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Kevin Bresnahan

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Posts posted by Kevin Bresnahan

  1. 9 hours ago, Dave Garrett said:

    Got it for the second time at the beginning of last week. My wife had symptoms for a couple of days before she tested positive, and during that period I also started getting a sore throat, which overnight turned into congestion, coughing, and pronounced fatigue. We've gotten to where we try to test as soon as either of us develops any symptoms, because the nature of my wife's work exposes her on a fairly regular basis to people that have it. Like the first time I had it, I immediately got a prescription for Paxlovid, and the symptoms abated significantly after I got through the first few doses.  

    I'm feeling pretty good now. My wife still has a nasty cough.Strangely enough, the Maine CDC still calls people who get diagnosed at a medical clinic and meet certain risk factors (I'm old! :)) so I got all of the recommendations read to me over the phone. According to them, I can go out without a mask 10 days after my first positive test, which is tomorrow. Seems pretty quick but you hope they know what they're doing after all this time with Covid in our world.

    The first time me & my wife got Covid, she got Paxlovid. It did seem to help but she had to stop taking it because it was making her miserable with the constant taste of metal.

  2. I seem to be over it after day 6, but this morning my wife tested positive and she's feeling pretty lousy already. Her only saving grace so far is that her symptoms don't include a throat that feels like it was slashed with razor blades. Apparently we didn't quarantine quickly enough.

  3. It's not making the news anymore, but Covid is still out there. And let me tell you, it still sucks. I had a lovely Memorial Day weekend... sore throat, fever, chills, body aches, coughing like crazy & a nose so stuffed up that I went through about 4 boxes of tissues. I am lucky if i got 4 hours of restful sleep over 5 nights.

    This was my second time with this & it was much worse than the first. Being up to date on my vaccine boosters didn't help much this time. Plus, they now consider me "high risk" because I've somehow become "senior". :)

  4. 15 hours ago, mikeweil said:

    This brand comes from the area right beneath Blue Mountain, an excellent espresso, and goes for much less than the overpriced Blue Mountain brand:


    I buy my coffee from Gold Star Coffee out of Toronto & like you, I prefer the less expensive Jamaican coffee from the foothills. I also like that this "Jamaican Estate Reserve" coffee is in the low acid line. As we've gotten older, my wife & I prefer these low acidity coffees. Less chance for acid reflux.


    They sell green beans too if you're into roasting your own.

  5. 9 minutes ago, porcy62 said:

    I like coffee without sugar especially when coffee is good BUT with the first coffee in the morning I admit I add a small spoon of cane sugar if the coffe isn’t great. Anyway I am not a caffeine man anymore I get maybe three small coffee per day. Wines were very different at Julius Caesar’s time for sure. Now talking about water I wouldn’t drink a single malt without a fair number of drops of water.

    3 coffees per day? Italy must have a different definition for not being a caffeine man. :)

  6. 13 minutes ago, Dmitry said:

    When I was 20 or 21, I saw him at the JFK airport.  I was amazed how tall he was; purpusefully, I came close enough to see that the top of my head wasn’t even at his armpit height. I was 6’ then.

    Walton never let anyone measure his actual height & always had it listed as 6'11", supposedly so he couldn't be called a "7 foot freak" by anyone. :) I remember seeing him standing next to Artis Gilmore, who played with Walton during the Celtics 1987-88 season, and Walton was taller. Gilmore's official height was 7'2". It's pretty obvious in the team picture.


  7. 1 hour ago, Dub Modal said:

    I have one of these but found it to finicky to use on a regular basis. And the resulting drink wasn't worth the effort, to me anyway. 

    I find the coffee I press using my Aeropress is more consistent than my regular coffee maker. I heat the water, pour it in, stir for 10 seconds, fill it back up to the top and press quickly. If you don't do that last part - press quickly - you can get a more bitter flavor profile.

    My favorite coffee in the Aeropress is an Ethiopian Moca Sidama that I buy freshly roasted from a small coffee shop in Salem, NH called Coffee Coffee.

  8. Bill Walton, one heck of a basketball player, has died after a prolonged cancer fight. He was 71.


    While I vividly remember his playing years with the Celtics (when he was healthy) because I was a season ticket holder, his music taste was also newsworthy. He went to a lot of Grateful Dead concerts and notoriously brought several Celtics players backstage when the Dead played in Worcester.

