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Posts posted by Pim

  1. 11 minutes ago, carville said:

    Any idea on who is in the trio Pim?

    No idea… I assume it’s a French recording so there’s a chance of Patrice Caratini on bass. Excellent player he is. Guy Hayat or Kenny Clarke on drums? Or perhaps he was gigging with Isla Eckinger and Fred Braceful? He was playing with so many musicians those days.

    We’ll see. I’m happy anyway ;)

  2. Oh my…. Thanks so much for noticing! Mal did not record a lot those last years of the ‘70’s. Also: time to write a new review :)

    this might turn out to be a good year for Mal Waldron fans. End of this year or beginning of 2023 Sam records will release an unissued trio session by Mal from 1970. Now that was one hell of a strong period for Mal!

  3. Thanks guys for your enthusiastic responses here! It was as always a pleasure organizing one and I know how hard it can be to make a little time to participate. Hope that the ones who did not attend but will listen anyway still share their thoughts on the music here! 

  4. 1 hour ago, mjazzg said:

    With an Obi too! 

    Haha oh yes I always like it when it’s included. All in near mint condition (only a small sticker visible on my picture on the obi). I think I’ve paid 50 euros for it back than which I already thought to be a ridiculous amount of money but saw on Discogs it has gone up again.

  5. My02Mjg1LnBuZw.jpeg

    1. Khan Jamal - The Known Unknown (from Infinity) 

    Surprised me nobody got this one right. I’m pretty sure some know the album and absolutely sure everybody knows Jamal. I love vibists and I love the adventurous kind even more. Of course most people thought of Hutch immediatly, whom I also love to death. This excellent got a recent reissue. It's with Byard Lancaster and Dwight James. That alone should spark some interest.



    2. David Friesen - For Toby (from Mal Waldron Encounters David Friesen)

    Okay so this is originally a Waldron album but he does not play on this track. Friesen wrote this solo bass piece for his son and overdubs himself. It’s a beautiful personal statement with folkish influences. I interviewed Friesen for my Mal blog. Such a friendly and humble guy, full of great stories. 



    3. Chet Baker - Sad Walk (from Chet Baker quartet with Dick Twardzik)

    I do not consider myself a huge Chet fan but his Barclay sessions…. men I love those. The atmosphere trough all those recordings is magical. I now realize that Sad Walk is hardly the best track but it’s still good. The whole ‘50’s Paris atmosphere it’s breathing: it’s truly desert island material to me. Have to say I mostly like Chet’s 50’s records overall. 



    4. Amir ElSaffar - Venus, the Evening Star (from Inana) 

    Amirs father is an Iraqi and that influence is evident trough his music. A relatively young talented trumpeter that makes beautiful crossovers between advanced modern jazz and traditional Arab music. Mjazzg had the artist right!



    5. Takeo Moriyama - Smile (from Smile)

    Lots of wild guesses on this one. The link with Elvin Jones and McCoy Tyner is pretty evident. I got to know Takeo trough his duets with Mal (highly recommended!) and he led one hell of a band on this record. Creative and full of fresh energy. 



    6. Elmo Hope - Liza (from Hope-Full)

    Nobody identified Elmo and aint that the story of his life. From the first moment I heard him play I fell in love with his sound. To me he’s one of the most underrated musicians in jazz. Herbie Nichols suffered the same fait but at least got some credit posthumously. This solo/duo (with his wife Bertha) disc is a great opportunity to hear him stretch out solo. On my pick he does a little stride piano. It says a lot some people thought they were listening to a modern jazz pianist 



    7. Roswell Rudd with The Mongolian Buryat Band (from Blue Mongol)

    What a guy this is. Roswell Rudd: always with open ears and a big heart for all kinds of music he decided to work with Mongolian throat singers. This is not an everyday listen but inrueging and interesting stuff all the way trough. 



    8. Vijay Iyer/Linda May Han Oh/ Tyshawn Sorey - Children of Flint (from Uneasy)

    Lots of guesses on this one! I recall Bobo Stenson, Marcin Wasliwenski, Marylinn Crispell. It is an ECM trio. This Vijay Iyer record might be my favorite 2021 release. Excellent interplay with both Han Oh as with Sorey. As with Avishai Cohen it surprises me how little attention these guys get around here. 



    9. Buddy Tate/Dollar Brand - In A Sentimental Mood (from Buddy Tate meets Dollar Brand)

    I really love Abdullah Ibrahim. I love him. This is far from his best session but i’ts great nevertheless. I especially love the fact how he adjusts to Buddy Tates sound. This was after all the period Ibrahim was playing in a more free oriented style. Song was Id’d by Dub Modal. Artist and album by Tom Keith. 



