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Tony Pusey

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Posts posted by Tony Pusey

  1. Well Brad, up here in the frozen North they passed me by! So I am glad for a new crack at them.

    I like Pony Canyon, I follow their Muse reissue program which is a bit sporadic and charecterised by some odd choices of material-Shaws Little Red and Iron Men are available but so far no Moontrane for instance,only the last 2 Stitts and so on, but original cover art, far,far preferable to the 32 Jazz traversties.

  2. Difficult to find an all encompassing bag in which to put all of these `gentlemen . (the Danish equivalent is however a woman, Pia something, forgot her name,she took over after the less than savory Glistrup.) We have so far been spared them up here-we had the buffoons of New Democracy a few years back, led by a well know light entertainment promoter, Bert Karlsson and Ian Wachtmeister but they soon imploded.Norway has them too,where they are led by Hagen. I think they are the second biggest party there but I could be wrong about that.

    I would suggest Poujardist? Though in reality they represent a paradigm shift on the right and they seem to represent about 15% of the population generally on avarage in western Europe. In the good old days you could tell these people by the colour of their shirts!

    However I hope not to upset you too much when I suggest that sometimes they are Ùbuesque! B) Glistrupp was anyway...

    Actually I am not sure I would include Berlusconi on this list, though I would include his ally Bossi of the Northern League and perhaps Fini or whoever now leads the old MSI,though they ,having changed their name are trying to reinvent themselves as a respectable coservative party, much like the old Stalinist left didwhen they became good social democrats

  3. Pretty banal stuff actually Ubu, got introduced by Stefan Baciu of the review Mele, some of whose whose poetry I illustrated- Stefan was also Rumanian-so the correspondence was mainly about participation in various little magazines and there was talk of him contributing to a couple of exhibitions I was organinising and also of my work at his foundation in Israel but then he up and died, and that was that!

  4. No its not!And this gets more dada by the minute! I always thought it opened on 5 feb 1916, after checking your post I had another look and find 5 March! at the Meirerei cafe with Hugo Ball, Tzara , Arp and Marcel Janco, so it seems I have led you up the garden path-sorry! :(

    ( incidently I did have some contact with Janco towards the end of his life while he was living in Israel)

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