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Jim Alfredson

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Status Updates posted by Jim Alfredson

  1. Copenhagen, Denmark. Just hanging at the airport, waiting for our flight to Norway. Nice joint! :)

  2. In France, chillin' until we fly into Norway tomorrow.

  3. Day off in Switzerland. Life is good.

  4. Off to Switzerland to play the Sierre Blues Festival tonight!

  5. Belgium, what's up? 6 hours of sleep and it's know almost 7pm. Hope I can get to sleep tonight. The plane ride was atrocious but hey, I'm in mf'ing Belgium!!! BELGIUM, MAN!

  6. Off to Europe for the third time this year. Belgium, Switzerland, and Norway. Should be a fun trip!

  7. Three gigs kickin' bass this weekend. I haven't done an organ trio gig since early May. My left leg is about to fall off! I'm out of shape on the bass pedals!

  8. Ah, technology. I just saw my new laptop, which I bought about three months ago, on sale at Staples for $400 less than I paid. >:/ Oh well. I'm still enjoying this computer!

  9. I have never seen the neighbor's daughter, who is 2 months younger than my own Scarlett (22 months), outside other than on their little upper deck, which is about the size of a truck bed. They also have a huge dog they never walk. [sigh]

  10. Back home. On the hunt for a minivan. Got about $6k in cash to play with. I want a 2005 or newer with low miles (less than 90k). Ideas?

  11. Nothing like getting up at 3:45am to go to the airport. Oh well. Got upgraded to 1st class for the flight to Minneapolis and probably on the one to Detroit as well. And I'll be back with my babies by 3pm. Life is good!

  12. Going to check out the opportunities for becoming a dental floss tycoon in Montana tomorrow after I fly out to play the Magic City Blues Festival in Billings on Friday night! I packed my heavy duty zircon encrusted tweezers in my carry-on.

  13. Traveler's Tip: They should rename the restaurant TGIF to TSID. My stomach (and the rest) has been rolling since I ate a burger in the one at the Minneapolis airport yesterday evening. Good Lord, sweet baby Jesus! Save me!

  14. Ok, so both my vans are dead. Crap. Anyone know of a church or individual who wants a mint '74 B3 with a 122 Leslie? I'll let it go cheap.

  15. Home. Home. Home. Soon.

  16. The jam earlier today was a lot of fun. It was Janiva and the band with three members of the Preservation Hall Brass Band, Joe Louis Walker, Duke Robbilard, Colin Linden, and John Mayall! A good time was had by all! We'll see who comes out to the jam tonight that we're hosting as well!

  17. Playing the Calgary International Blues Festival tonight! Hopefully this head cold will subside by this evening. Love my kids, but they are little germinators! :)

  18. Whoa. Just got an automatic First Class upgrade via Delta for my flight to Edmonton tomorrow. That's a first for me. It pays to be Silver Medallion. :D

  19. Goodbye, office computer that I built in January of 2000. It still works, but I replaced the guts (mobo, RAM, CPU, PSU... basically just kept the harddrives) with my old music machine. 11 years is pretty good!

  20. Thinking of subscribing to Sound On Sound. Thoughts?

  21. Oh window air conditioning units, how I love thee.

  22. Home again, home again. Jiggety jig.

  23. At the Kansas City airport. Heading home in a few hours. Big thanks to my bud Greg Nagy for picking me up at Flint Bishop and taking me home to my lovely wife and kids. Cannot wait!

  24. Festival in Prairie du Chene, Wisconsin tonight. Home tomorrow. Yay!

  25. I didn't have high hopes going into tonight's gig just in terms of the venue, the early start time, and my own weariness. And yet it turned out to be more fun (and with the nicest people) than I could've imagined! Ever have that happen to you? On to Burlington, IA tomorrow to play at The Washington. Great club!

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