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105 Minutes with C. Sharpe


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Forgive me if this has been posted before: https://crownpropeller.wordpress.com/2012/05/30/105-minutes-with-legendary-clarence-c-sharpe/#comment-9104 

I have written about Clarence 'C.' Sharpe here and elsewhere before. He was my friend, and a great spirit. 

You may read at the bottom of the comments a C. Sharpe story I posted.

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 Just ordered a copy of Freddie Redd: Lonely City, featuring C.Sharpe...

There's a track here: https://londonjazzcollector.wordpress.com/2015/02/13/freddie-redd-lonely-city-1985-uptown-records/

C. sounds a bit desultory, and not at his best. But he hardly recorded, and it's a good record. (George Duvivier, Ben Riley, and Clifford Jordan are also on it). I do like Freddie Redd's playing and writing...

Edited by fasstrack
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freddie redd's lonely city arrived today, and i just listened. all i can say is that it's really a drag that working groups were a thing of the past, even by 1985, when this was recorded. these are superb players, 'every chair', but it sounds like there just wasn't enough rehearsal time to make freddie redd's tricky, difficult music with long forms come off properly. (believe me, i know the feeling). it sounds like they are reading the changes on the solos, and it never really catches fire the way it would have had freddie redd been able to scare up some gigs first for this great band. that's the economics of jazz, plain and simple. as some musician replied to an interviewer's question about whether jazz had been 'affected by the economic downturn': 'economic downturn? jazz IS the economic downturn!'. well, at least this is another entry in c. sharpe's scant discography. every little bit helps...

freddie redd's lonely city arrived today, and i just listened. all i can say is that it's really a drag that working groups were a thing of the past, even by 1985, when this was recorded. these are superb players, 'every chair', but it sounds like there just wasn't enough rehearsal time to make freddie redd's tricky, difficult music with long forms come off properly. (believe me, i know the feeling). it sounds like they are reading the changes on the solos, and it never really catches fire the way it would have had freddie redd been able to scare up some gigs first for this great band. that's the economics of jazz, plain and simple. as some musician replied to an interviewer's question about whether jazz had been 'affected by the economic downturn': 'economic downturn? jazz IS the economic downturn!'. well, at least this is another entry in c. sharpe's scant discography. every little bit helps...

freddie redd's lonely city arrived today, and i just listened. all i can say is that it's really a drag that working groups were a thing of the past, even by 1985, when this was recorded. these are superb players, 'every chair', but it sounds like there just wasn't enough rehearsal time to make freddie redd's tricky, difficult music with long forms come off properly. (believe me, i know the feeling). it sounds like they are reading the changes on the solos, and it never really catches fire the way it would have had freddie redd been able to scare up some gigs first for this great band. that's the economics of jazz, plain and simple. as some musician replied to an interviewer's question about whether jazz had been 'affected by the economic downturn': 'economic downturn? jazz IS the economic downturn!'. well, at least this is another entry in c. sharpe's scant discography. every little bit helps...

freddie redd's lonely city arrived today, and i just listened. all i can say is that it's really a drag that working groups were a thing of the past, even by 1985, when this was recorded. these are superb players, 'every chair', but it sounds like there just wasn't enough rehearsal time to make freddie redd's tricky, difficult music with long forms come off properly. (believe me, i know the feeling). it sounds like they are reading the changes on the solos, and it never really catches fire the way it would have had freddie redd been able to scare up some gigs first for this great band. that's the economics of jazz, plain and simple. as some musician replied to an interviewer's question about whether jazz had been 'affected by the economic downturn': 'economic downturn? jazz IS the economic downturn!'. well, at least this is another entry in c. sharpe's scant discography. every little bit helps...

freddie redd's lonely city arrived today, and i just listened. all i can say is that it's really a drag that working groups were a thing of the past, even by 1985, when this was recorded. these are superb players, 'every chair', but it sounds like there just wasn't enough rehearsal time to make freddie redd's tricky, difficult music with long forms come off properly. (believe me, i know the feeling). it sounds like they are reading the changes on the solos, and it never really catches fire the way it would have had freddie redd been able to scare up some gigs first for this great band. that's the economics of jazz, plain and simple. as some musician replied to an interviewer's question about whether jazz had been 'affected by the economic downturn': 'economic downturn? jazz IS the economic downturn!'. well, at least this is another entry in c. sharpe's scant discography. every little bit helps...

