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Well I Bought Another Guitar


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Being GregN appears to be a good gig. :)

Somedays it don't suck... lol

I am having surgery on my left hand next week...and so maybe it was a purchase of psycholocial necessity.

They say just two weeks off, (having cyst removed from inside middle joint left index finger (they are doing it inpatient as they have to move some nerves)).

So, being a little anxious overall, it will give me something to look forward to.


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Cool, man! I bet you'll like that guitar a lot.

I'd be anxious about someone messing with my fingers, too. But try your best to catch yourself when you think those thoughts and replace them with positive healing statements. It works - seriously. Best of luck.

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Cool, man! I bet you'll like that guitar a lot.

I'd be anxious about someone messing with my fingers, too. But try your best to catch yourself when you think those thoughts and replace them with positive healing statements. It works - seriously. Best of luck.

Thanks Joe. Sounds like the tour is going well. I am very glad to see it!

Your friend,


p.s. Give Randy a "big man" hug for me.

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all the best with your operation. I had a cyst removed from my fretting hand when I was 22 or 23.

the gtr looks like fun, I should get my Epiphone Joe Pass fixed up so I don't make an impulse purchase with a Stromberg. :g

I got a discount on mine. They have some with minor finish blemishes. Free shipping. So I only paid 899.00.

Yes, I'm the great enabler. ;)

btw, I am assuming all went well with your procedure???

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all the best with your operation. I had a cyst removed from my fretting hand when I was 22 or 23.

btw, I am assuming all went well with your procedure???

This happened about 25 years ago, I had a gangular cyst like in the photo below.


There's a 2 inch scar now, and a bit of scar tissue but it doesn't affect my guitar playing.

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all the best with your operation. I had a cyst removed from my fretting hand when I was 22 or 23.

btw, I am assuming all went well with your procedure???

This happened about 25 years ago, I had a gangular cyst like in the photo below.


There's a 2 inch scar now, and a bit of scar tissue but it doesn't affect my guitar playing.

Well I have to hand it to you, you got that ugly black dot off there. ;)

I'll try not to fret about it...



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Best of luck with the cutting up of your hand Greg! :mellow:

Serious good wishes. Please keep us informed.

Thanks Chuck. I practice and play guitar nearly everyday (I should be a lot better). The idea of not playing for any length of time, really scares me.

I think the hardest part to deal with is the notion of them "moving nerves" to get this out. The second hardest part is knowing that for two weeks, I can only practice right hand technique (somehow I feel like I am setting myself up with this comment). :)

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  • 3 weeks later...



Can you play "Rumble" and "40 Miles of Bad Road"? :cool:


This thing is a beauty though. I actually played guitar, just two weeks after the surgery, for about 20 minutes or so today. Skin is healed up, and the finger almost bends all the way (left index, frettin hand). Got a gig in Muskegon this Friday...not sure if I will make it. I have to figure out how to post pictures here.


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  • 2 weeks later...

And so...a week later, how's the finger?

Thanks for asking.

Well, still can't straigthen it all the way out, but we got through the gig. Skin is pretty much healed up. Thing about me and the guitar, I don't have the zen like calmness of Joe. Plus with the major third bends I occassionally go for...OUCH!

Our drummer, just today, was laughing about how hard I was playing, "I was waiting for that thing to fall off...". So I got through last friday. But then I threw my back out in major way Monday morning and it has been out all week. Now on painkillers and muscle relaxers so, tomorrow night should be interesting. Jimmy has to have back surgery next week..man,

good thing we are not pro ball players.

So the finger is doing well...yet,

I am still refusing to touch the new axe. I want it to sound decent when I play it. :)

Hope all is well.


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