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Posts posted by Coda

  1. I wanted something to wake me up this morning


    Bill Dixon: trumpet/composer
    Graham Haynes: cornet/flugelhorn
    Stephen Haynes: cornet/flugelhorn
    Taylor Ho Bynum: cornet/flugelhorn
    Dick Griffin: tenor trombone
    Steve Swell: tenor trombone
    Joseph Daley: tuba
    Karen Borca: bassoon
    Will Connell: bass clarinet
    Michel Côté: Bb contrabass clarinet
    Andrew Raffo Dewar: soprano saxophone
    John Hagen: tenor & baritone saxophones
    JD Parran: bass saxophone, bamboo flute
    Andrew Lafkas: bass
    Glynis Loman: cello
    Jackson Krall: drums & percussion
    Warren Smith: vibraphone, tympani & drums

  2. This problem seems to be limited to Supermicro computers but when the full extent of this is revealed, we may find other OMDs, BIOS manufacturers, Wireless SOC and general purpose SOC products have been compromised.  One of the uncomfortable realizations is virtual fab companies can license an ARM design and build a SOC that contains functions that cannot be defined from outside the chip.

    This could be as bad as Meltdown and Spectre (still not fixed). 

    There isn't much we consumers can do to limit exposure.   My advice would be to not purchase a new computer for the next couple years if at all possible.  Wait for new architectures and new CPU chips to be designed and brought to market.   If you must buy now, get Intel inside, not ARM.

  3. Brooke Sofferman - The Green Between

    Abby Aronson    Vocals
    Jerry Bergonzi    Guest Artist, Sax (Tenor)
    Jacques Chanier    Piano
    Phil Grenadier    Trumpet
    Thomson Kneeland    Bass
    Peter Kontrimas    Engineer, Mastering, Mixing
    Brooke Sofferman    Arranger, Composer, Drums, Liner Notes, Mastering, Mixing, Percussion, Primary Artist
    Norm Zocher  Guitar


  4. Forest Boats by Wing Walker Orchestra


    About five years ago, I started Wing Walker Orchestra. Forest Boats is the first song I composed. Around this time, I was watching a lot of films by Michel Gondry. I wanted to capture the feeling of the music in these films - mostly composed by Jon Brion. His movies and the music for them are melancholy, folksy, and quirky. 

    Forest Boats is very simple and almost naive in a way - like children’s music. Even though it isn’t composed for a film, I tried to arrange the piece so it feels cinematic. Familiar characters and themes keep returning but each time they’ve evolved. 

    I learned a lot composing this and think it’s a good introduction to our band. There’s much more music to come. Thank you for listening. 

    -Drew Williams


    released September 11, 2017 
    Composed by Drew Williams 
    Produced by Alan Ferber 
    Mixed and Recorded by Chris Benham at Big Orange Sheep 
    Mastered by Joseph Branciforte at Greyfade Studios 
    Art Work by Brendan Culp 

    Alto Saxophone-Brad Mulholland 
    Tenor Saxophone - Eric Trudel 
    Bass Clarinet - Drew Williams 
    Trumpet - John Blevins 
    Trumpet - Danny Gouker 
    Trombone - Karl Lyden 
    Trombone - Nick Grinder 
    Guitar - Jeff McLaughlin 
    Piano - Marta Sánchez 
    Acoustic Bass - Adam Hopkins 
    Drums - Nathan Ellman-Bell
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