    10. Avishai Cohen - Eleven Wives (from Gently Disturbed)

    Avishai is a great bassist. A virtuoso pur sang with catchy themes that are rooted in jazz and Jewish music. Always suprises me het gets so little attention here on the board but that goes for more modern jazz players. I really loved this album and From Darkness and Continuo. But when he started singing on his last albums he’s lost me as a fan. Eleven wives sounds like my personal hell. One is more than enough .



    11. Mal Waldron - Sakura (from Two New)

    This one is probably best known in group form with Eddie Henderson, Reggie Workman and Pheeroan Aklaff from the album ‘Where Are You’. The version here is from the duo album with British reed player George Haslam but Haslam is not on this track. Picked this as it’s a typical Mal song. It’s dark, tense and influenced by Japanese music. I love it but was not the most popular pick this BFT. Artist was Id’d by Randy Hersom. Composition was guessed by Oliver.

  6. Not the best Blue Note session nor Trane’s best record. But i still like it a lot! Says it all about the quality of Tranes output. This was one of the first jazz cd’s I bought myself. I must have been 15 years old or something like that.

    I still needed this on vinyl and this is a great opportunity to get it in high resolution. Of course I could make some cynical remarks about the ridiculous price but I’ll get it anyway.

  7. 2 hours ago, tkeith said:

    Apologies for the delay in getting to this.  I had a good start, then life through curves (including Covid), but I finally got my ears to the rest of it.

    thanks for attending Tom and glad you’re recovered from that nasty virus. 

    Track 01 - Yes, please.  Sound is a little strange (VERY strong channel separation), but music is spot on.  Drums have that light sound of a Theresa Records recording.  Not much in the way of effects on the vibes, a very clean sound.  Patient improviser, as well.  Pianist is a bit over-zealous at times, but this really works.  Hmmm... who it isn't:  Joe Bonner, Cecil McBee... who it is?  Having a bit more trouble there.  Almost wondering if this might be Embryo doing another crossover project, but this sounds definitively like a group of Jazz players.
    Its the vibist date. It’s definitely in that McBee/Bonner alley. You’d probably were aware of the fact that I like them a lot.  

    Track 02 - It's interesting, but I don't care for that bass.  Electrified of some sort.  Doesn't quite hit the mark, but it IS interesting.

    Track 03 - Like the understated trumpet, but unsure who it is.  Something very Brubeck about the piano.  Like the use of the arco bass on the melody, too.  Nice cut, but I can't put a finger on it.  I don't think I know these players.

    Oh Tom I’d bet my life on it that you know this trumpet player. Pretty sure you know the pianist as well.

    Track 04 - This is pretty tasty.  A bit busy, but works quite well.  Writing makes me think Jerry Sabatini, but that doesn't sound like his trumpet work.  The setting is nice for the soloists, but feels like they didn't really make the most of it.  I wanted the tenor player to cut loose, but all I'm hearing is the practice room, and I'll never understand why this happens.  Overall, this seems like it wants to be in the vein of Old and New Dreams, but to my ear, doesn't quite make it (despite the stellar bass work).  
    Well these guys might be a little too schooled here and there. Fresh talent. They got the world influences in common with OAND.

    Track 05 - First impressions were 70s Messengers.  Then the horns came in and it felt almost like Elvin's Jazz Machine.  It's neither of those, but seems heavily indebted to both (not a bad thing at all).  Maybe Franklin Kiermyer on drums?  I like this better than the last cut, but the tenors, particularly the second, seem to suffer from the same issue.  There's a great energy built up for them to plug into, then they just don't.  By the time the second guy digs in, he's lost me.  If you cut the first section of his solo out, you've got a pretty good solo.  As it stands, it just misses the mark, despite the drummer absolutely kicking their ass.  Some definite McCoyisms from the pianist, but I don't think it's the Master himself.  Still, nice open chord voicings, struck convincingly, and it fits the mood built by the drums/bass.  Really like this pianist.  Like McCoy on decaf!  Oh wait, the espresso just kicked in.  If the tenor players could match this fire, this cut would have been something intense.  As it is, it's a good track, but it had the potential to be epic.  That surely sounds like Kiermyer going full Elvin.  

    It’s not Kiermeyer nor Elvin but the drummer was definitely influenced by Jones. It’s his date.

    Track 06 - Almost has me thinking Hank Jones when he gets into the stride feel.  No idea, but this is very nice.


    Track 07 - Actually really appreciate Tuvan throat singing, but frustrated that I can't do it.  This person clearly can.  I'm not convinced it works, here, but neither am I convinced it doesn't.  I like the understated trombone work, but I'm not fully feeling the mix of these two voices.  It's neat, but not sure I need it.

    Track 08 - Certainly has an ECM feel.  Not as flashy as Michel Petrucciani, maybe Bobo Stenson?  It's nice, but that's also where it's problems lie -- it's a bit polite.

