundvall, president of Blue Note Records. Later, 200 guests dined and danced to a mix of Madonna and Michael Jackson spun by DJ Foosh.

Before dinner, Nasheet Waits, the drummer in the Bandwagon, Mr. Moran's trio, and Lenora Helm, Mr. Waits's longtime companion, discussed how to succeed as a two-career couple when one member spends half the year on the road.

"It's about having a really good communication with each other," Ms. Helm said. "We talk every other day, just to ask, `How are you? How's your heart?' "

Days earlier, Mr. Moran recalled that it took him a year to acknowledge that Ms. Hall, who occasionally performs with him and also works part-time managing the Columbia University office of the historian Simon Schama, was perfect for him.

"Alicia understands the music, she understands the art," he said. "You could go around the world and meet a lot of people. But I know that when I come home, I'm going to be able to laugh or yell and not feel like I have to change. I listen to her."

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They sound like they were lucky to have met each other. From the several times I've met and talked with Jason (usually only 5-10 minutes each time, always at gigs he's had here in Kansas City), and when I've exchanged a few e-mails with him (a couple times a year, at most) --- he strikes me as a very genuine, and genuinely very nice guy. I hope that they're very happy together, for a very, very long time.

Edited by Rooster_Ties
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Congratulations and best wishes to Mr and Mrs Moran. However, I must note that the musical menu at the wedding hardly commands enthusiasm. I'm OK with the African drums (especially if it gives the bride a bit of a sashay in her walk ;) ) but a classical quintet? Madonna?? Michael Jackson??? I know Jason is eclectic, but, c'mon, where's the JAZZ?

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I must note that the musical menu at the wedding hardly commands enthusiasm. I'm OK with the African drums (especially if it gives the bride a bit of a sashay in her walk ;) ) but a classical quintet? Madonna?? Michael Jackson??? I know Jason is eclectic, but, c'mon, where's the JAZZ?

This was such a sweet story! (I was going to post it last night when that Brasilian interruption happened.)

I think all the jazz musicians were RELAXING at the reception!

I admit, "Madonna" gave me pause, but -- we don't know what DJ Froosh was DOING with those sides, do we??!!

As for the IMANI WINDS (the "classical quintet") -- they're all fantastic players, and I know at least three of them have played in jazz contexts as well (and the quintet toured with Steve Coleman) -- they're young, and it's not easy earning your keep as a jazz oboist, bassoonist or French horn player!

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