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I Nominate Bev Stapleton as the NEW Member

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Bev recently complained that there were 5 people on Organissimo who were the big brains and who told everyone else what to think - now I am ASSUMING he was designating me as one of that 5 and, truthfully, I can't handle the pressure any more of everyone so depending on me for the path to righteous musical appreciation. So I hereby resign and nominate Bev to take my place - like Ms. Sotomayor I am sure he will do a great job, though I don't know if this nomination requires any independent ratification.

but the job is just too much for me right now. I wasn't cut out to be a tastemaker.

I know I promised Ron S. that he could have the position if I ever bowed out, but Bev has been working too hard and, besides, Ron listens to too much classical music.

Bev, it's all yours................


Edited by AllenLowe
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The suggestion was made earlier that moderators might telegraph -- in advance -- their intentions re: removing a thread. My take on this is that you're out to pick a fight with another poster......thus, I'm now telegraphing. :) So Allen -- guess what's happening to this thread in 10 minutes?

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