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mr jazz

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Posts posted by mr jazz

  1. I'd like to amend my list of favorites to include his posthumous release, Ballads and Bossas: The Lost Sessions. This has become my favorite of his last years.

    There's also a nice Getz DVD out, The Last Recording.

    yep, B&B should be on the list. another really nice one is Voyage. My copy is German and I'm not sure it was ever relased on cd in the US. Recorded when Stan was artist in residence at Stanford and in a good place in his life as his playing demonstrates.

  2. Received the Cow Palace CD yesterday- nice package. The bonus CD wasn't included so I called the Dead today- the guy I spoke with said that they didn't get as many discs as there were pre-orders. They're getting another batch in a week or two and they will be mailed out to the people who didn't receive one.

    Haven't played the discs yet- I will tomorrow. I read the booklet though....

    You can stream Disc 2 of the set here:


    scroll down

  3. Desert Lady and Pyramid are two I like. A fine artist. The Carnegie Hall concert with the TA big band is good as well. I saw them with guest artist Frank Wess at Blues Alley in DC many moons ago. Great show.

  4. Any new gigs in D.C. planned?

    Here's a new venue you can try: Bohemian Caverns. The place was bought from the previous owners (who were crooks). The new owners are really nice; they are the sons of saxophonist Leonard Brown (who I am going to see there tonight).

    Right now they don't have a piano yet, so there's PLENTY of room for a B-3!


    Historic venue to be sure but I was there a few months ago and found it wayyyyy overpriced. Was the ownership change more recent than my visit?

  5. My copy of Ellington's 65-72 recordings "disappeared" some time ago and I need to replace it. All good suggestions above-I'd add a French cd I bought on ebay a few years ago-DE and his orchestra at the Theatre des Champs Elysees 1/29-30/65. An excellent recording and the band is in fine form with an interesting set of older and recent compositions. Disc 2 leads off with Take.... which takes a while to get going as Duke is late to the stage due to an overlong session with his hairdresser! Recommended.

  6. one of my jazz heroes-didn't realize he had served time. Thanks for the article. I first saw the Heath Brothers in college almost thirty years ago and it remains a great memory. I remember seeing the first show and then running back to the dorm to grab a few folks for the late performance-they were that good. I only wish more of their CBS recordings were available on cd. I have the collectables twofer which I think was poorly remastered-still some great music though

  7. I caught the first two sets (and was sitting along the sidewall by the air conditioner). As others have said, the band was really tight right from the gitgo. While the venue may have been challenging for getting "backfields in motion" so to speak, folks were smilin' and heads were bobbin'. I particularly enjoyed Pumpkin Pie, Smoking Section, Jimmy Smith Goes to Washington (so appropriate), Life Wish, and the new latin number (whatever that is).

    Hey mr jazz, was that you calling out for Peaches to end set 2?

    Hey Joe, is it easier to get in the zone when all the lights are on Jim and Randy, and you're set up in the shadows on the side?

    twas me indeed

  8. I am planning to be there.

    For the guys in the band: when you call Twins, they are always vague about the starting time. Sometimes they tell me 8, but they told the band 9!

    Since it's a worknight, I need to know whether I should go home and get my car, or just use the subway.

    Were you planning to hit around 8 or 9?

    Let's make sure all of us forum members find each other - it's a small place.



    Well, at this point I'm flexible early so I may get down there and grab a bite somewhere before the show. I strongly advise the subway (be sure to take the 13th street exit) as, unless you get there at 630 when rush hour parking restrictions end, finding a parking place can be tough. Twins is right at the subway entrance/exit.

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