freddie redd's lonely city arrived today, and i just listened. all i can say is that it's really a drag that working groups were a thing of the past, even by 1985, when this was recorded. these are superb players, 'every chair', but it sounds like there just wasn't enough rehearsal time to make freddie redd's tricky, difficult music with long forms come off properly. (believe me, i know the feeling). it sounds like they are reading the changes on the solos, and it never really catches fire the way it would have had freddie redd been able to scare up some gigs first for this great band. that's the economics of jazz, plain and simple. as some musician replied to an interviewer's question about whether jazz had been 'affected by the economic downturn': 'economic downturn? jazz IS the economic downturn!'. well, at least this is another entry in c. sharpe's scant discography. every little bit helps...

freddie redd's lonely city arrived today, and i just listened. all i can say is that it's really a drag that working groups were a thing of the past, even by 1985, when this was recorded. these are superb players, 'every chair', but it sounds like there just wasn't enough rehearsal time to make freddie redd's tricky, difficult music with long forms come off properly. (believe me, i know the feeling). it sounds like they are reading the changes on the solos, and it never really catches fire the way it would have had freddie redd been able to scare up some gigs first for this great band. that's the economics of jazz, plain and simple. as some musician replied to an interviewer's question about whether jazz had been 'affected by the economic downturn': 'economic downturn? jazz IS the economic downturn!'. well, at least this is another entry in c. sharpe's scant discography. every little bit helps...

freddie redd's lonely city arrived today, and i just listened. all i can say is that it's really a drag that working groups were a thing of the past, even by 1985, when this was recorded. these are superb players, 'every chair', but it sounds like there just wasn't enough rehearsal time to make freddie redd's tricky, difficult music with long forms come off properly. (believe me, i know the feeling). it sounds like they are reading the changes on the solos, and it never really catches fire the way it would have had freddie redd been able to scare up some gigs first for this great band. that's the economics of jazz, plain and simple. as some musician replied to an interviewer's question about whether jazz had been 'affected by the economic downturn': 'economic downturn? jazz IS the economic downturn!'. well, at least this is another entry in c. sharpe's scant discography. every little bit helps...

freddie redd's lonely city arrived today, and i just listened. all i can say is that it's really a drag that working groups were a thing of the past, even by 1985, when this was recorded. these are superb players, 'every chair', but it sounds like there just wasn't enough rehearsal time to make freddie redd's tricky, difficult music with long forms come off properly. (believe me, i know the feeling). it sounds like they are reading the changes on the solos, and it never really catches fire the way it would have had freddie redd been able to scare up some gigs first for this great band. that's the economics of jazz, plain and simple. as some musician replied to an interviewer's question about whether jazz had been 'affected by the economic downturn': 'economic downturn? jazz IS the economic downturn!'. well, at least this is another entry in c. sharpe's scant discography. every little bit helps...

freddie redd's lonely city arrived today, and i just listened. all i can say is that it's really a drag that working groups were a thing of the past, even by 1985, when this was recorded. these are superb players, 'every chair', but it sounds like there just wasn't enough rehearsal time to make freddie redd's tricky, difficult music with long forms come off properly. (believe me, i know the feeling). it sounds like they are reading the changes on the solos, and it never really catches fire the way it would have had freddie redd been able to scare up some gigs first for this great band. that's the economics of jazz, plain and simple. as some musician replied to an interviewer's question about whether jazz had been 'affected by the economic downturn': 'economic downturn? jazz IS the economic downturn!'. well, at least this is another entry in c. sharpe's scant discography. every little bit helps...