    RIP Bill.

    Cancer sucks.

  9. I bought a Tachnivorm Moccamaster several years ago and me & my wife love it. It makes a very nice cup of coffee and is easy to use & clean.


    Because of my experience with our previous coffee maker, a Bonavita BV1800, I ordered a spare glass carafe for my Moccamaster. That Bonavita was a great coffee maker but they went belly up and I couldn't get a replacement carafe.

  10. I went with the gel solution because I've read that some liquid cleaners can break down the epoxy that is used to attach the stylus to the stylus tube. I have two Ortofon 2M Black cartridges and Ortofon specifically says to avoid cleaning the stylus with fluids.

    That being said, I don't know that the Audio Technica fluid is one of those fluid cleaners that does that.

  11. 23 minutes ago, mikeweil said:

    That's what drummer Billy Brooks called  "the power of repetition". Nobody complains when an organist holds a chord.

    Not true. The worst jazz organ use I ever saw live was when Jimmy Smith pulled out a stop and left the stage, expecting Phil Upchurch to try and solo around it. It was terrible. Jimmy was laughing when he came back on stage to push the stop back in. He knew it sucked.

  12. I don't know how many times we have to go over this... there's no way a few misread 1's & 0's in a digital bitstream is going to change the frequency response of any playback. Misread digital data that the error correction cannot correct will result in noise like clicking or blanking, not any sort of modified output signal. The chain of 1's & 0's to create just a few seconds of music is astronomically huge and to change those few seconds of audio would require 10's of thousands of those 1's & 0's getting flipped... and that's only if the aren't corrected by error correction system.

    The CD standard is 44,100 digital samples per second. Think about that and imagine how many those 44,100 bits would have to change in just the exact way to make that single second of music go from a 5 kHz sound to a 7 kHz sound. Not going to happen.

    People need to stop attributing analog signal analysis to digital.

  13. 17 hours ago, Stevie Mclean said:

    The one they attached themselves to is 5 and a half minutes into No. 1 Green Street. Listening back to the album now, there are probably 4 or 5 instances that could be considered "getting stuck" and repeating himself. I choose to believe that they are all intentional, to provide emphasis, but I won't claim that statement to move beyond the realm of belief.

    Green gets "stuck" on other albums but not as much as he does on "Green Street". No matter if it's intentional or not, it's not enjoyable to me & that's all that matters when I pick up something to listen to, no matter what the Jazz police i.e. JSngry, have to say.

    Green was a known drug user so you have to wonder if he was a little more "mellow" for this session than he was on others.

  14. Someone sent me a needle-drop of this LP. I'm digging it. The tune "Lolita" is my least favorite. It seem off from the rest of the tunes... not very bluesy. Also, it's too bad the recording engineer felt the need to add reverb to Edwards' sax. I wonder if there are tapes without it? The title track has some uncredited piano playing. If this is Jimmy, I'm glad he stuck to organ. :)

  15. 3 hours ago, Ken Dryden said:

    If it was Valerie Carter, she was the pits, as was the equally forgettable funk band backing her. When I was going to rock shows, rarely did I care for the opening acts. 

    Many (all?) opening acts back then were often hampered by having to use the headliners sound system. A lot of them never even get a sound check. I can't tell you the number of times an opening act sounded terrible up on stage. I can remember at least a couple of bands apologizing for their sound because of it.

  16. On 5/14/2024 at 3:24 PM, gmonahan said:

    I had exactly the same reaction, and then I realized he was only a few years older than I am.


    Just realize that what he died of, prostate cancer, is pretty easy to detect and if caught early, it's usually very treatable. Any man over 45, just make you get your PSA tested every year and don't avoid the finger test (DRE) during your annual physical because it's uncomfortable.

  17. On 5/17/2024 at 11:14 AM, Dub Modal said:

    I absolutely love Grantstand, the album with McDuff, Hardwood & Lateef.

    Also dig his trio record, Green Street (Ben Tucker & Dave Bailey). In one of those tunes he repeats a triplet like 6x in a row. He's got nowhere to hide in this setting and he definitely shines. The blues influence is unmistakable and his sound is incredible. 

    I really hate that trio date, especially the tune where he gets stuck. It's like fingernails on a chalkboard for me.


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