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Posts posted by GregK

  1. I must say I am always a bit suspect about people who come on here and post mainly in the politics form, there must be loads of purely political fourms on the WWW, why go to a Jazz board to do so, Bixieland never really posted in the music threads and when did it was usually asking fairly ill informed questions.IMHO.

    Then you should be suspicious of Johnny E, too.

  2. Ron,

    Radically improved? No. They're improved though I believe. A bit more open, less congested sounding. Neither are too bright. You can hold steady with the big box if you have it, you're not missing out on a trememdous new remastering. Though I DO like the way these sets are compiled thematically, makes sense and makes good listening.

    What Lon said! If you already have the old box, there really isn't a reason to upgrade. If you're like me, though, and don't have any Coltrane Prestige (or "didn't," before these boxes came out), this is definitely the way to go.

    I agree with everything above, and I'd like to add that the liner notes are worthwhile too. Plus the original album covers are reprinted in the booklet.

  3. Roscoe is very "up" for the Yugnaut concert - he's mentioned it to me twice in the last few months.

    Four Altos is Marty Ehrlich, Ned Rothenberg, Michael Attias and Andrew Laster and Third Man Trio is Han Bennink - percussion/drums, Michael Moore - reeds and Will Holshouser - accordion.

    What is yuganaut?

  4. As far as I can tell, I believe that the catalog numbers listed are for the US digipaks (I no longer have those, I have Japanese DSD versions).

    digipacks of "Agartha" and "Pangaea"? I thought there only were the jewel case Master Works vesions (with red frame, not blue)?

    I recently got those, having given up ever getting newer versions. Of all the other 2CD sets (Fillmores, In Concert etc) I got the digipack versions.

    You are correct, they never were issued in the digipak. That is why I was wondering if the box set editions were different from the currently available versions because they were not reissued along with all of the other albums 10-12 years ago.

  5. "Interesting ECM", that's the prob, the're always 'interesting', rarely exciting or funky or greasy or...

    If you are seeking funky or greasy then you're looking in the wrong place. Most ECMs are coming from a different direction. If you are attuned to that direction there's just as much excitement as anywhere else.

    I'm someone who often doesn't find funky or greasy very exciting as it can sound formulaic. The problem lies in my expectations, not the music.

    I think we've got a rich enough world of music for these things to live side by side.

    Absolutely agree, Bev. The lack of "greasiness" is what makes these interesting for me.

  6. Hey GregK, you thought MOMOFUKU was formulaic? Hadn't ever thought about that, but I can see where you're coming from even if I disagree wholeheartedly. I mean, there were a lot of times listening to that record that felt like I was listening to This Year's Model (especially "American Gangster Time"), but for me that's what makes it such a fantastic record. One can retread without rehashing, and IMO EC did that brilliantly on MOMOFUKU.

    Yes, formulaic in the sense that it has a sampling of a lot of the styles of music he's tried out in the past (it reminded me of Spike immediately). Not bad, just not nearly as interesting as Delivery Man, River in Reverse or Secret, etc.

  7. No comments on Secret, Profane, and Sugarcane?

    It's fantastic! It's the best Costello I've heard since The Delivery Man (which is my favorite of all his albums), maybe even better than that. I love the instrumentation (acoustic country/folk/bluegrass) and some of his strongest songs in at least 15 years. My only problem with it is that one of the bonus songs on the vinyl is Femme Fatale, which just sounds out of place (I've never been a big fan of Lou Reed anyway). But after the rather formulaic Momofuku, it's great to hear him sound so different.

  8. Not the most idiotic thing I've ever read on this forum, not by a long shot...

    Ok, but is it defensible? I mean come on, can anyone really say this forum is being "taken over" by all these right-wing rednecks? You gotta be kidding me...

  9. Right. I discovered Chris' new blog a couple of weeks ago and what a treat it is. I sure miss his presence on this site. The right wing rednecks who seem intent on taking over Organissimo have become a huge pain in the ass. I really can't understand people who hold those views listening to jazz. The very idea is oxymoronic. Most of the musicians I've talked to over the years seemed pretty apolitical but I doubt that many - Lionel Hampton being the only exception I can think of - ever voted Republican.

    Wow. This is now the most idiotic thing I have ever read on this forum. Amazing.

  10. Well my faith in cd shopping...in an actual store...has been restored. I decided to drive to Chicago last night (spur of the moment kind of thing) and I hit Restless Records on Milwaukee St tonight, which also happened to have an Exchange just two doors down. I went to the Exchange first and not only was I floored by the selection but the female clerk actually engaged in a jazz discussion with me. I couldn't believe it! She asked, "well what kind of jazz do you like? Smooth or the real stuff'". I said "the real stuff" and she said "oh, like Blakey and Rollins? Wayne Shorter's one of my favorites!" Then she went on to say what a great bunch of stuff they got in and that a good deal of it was OOP but they still priced them at decent prices. Man, she wasn't kidding! The highlight of that batch being "This is Tal Farlow" in the slipcase for $10!!!!!!! Really???? Plus another VEE, "Art Farmer-Benny Golson Jazztet-Here and Now" for $8! I bought those in a heartbeat. They also had the Billy Bauer VEE too, but I already own that one. And they had tons more stuff: tons of Art Farmer, Chick Corea's "Early Circle" and on and on-it was nuts! Man, browsing through bins and having that excitment of can't waiting to see what's next was a feeling I haven't had in years. Then, after an hour there, I finally made my way to Reckless a few doors down and that place was filled to the hilt with jazz cd's. I actually started to panic because I knew I was going to go over my budget, but I still ended up walking out of there nearly an hour and a half later with $125 worth of more cd's. It was so much frickin' fun going through bin after bin of jazz and having a staff that knows what's what and hanging there talking to these people about your passion. I'm sorry, but I just don't get the same satisfaction with on-line suppliers. I say, Bring back the stores!!!

    Wow. You're lucky. That experience is just so much better than what you would get from downloading.

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