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Posts posted by Coda

  1. 8905f3ff-74cc-4a71-b21e-a55eaf7af856-ori

    So I guess I can tell you now. Bootsy Collins and I weren’t simply just hanging out between my New Jawn gigs these last few days, we got down in the studio last night. Let me tell you something, this thing is....never mind. Y’all simply ain’t ready. You’re just not. 😉 ‬  Christian McBride post on LinkedIn

  2. Visualizing 40 Years of Music Industry Sales


    Gone are the days when people would line up at the music shop for a hot new release. In fact, CD sales are down 80% in the past decade. Today, physical format sales only account for 17% of the industry’s revenue.

    There is, however, one bright spot in physical format segment: vinyl. In 2017, vinyl sales hit 25-year high after making a slow and steady comeback.



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