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Shooting Batman 5 in Chicago

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Well, they were doing some shooting in the Chicago Loop today. They had many streets completely blocked off. I hope that Da Mare got sufficient ducats for that, since it was a huge inconvenience (and the stars weren't even in town). I did end up going to the office at the very end of the day and saw them taking down some of the props. They had added a phone booth on the corner (there are literally no outdoor phones let alone standing phone booths in the Chicago downtown). And a lot of old rusty bikes. The most clever thing was a bus stop with an ad for the Gotham Museum of Fine Arts, advertising a new exhibit on cubism. I'm assuming that in the final film this will flash by so fast you could only see it by going frame by frame in the DVD. I can't imagine I will watch the film, but you never know. Maybe Halle Berry will drop by in her catsuit ... :P

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Ducats? Did you used to live in NYC and go by the internet moniker 'hardbop' :)

The price of a movie ticket is a round 9-10 bucks, which is about how much a Blue Note reissue costs when Borders or Tower have a sale. Guess which one I will choose to spend the money on...


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It's called Batman Begins

Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne, which I think is a good choice. Lots of other stars.

Christopher Nolan as director. He's done "Following" "Memento" and "insomnia" Nothing as big as this.


"A new restart of the "Batman" franchise under the helm of "Memento" Director Chris Nolan and more in tone with the early "Batman: Year One" style comics. As a boy a young Bruce Wayne watched in horror as his millionaire parents were slain in front of his eyes, a trauma which led him to become obsessed with revenge but his chance is cruelly taken away from him by fate. After disappearing to the East where he seeks counsel with the dangerous but honorable ninja cult leader known as Ra's Al-Ghul, he returns to his now decaying Gotham City overrun by organised crime and dangerous individuals manipulating the system whilst the company he inherited is slowly being pulled out from under him. The discovery of a cave under his mansion, and a prototype armoured suit leads him to take on a new persona, one which will strike fear into the hearts of men who do wrong - he becomes, Batman. In the new guise, and with the help of rising cop Jim Gordon, Batman sets out to take down the various nefarious schemes in motion by individuals such as mafia don Falcone, the twisted doctor/drug dealer Jonathan 'The Scarecrow' Crane, and a mysterious third party that is quite familiar with Wayne and waiting to strike when the time is right."

That said, I haven't thought any of the Batman films have been that good. Joel Schmaker is a lousy director, IMHO. The Burton film - #1 - came closest to being decent.

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