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Sonny Rollins


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I don't know how I've missed out on this album for so long. I don't recall ever reading much about it online, here or otherwise, and for whatever reason, Sonny Rollins' recordings are hard to find in my world.

This is an amazing album. I got the RVG a few months back after being haunted by the memory of "Misterioso" at my brother's apartment way back when.

Why isn't this album talked about more often? It's got everything, which of course includes two Monk tunes. One of which features both Monk and Horace Silver in unison on the head!

Why isn't this cut talked about more often? This has to be an anomaly in jazz. Not only is this an amazing tune, but the lineup here, and the arrangement.

The way Sonny comes in on that opening solo is so classic. Then JJ dances with Monk...

and that take of Reflections ain't bad either. Almost definitive.

Where is everyone on this? I've been loving this album. :excited:

edit: added photo

Edited by .:.impossible
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My favorite Sonny album. Period! Horace and Monk COOK on "Misterioso!" I heard "Wail March" on the radio and bought the CD as soon as I could find a record store. That's how good it is! Plus it's got Blakey on it! After hearing "Reflections," I've always wished that the quartet of Rollins-Monk-Chambers-Blakey had made a full album together. Non-stop-bop from the masters of the form, and J.J. kicks ass throughout and damn-near steals the show!

In short, I LOVE THIS ALBUM!!! :excited::excited::excited:

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J.J. kicks ass throughout and damn-near steals the show!

In short, I LOVE THIS ALBUM!!! :excited::excited::excited:

As my avatar indicates I'm a big Newk nut. But concerning J.J., I once had the pleasure of running into him (1976) on a boat to Catalina Island. He looked very much the tourist with a camera around his neck. Recognizing him, we got into a great conversation....he pegged me as being from New York immediately. I told him that my favorite stuff of his was on two dates where he was a sideman, the aforementioned Rollins, Vol. 2 and Horace Silver's Cape Verdean Blues. He agreed that those albums contained some of his best work.


Back to Rollins, Vol. 2 is a killer and certainly my favorite of the Blue Note recordings. Nobody has yet mentioned the terrific version of "You Stepped Out of a Dream". It's rare to hear cooking like that anymore.

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I think it's interesting to contrast/compare the tenor/trombone front line here with the Period date w/Jimmy Cleveland. Newk had a really interesting group sound happening there for a quick minute. In fact, he STILL uses the instrumentation today, so there must be something there that gets to him.

As for why it's not mentioned more, it's easier to assume that the default status for a Rollins session from the 50s is "great", that's why. ;)

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I'm sure there are a lot of classics- by Sonny and many others- that we sort of take for granted and don't discuss very often.

I think NEWK'S TIME (Wynton Kelly, Doug Watkins, Philly Joe Jones) is one that doesn't get mentioned often enough (no doubt in part due to the aforementioned "default status" of his 50's work).

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Back to Rollins, Vol. 2 is a killer and certainly my favorite of the Blue Note recordings. Nobody has yet mentioned the terrific version of "You Stepped Out of a Dream". It's rare to hear cooking like that anymore.

You got THAT right! Doncha just love the way Rollins holds that note between the end of the head and the beginning of the soloing? Talk about cranking up the intensity a notch!

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What really stands out about this session, maybe more from a discographical persepctive, is the take of "Misterioso" with both Monk and Horace Silver. Seems to me this would be more of a historical event, Monk sharing the bench on his own tune.

I am surprised I never knew about this.

I don't have many recordings with two pianists in a rhythm section. Are there other examples of this?

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