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Captain Lou Albano passes away

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If he were just another wrestling character, i probably would not made a post of it, but for those who were into pop music when the video and MTV craze came out in the 80s are very familiar with the fellow as he played the father of Cindy Lauper in her probably more famous video.

As a wrestling character, remember him as a scary guy when i was following wrestling as a kid.

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Captain Lou was quite the colorful guy back in the day. That was long before the WWF or WWE or whatever it is now became such a gigantic joke. I remember the WWF version of the Tonight Show show called Tuesday Night Titans. It was hosted by Vince McMahon and his sidekick was Lord Alfred Hayes. Albano was a regular guest. RIP big fella.

Up over and out.

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I have two Lou Albano stories, if you will.

1) About the time that the Lauper video was out and wrestling enjoyed a comeback, I saw Albano on Nightline with Ted Koppel and some college professor. It was supposed to be an intelligent discussion about pro wrestling, but every once in a while Albano would slip into character and start ranting. The other two would just smile, and the college professor said, "He's doing it again!"

2) About ten years ago Albano was the credited author of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Pro Wrestling, which I read. The book was quite informative about its history, which was that it arose from six-hour long wrestling matches staged at carnivals.

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I have sorta of bad news, according to most reviews about this book were that it was too often innacurate especially regarding recent information and events about the subject.

His last foray in the mainstream was when he participated on a awful Fox tv show animated by the lawyer of the Oj Simpson trial, where they put different people through a lie detector. Capt'n Lou was there trying to prove that wrestling was not fixed.

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I have sorta of bad news, according to most reviews about this book were that it was too often innacurate especially regarding recent information and events about the subject.

His last foray in the mainstream was when he participated on a awful Fox tv show animated by the lawyer of the Oj Simpson trial, where they put different people through a lie detector. Capt'n Lou was there trying to prove that wrestling was not fixed.

I remember that show. The host wasn't the Simpson lawyer, it was Mark Furman, the bloody glove LAPD dectective.

Up over and out.

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Didn't he have a rubber band stapled into his cheek?

Not sure how it was affixed, but sometimes, yes.

More common were the rubber bands in his goatee.


My dad would come home from work on Saturdays and we'd sit on the couch, eat sardines on saltine crackers, and watch

Capt. Lou, Chief Jay Strongbow, Andre the Giant, Killer Kowalski, Gorilla Monsoon, etc. Fond memories. Good times.


"The Sicilians" (Lou on left)

R.I.P. Captain Lou

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While we're talking about wrestling, I have a wrestling story for you.

In 1985 there was a young lady at work (named Theda) who was a wrestling fan. That year I went to the Grey Cup and met Angelo Mosca. I had his bubble gum card in 1959 when he was a defensive tackle for the Ticats. I'm pretty sure that he is now in the Canadian league Hall of Fame. After he retired from football, he spent many years wrestling. I believe that in Canada he was a good guy, but I'm sure that in the US he was a bad guy. In the US he dropped the "Angelo", and just went by "Mosca".

So I asked for his autograph made out to Theda, and I told him that Theda had never heard of "Angelo Mosca", but I'm sure that she is very familiar with "Mosca". So he made it out something like "To Theda, Best wishes, Mosca".

So I brought back my little present to her, and being the true wrestling fan that she was, she was really put off by it! She just couldn't believe that a bad guy would be the kind of person whose autograph you would want!

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