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dizzy's "cool world"

Guest donald petersen

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Guest akanalog

right now at bt.easytree.org someone has posted alternates of dizzy's "cool world" soundtrack.

i have never heard the original though i want to so not sure how these are different. the fidelity suck-sounds like this is from crackly vinyl...but the music is tight.

a few tracks are funkier and are by hal singer and a different band but i think most of thes tracks are dizzy, yusef lateef, aaron bell, mal waldron and art taylor.

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from the intro to the seed:

Here´s some really gloomy crime jazz for you. Mal Waldron´s original soundtrack for "The Cool World" recorded 1963 or 1964. Helluva lineup: Dizzy Gillespie, Yusef Lateef, Aaron Bell and Arthur Taylor

There´s a few tracks by a R&B group as well. Hal "Cornbread" Singer on tenor sax with Herb Lowell, Carles Jackson and Julian Euell on trumpet, bass and drums respectively. If anybody knows who plays what, please let us know

Just to avoid any misunderstandings: this is NOT the same version that has been oficially released (Dizzy Gillespie: The Cool World). The official soundtrack album is a rerecorded version with a different lineup

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Guest akanalog

the fidelity really does suck. gaps in the music sometimes and also it is either a dirty record or maybe a horrible radio broadcast. but very bad fidelity at times. i don't know how reels work-maybe a dirty reel?

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I have no listing of Waldron releasing it

according to the IMBD, the soundtrack is by Waldron. Is this not just that: the actual soundtrack recording of the movie? Not the album as released after the fact?

So technically, that would mean it was released, credited to Waldron, albeit not on record, but on real and not in music stores, but in cinemas.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.

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Bruyninckx (and Lord) lists Japanese Phonogram FDX285 (not 286) as one of the issues of the Dizzy Gillespie recording. I cannot confirm. The Kenny Barron discography on my website has the basic info for this session (April 1964).

BTW, discovered another screw up in the Lord CD-ROM while researching this session: a number of entries for various tunes titled "Coney Island" have been blindly changed into "Coney Island washboard". This is in the very latest version 5.0 which I just received. Bruyninckx has the correct titles.

If someone can get me a copy of this alleged Waldron item, I'd be happy to research as best I can. Being on dialup, I won't be downloading it.


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