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Tony Pusey

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Posts posted by Tony Pusey

  1. Anybody picked up on any of these? I am thinking of getting Lateef, Fuse 1, and Phil Uppchurch. What do board members think of this series in general? And what should the Sony big wigs pencil in for the next raft?

  2. Sorry Brownie, I seem not to have been paying attention in class! :D . I like Perec though I must read him in translation, I also like Harry Mathews. An English imprint, Atlas books does sterling service bringing these classics of the anti tradition to the English speaking public.

  3. Ou Li Po get a mention on Organissimo! :tup ( and no, that is not another oriental poet!)This gets more interesting...Surely this is of interest to King Ubu? or is he only interested in Pataphysics? ;)

    Clementine, returned from London empty handed, my fav bookshop got closed down while I have been away up here in the frozen North so its back to the internet....

  4. Clementine,

    many, many thanks, when time will allow I will certainly follow this through, in fact I am off to London for 3 days tonight so if i am close to a decent bookshop I will see if anything is available.Yes, I have read Rexroths auto biography. I did so as a young man and it made a big impression on me. And, no, I am not gay.

  5. Clementine, no these are new names for me, I confess that my aesthetic is formed by the european avant movements, surrealism, lettrism, situationism, so the Beats are kind of an interesting side road, but I sure would welcome some suggestions where I should go with your recomendations! And ,yes ,Rexroth was often slight as a poet, but he is the personification of a whole anarcho-bohemian world view that begat the beats who begat the pranksters et al . I really would have difficulty in finding his equivalent on this side of the pond. Perhaps Alex Trocchi? Simon Vinkenoog?

    And what do you think of Ted Jones?The link between the Surrealists and the beats.

  6. I love Rexroth! He said that San Fransisco was to Literature as Barcelona was to Spanish Anarchism! As someone who was always fascinated by the Bay Area scene of the 60s, Rexroth always seemed to be the link between the wild and woolly Barbary Coast, the Beats and the Human Bein/Gathering of the Tribes generation. Perhaps I will break out his book of love poems supposedly written by the young, female Japanese poet Marichico, sensual stuff if you are in a star crossed mood :wub:

  7. I do not find ,from my vantage point in Sweden, that this promotion is much of an incentive. I plan to get the Hodges box set in a couple of months and see no reason to go in to debt in order to bring ithat purchase forward, had the Tal Farlow been included however I would have taken the plunge.

  8. I no longer have the older Candid versions to do a comparison, but a couple of years back some were rereleased in Japan. Those released were Mingus, Mingus presents Mingus together with the various artists albums Jazz Life and Newport Rebels.To my cloth ears they were a significant improvement on previous issues I had heard.

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