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Everything posted by BillF

  1. Glad you've picked a picture that looks like you, Niko. I always find it a bit disconcerting not to know whether or not I'm looking at an image or near-image of the poster. I mean, does Allen Lowe really look like one of Richard Nixon's seedier henchmen? Or does medjuck look like Clarence Williams - or is that a photo of someone else?
  2. One of my favourites. Earlier van Vogt is inventive and nutty, kind of like of Chewy post. The later books are unintelligible and lose the fun. Meanwhile, I'm reading Emma by Jane Austen, which is fabulous. Glad Jane Austen doesn't post here, all the same. I'll settle for Chewy
  3. seems it's time to start the "do you have a beard" poll... Well, if that's your portrait I'm looking at, we know the answer!
  4. A Y Jackson Frank Johnston A J Casson Members of Group of Seven of Canadian artists.
  5. Carol Levis Hughie Green Bernard Braden (Canadians who were once British TV stars)
  6. Mistress Quickly Doll Tearsheet Ensign Pistol
  7. "Last of the Lions: Gerald Wilson" on Night Lights from WFIU.
  8. Frank Hampson Kev F Sutherland Jamie Smart
  9. Frank Bascombe Harry Angstrom Nick Adams (protagonists in 20th century American fiction)
  10. Now reading J G Ballard's Cocaine Nights and it's going very well
  11. Richard "Stinker" Murdoch Arthur Askey Kenneth Horne
  12. Dr Watson Sherlock Holmes Richard "Groove" Holmes
  13. It's a Brit thing in another sense, Larry. Unlike you, Cook and Morton as commentators on the 20th century American music called jazz lack two factors: not American and too young to be around when much of it happened - hence the emphasis on records. There's a fallacy in that idea, Bill - the idea that someone present in an historic period will have a greater understanding than someone looking back to it from much later. But someone present in that historical period will have a perspective that others will never have.
  14. It's a Brit thing in another sense, Larry. Unlike you, Cook and Morton as commentators on the 20th century American music called jazz lack two factors: not American and too young to be around when much of it happened - hence the emphasis on records.
  15. Bebop Spoken Here from KBCS Now playing: "Cheryl" from It's Time for Dave Pike (Riverside)
  16. Ah, so it's a book! (I only know it as a Charlie Mariano composition.)
  17. Several copies in Manchester Public Libraries. Guess you're living in the wrong place (I haven't read it yet.)
  18. Mark Nightingale Bill Crow Charlie Byrd
  19. Mike and Bernie Winters Ann Summers Reuben McFall
  20. You, sir, have been officially cut out of my will! Great! So can I have your records?
  21. I've read 26, but they were probably more accessible over here!
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