    It’s not Stenson. Don’t really like him. This is one of the nicer tracks from the album. There are definitely more tense tracks as well.

    Track 09 - Wait, I have this.  I know I do.  AH!  At 2:17-2:38 it reveals itself distinctly.  It's from this, one of my favorite albums from my early teen years.  Of course, if it hadn't revealed itself, once the big guy comes in, you'd know it.

    Bingo! That’s a full id on that one!

    Track 10 - Quite reminiscent of a tune from a Connecticut band in the early oughts called The Jazz Aesthetic.  They showed up on one of my BFTs.  I will guarantee this is NOT them.  :D Something about the feel has me leaning Vijay Iyer.  A bit mathjazzy for my liking, but I know a lot of folks I play with would love it.  Given that statement and the busy drumming, I have to wonder if that's Brian Blade.

    I could see why you’d think of him. Definitely jazz modernists.

    Track 11 - Nice voicings.  I desperately want this to be a Mal Waldron cut, but it isn't.  Surely has his feel, though.  Wait!  At 2:14, there's no way this ISN'T Mal!  But what?  Digging through my Mal stash, I don't have it.  Perhaps just a sycophant's take?  It's excellent, whatever it is, but now I'm going to not sleep.

    Yeah this is definitely Mal! You shouldn’t be mad at yourself as you probably don’t own his whole 140+ album discography :P


    2 hours ago, tkeith said: 
  8. Very sorry to hear this! I know from own experience (a mother with serious mental health issues) how hard it is trying to help someone who’s struggling that way. i also know from experience that everybody will give ‘good advice’ from best intentions but that most of that advice is or not realistic or just not very helpful. And now I am going to do the same to you. So maybe it’s a little helpful and if not: just forget what I say.

    To me it really sounds you already know what the big problem is. Menopauze is one thing but that’s not something you can control. But your wifes job IS something within your circle of control. It really sounds like the job is killing your wife mentally. And than youre going to reach a point that you have to ask yourself: should I really continue with this job that is making me so unhappy or should I quit and find something that will give me energy and strength again. 

    Now this comes from a guy who hasnt the slightest knowledge of your financial situation so forgive me if this just aint an opportunity. But if it is: i really think she should find another job, maybe something completely different. Those pills are just symptom suppression but the cause remains the same. Hope you will be careful with that kind of medication as I know from own experience (my mom again) that stuff is really unhealthy and risky. 

    Forgive me if I didnt read well but youre wife is not seeing a psychiatrist yet? That might be of help as well, though it of course depends on the person she will be seeing. Some of them are good, some are of no use. 

    Last but not least: you’re wife really needs time for herself. She has to find herself again in the better things of life. Picking up an old hobby is an idea, going for long walks in nature another and finally working out and eating healthy is essential. All these kind of things will not help instantly but do help a lot on the longer term and the absence of these things makes one unhappy and hard to relax.

    Part from this, I just want to wish you and youre wife the best. I sincerely hope she will get the right self insight to change the factors in her life that make her unhappy. 


  9. 4 minutes ago, Rooster_Ties said:

    I mostly agree about Hope, or he’s darn, darn close. I only bought my first (ever!) Hope leader-dates just this year — and I’m slowly finding him to definitely be half a revelation.

    You may have seen this, but Shipp mentions Hope in the article thusly…

    > I have wrestled with whether Elmo Hope belongs in the group. I am not sure. I go back and forth for different reasons. If he is, a lot of it would be because of his influence on Hasaan Ibn Ali, who is another extreme of an ultimate example of this.

    Yeah I was kind of refering to his statement ;)

  10. 22 hours ago, webbcity said:

    Here are my thoughts, jotted down as I listened. I haven't looked at any of the above to see if I'm at all in the right ballpark on these, but I didn't have a lot of guesses. For me though the point is usually to hear & enjoy some new music without prejudice. 

    Track 1 - This is the kind of stuff I love. Right off the bat I'm thinking Hutcherson, Tyner, Higgins... but it becomes quickly clear none of those guesses are right! The vibraphonist is a lot stiffer, more analytical than Hutch. As much as I love the overall sound here, the solos aren't really grabbing me. So I have mixed opinions on this one. It never fully gets off the ground for me. Curious to know who it is though.

    its not Hutch but I could see why you’d think that. 

    Track 2 - At the start I'm hearing hints of Jaco, enough to make me think this is an electric bass, but in fact I think it's just a very "electric" sounding upright. Beautiful tone. I really like the little chord sequence a few minutes in, with the soloing over the top. Sounds to me like that's overdubbing and not 2 bass players. Any chance this is Eberhard Weber? I'm not really confident in that guess though... I suspect that's wrong. Whoever it is, I really enjoyed this.

    not Weber but it is a little in that style. The bassist here is indeed overdubbing his own playing. 

