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Posts posted by couw

  1. Too bad there aren't any Three Sounds covers that are really conducive to this sort of thing, though I guess you could take the "Bottoms Up" cover and have the three drain their glasses.

    I tried to make something out of Bottoms Up, but it's too difficult to do if you want it to be classy. Because I doubt you want James T popping up emptying the glasses with a straw... (though that's a neat idea as well :w )

    So, I did Live at the Lighthouse instead


    and as always, a big one: 3 Sounds - Live at the Lighthouse (650Kb)

  2. 8) Albert Mangelsdorff Quintet

    "Now Jazz Ramwong"

    (Pacific Jazz ST-20095) $25

    Albert's pre multiphonic period. Great European post-bop w/ Gunter Kronberg, Heinz Sauer. Gunter Lenz and Ralf Hubner

    This is definitely among my choice for the proverbial desert island. I don't know whether the price is good, but I do know this one is a bitch to find on CD. The first time I spinned my GDR Amiga LP pressing I went ape shit.

    Just that you know.

  3. Sorry for the late response, my wife had her birthday and we went on a small trip over the weekend. Jim sent me a mail in the meantime that he'd be breaking the big news here. Thanks for the positive response guys!

    The personal circumstances Jim alludes to are connected to my grant money having dried up. So I thought if I don't do this NOW, who knows WHEN I will be able to. Although I am working on getting another grant, these things are almost a lottery and it's hard to look very far ahead. Anyhow, now I have a bit more time (I work a lot at home now and can listen during that) and I have in fact already made my compilation.

    I have been working with a theme, more to constrain myself than to provide you with any clues. :P I can assure you that I have not focused on way weird & obscure stuff, but I do hope to put some music many of you may actually have into a new light.

    I have succeeded in finding out how the German postal system works and have recently sent a single CDr to Switzerland for one measley euro. Costs for sending disks across the ocean would amount to 1.50EUR, I was assured. So it looks like I can keep the costs down. Still, in light of my current monetary situation I would very much appreciate some modest help from across the waters. It would hurt much less if the spending were spread over time and I will certainly be willing to help others out as a return favour by sending disks out within Europe.

  4. So what does constitute a liberal Quaker?

    Does Mr Oats have to marry Aunt Jemima to prove his liberalness?

    Oh no, that would be too, uh, real.

    He just has to scorn those who would disaprove of it...

    this is getting too deep for me...

    scorning people for in principle opposing to something that he will never do cause it's too real. and you all want that in ONE pic?

    and my train is leaving soon so I'm off...

  5. Your girlfriend will not like it, but from an intellectual point of view, you cannot pass by FREE JAZZ by Ornette Coleman.

    Actually, a friend of mine teaches art at a school for kids between 12 and 18 where he also covers music history. He mentioned some disks he got through the school which had (part of) Free Jazz on it. He played it in class and got a lot of strange looks....

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