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Petition: Make Ogre-sized M&M's Standard!!

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Oh man!! Are these things heaven! To promote "Shrek2", M&M's has come out with over-sized M&M's. They call them "ogre-sized". Sooo much chocolate. I haven't had M&M's this good in 41 years. My mouth is watering just thinking about more.

I have to get more. I may have to buy out the whole store.

Anyone on a diet who's a chocolate freak must avoid these things at all cost!

Must resist... can't reach for the bag... no... no... I'll balloon up to whale proportions... ahhhh!!

Murmph... smack... mmphf


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I'll sign that petition!!

OK.... where are they?! Who's hiding them?! Who ate them all?! I want 'em!!

Just because of the fact that they are called "ogre-sized" makes me love them even more... ^_^

I remember as a child eating candy called "Kooky Cocoa" or something like that. Two huge M&M type candies in a pack. Each one was approximately 2.5 inches in diameter, and they were awesome. Are Ogre-sized M&M's that big?

Edited by rachel
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Do they come in peanut also?

Yes, they do! What to do? I may go back to my store and buy about 10 bags of each and stash them in the cupboard.... These are good and it won't take long before the chocoholics like myself realize this. They will sell out of these in no time.

BTW, "ogre-sized" to M&M/Mars means about 1/3 bigger but oh, that extra 1/3 is all chocolate.


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Kevin~ Are you able to get anything else done beside scouring the landscape looking for these things? I feel like we need to do some type of intervention. (but thanks for the Walmart tip--I still haven't been able to find any, so Walmart is on my list today...) ^_^

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Well, last night I popped open the bag of ogre-sized peanut M&M's. While better than regular-sized peanut M&M's, they were nowhere near as good as the ogre-sized regular M&M's.

I also bought 3 more bags of the chocolate ones at Walmart. I plan to stash them in a nice cool dark place and crack one every now & then. How long does chocolate keep anyway?

I wrote M&M/Mars using their "Contact Us" link at their web site and it's been 4 days without even an acknowledgement! Maybe I should find an M&M web site and drum up support for my petition with some other chocoholics?



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How long does chocolate keep anyway?

Well.... I know someone who, while in the midst of PMS, has eaten an M&M found on the floor of her car, date of freshness unknown and probably very expired.

Taking a walk on that wild side.....

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Gee, you probably don't even have Fanta Apple/soda!  (Hey, neither do I! :( )

You're right on that. You don't have Fanta/Apple soda in San Francisco-I'm shocked,SHOCKED!!!!! :wacko:

Yeah...but we have every OTHER flavor of Fanta. Go figure!

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