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Everything posted by BillF

  1. Candy Finch Christopher Wren Mark Nightingale
  2. Milton Jones John Milton Milt(on) Jackson
  3. My nervousness has increased this morning on hearing that insurers are factoring in a one-in-twenty chance of the UK defaulting and that ex-cabinet minister, Peter Hain, is calling for an emergency plan for the provision of water, power and trains in case the companies providing them fail!
  4. Almost as great as that jazz title, "The Big Noise From Winnetka"!
  5. Bill - you're as safe as houses. Did I say 'houses'? I hope you're right, Sidewinder. I have a nervous disposition
  6. Michael Barrymore Stuart Lubbock Eric Lubbock
  7. Dean Moriarty Professor Moriarty Count Jim Moriarty
  8. Junior Mance discusses his records with Alyn Shipton on Jazz Library from BBC Radio 3. Great show, which can be heard on www.bbc.co.uk/radio3.
  9. Diz Disley Jeff Green Ken Sikora (British guitarists)
  10. Walter Pater Hairy Bikers Max Headroom
  11. My wife and I have four pensions - all from government sources, as we were both employed in education. We no longer have a mortgage and our savings are divided equally between government National Savings and a building society which has remained mutual, i.e. never floated on the stock exchange and retaining a communal aspect. But I'm still worried!
  12. Casey Jones John Axon the Railwayman Long John from Bowling Green
  13. Horace Silver and the Jazz Messengers (Blue Note 1518)
  14. Monk birthday special on WKCR. Now playing: "Ask Me Now" from 5 by Monk by 5.
  15. Already been listening to it, aloc. Missed part of Tuesday's live broadcast of Bebop Spoken Here.
  16. "The Duke Pearson Songbook" on Night Lights From WFIU.
  17. Looks good, aloc! I also have Lenny on vinyl: a Fantasy twofer called The Real Lenny Bruce.
  18. Great news, Bill! I'll certainly be making use of that!
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