freddie redd's lonely city arrived today, and i just listened. all i can say is that it's really a drag that working groups were a thing of the past, even by 1985, when this was recorded. these are superb players, 'every chair', but it sounds like there just wasn't enough rehearsal time to make freddie redd's tricky, difficult music with long forms come off properly. (believe me, i know the feeling). it sounds like they are reading the changes on the solos, and it never really catches fire the way it would have had freddie redd been able to scare up some gigs first for this great band. that's the economics of jazz, plain and simple. as some musician replied to an interviewer's question about whether jazz had been 'affected by the economic downturn': 'economic downturn? jazz IS the economic downturn!'. well, at least this is another entry in c. sharpe's scant discography. every little bit helps...

freddie redd's lonely city arrived today, and i just listened. all i can say is that it's really a drag that working groups were a thing of the past, even by 1985, when this was recorded. these are superb players, 'every chair', but it sounds like there just wasn't enough rehearsal time to make freddie redd's tricky, difficult music with long forms come off properly. (believe me, i know the feeling). it sounds like they are reading the changes on the solos, and it never really catches fire the way it would have had freddie redd been able to scare up some gigs first for this great band. that's the economics of jazz, plain and simple. as some musician replied to an interviewer's question about whether jazz had been 'affected by the economic downturn': 'economic downturn? jazz IS the economic downturn!'. well, at least this is another entry in c. sharpe's scant discography. every little bit helps...

freddie redd's lonely city arrived today, and i just listened. all i can say is that it's really a drag that working groups were a thing of the past, even by 1985, when this was recorded. these are superb players, 'every chair', but it sounds like there just wasn't enough rehearsal time to make freddie redd's tricky, difficult music with long forms come off properly. (believe me, i know the feeling). it sounds like they are reading the changes on the solos, and it never really catches fire the way it would have had freddie redd been able to scare up some gigs first for this great band. that's the economics of jazz, plain and simple. as some musician replied to an interviewer's question about whether jazz had been 'affected by the economic downturn': 'economic downturn? jazz IS the economic downturn!'. well, at least this is another entry in c. sharpe's scant discography. every little bit helps...

freddie redd's lonely city arrived today, and i just listened. all i can say is that it's really a drag that working groups were a thing of the past, even by 1985, when this was recorded. these are superb players, 'every chair', but it sounds like there just wasn't enough rehearsal time to make freddie redd's tricky, difficult music with long forms come off properly. (believe me, i know the feeling). it sounds like they are reading the changes on the solos, and it never really catches fire the way it would have had freddie redd been able to scare up some gigs first for this great band. that's the economics of jazz, plain and simple. as some musician replied to an interviewer's question about whether jazz had been 'affected by the economic downturn': 'economic downturn? jazz IS the economic downturn!'. well, at least this is another entry in c. sharpe's scant discography. every little bit helps...

freddie redd's lonely city arrived today, and i just listened. all i can say is that it's really a drag that working groups were a thing of the past, even by 1985, when this was recorded. these are superb players, 'every chair', but it sounds like there just wasn't enough rehearsal time to make freddie redd's tricky, difficult music with long forms come off properly. (believe me, i know the feeling). it sounds like they are reading the changes on the solos, and it never really catches fire the way it would have had freddie redd been able to scare up some gigs first for this great band. that's the economics of jazz, plain and simple. as some musician replied to an interviewer's question about whether jazz had been 'affected by the economic downturn': 'economic downturn? jazz IS the economic downturn!'. well, at least this is another entry in c. sharpe's scant discography. every little bit helps...

freddie redd's lonely city arrived today, and i just listened. all i can say is that it's really a drag that working groups were a thing of the past, even by 1985, when this was recorded. these are superb players, 'every chair', but it sounds like there just wasn't enough rehearsal time to make freddie redd's tricky, difficult music with long forms come off properly. (believe me, i know the feeling). it sounds like they are reading the changes on the solos, and it never really catches fire the way it would have had freddie redd been able to scare up some gigs first for this great band. that's the economics of jazz, plain and simple. as some musician replied to an interviewer's question about whether jazz had been 'affected by the economic downturn': 'economic downturn? jazz IS the economic downturn!'. well, at least this is another entry in c. sharpe's scant discography. every little bit helps...

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