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Hey, what key are we in here?


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I really like what the tenor player does on the bridge. He probably didn't have a lot of options at his disposal, if you know what I mean, but he used what he did have very tastefully, musically, and soulfully.

But that one-chord vamp over the A-Section is something defies description, being as it is at once so wrong and so right, so ignunt and so hip. It's a perfect example of why it's so damn dangerous to let real people record music! :g:g:g

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(sorry, I've been on the "phone" - Skype really...)

Yes, of course, it would show the group name - forgot...senior moment...

anyway, yeah, WATTS up wit that one chord vamp that's so "wrong"? (or just not right?)

some real dogs on this tho... - their "Yellow Submarine" defies description!

Yup, hafta agree on that tenor - makin do!

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