    Track 3 - I'm drawn in by the trumpet player, who has a beautiful, tender approach to his/her instrument. I'm hanging on every note. Nice subdued piano solo also. No guesses on this one, but I'm very curious. This took me to a nice place.

    Track 4 - This is interesting! The only point of comparison I have is Masada, who I haven't listened to in years. But this sounds like a different bag really, way more "authentic," to my ears. I love the rhythms and the lines. And that's some kind of middle eastern stringed instrument in there too? Hmmm... the approach of the tenor player certainly sounds western though. Great solo! And the next solo too. So is that an oud? I should know this. Damn this is great. What a trumpet solo! OK...there is not a weak soloist on this. The bass player is ridiculous! Anxious for the reveal on this one.

    theres definitely an Oud to be heard here. Unlike Masada no clezmer/jewish roots here but Arab music.

    Track 5 - Well this already sounds like it's going somewhere I like. :) Right out of the gate, loving the bass/drums groove and those harmonized horn lines. Really getting into that ride cymbal! I should absolutely know this tenor player, this is so up my alley. Not sure I can ID him though. Damn!! This thing is lifting up into the sky. Oh now hang on. This has got to be McCoy? Burnin! And now this is one hell of an athletic drum solo. It sounds so much like one of Tyner's groups, but it can't be, can it? I'm a little baffled. I need this though!

    not McCoy but you are not the first one thinking of him! 

    Track 6 - The whole-tone-ish intro led me to believe we were going elsewhere, kind of interesting the way it settled out into more standard territory. That's making it a little difficult to place for me, but I do really like how a lot of ground is covered in this short time. Ultimately it sounds like a 60s recording I think? Very nice stuff.

    yeah you’ve got the decade right! 

    Track 7 - Well if throat singing and trombone isn't a great combo, I don't know what is. The hardest part with this for me is that the throat singing draws my attention so much that I worry I'm not paying enough attention to the trombonist. But that's a beautiful trombone sound. I really like the freedom too, the moves they're making over the top of the drones. The overtones from the throat singer are wild! Some great stuff happening here. It also makes me want to hear the trombonist in a different group setting. This is cool!

    im pretty sure youve heard the trombone player in other settings ;)

    Track 8 - Nice space, respect for silence and openness. The sound of the group is very European to me. I'm also not hearing a lot in the way of strong melodies and it's a little clinical for my tastes. They obviously play well together, it's very well done, just doesn't really reach me personally.

    this is a 100% American piano trio!

    Track 9 - Ooooh, this is nice, I really like this piano player. Beautiful! Ah! In a Sentimental Mood. The bass sure is high in the mix... not that it's a bad thing. :) This has got to be from the 70s. Wasn't expecting a saxophonist too. What a great, breathy sound. This is called really inhabiting the tune... I'm kinda liking how they stay so close to the theme, with some nice touches added. I honestly want to hear more from the pianist, I think I got faked out by that long intro and was hoping for more piano solo. But that's not to take away from this stunning tenor player. Love this all the way around.

    Track 10 - This one is kind of rhythmically interesting but it's in that space of Too much head, not enough heart for me. Technically very good but it doesn't say a lot to me.

    Track 11 - This isn't hitting me either, but it could be the mood I'm in. Definitely a dark, foreboding kind of feeling here. This person definitely knows how to get a "big" sound out of the piano.


    All in all, some excellent music here. As I noted there are several tunes I'm dying to learn more about. Thanks so much for your efforts putting this together!

    Thanks for your enthusiasm and kind response. Makes it really worth participating in this thing :)

  11. 12 hours ago, OliverM said:

    Hi, enjoyed listening to the selection.

    Baker/ Twardzik: great partnership.

    I've heard number 8, searching for it.

    Track 11 is japanese traditional "Sakura", haven't heard this Mal album.

    No other guesses? 😊

  12. 10 hours ago, felser said:

    'Rumasuma' is badly in need of a CD issue.  Should have been a no-brainer OJC.  We've been waiting for over 30 years!  The other huge miss by OJC is 'Home' by Gary Bartz with Woody Shaw.

    Fully agree! Simmons remains such a underrated figure. I’ve always loved the way he connected bop and free jazz and his warm voice. A very creative and original artist. I always wonder why for instance the Japanese reissue companies never issued such a record as Rumasuma. Glad I secured a vinyl copy last year.

  13. None of their albums is bad. It’s just that with these names, you expect a little more. And you start listening with those high expectations and feel disappointed when it sounds like a solid but average bop date. 

    The Cookers are a group that do make up high expectations though I don’t see a connection either.

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