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Thinking of selling.....CEDAR UNIT

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I have the X Series CEDAR de-clicker and have used this baby on all of my projects; works beautifully for Lps, 78s, even CDs with noisy material. But since my restoration days are fading (sort of easing out of the business) I want to sell this thing, which is a module, basically a rack unit that de-clicks in real-time; it also removes crackle, which is basically a lot of clicks together. Of the two units that are availble (de-crackle and de-click) I chose this one because, if you can only afford one, it is more versatile and effective, in my experience.

here is the description from the CEDAR web site:

"Scratches and clicks are encountered on all audio media - film, tape or disk, whether analogue or digital - so CEDAR's processes are invaluable when dealing with master tapes, film soundtracks, and videos as well as vintage recordings.

The declick algorithm in the DCX offers a simplified user-interface with just one control, but will still remove up to 2500 scratches and clicks per channel per second. Developed from the CEDAR for Windows declicker, this advanced rackmount will clearly differentiate between the degradation and the genuine signal. Like all CEDAR products, it performs transparent restoration of even the most severely damaged material, while undamaged signal passes without any changes: there's no distortion, no loss of transients, and no loss of ambience."

these things new are expensive, so, used they are not cheap either, though a lot cheaper than buying new - if you are interested (and at some point I will probably go to ebay if there is no response) email me at allenlowe5@gmail.com

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