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Scrubs-the new season.

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Is anyone else here a fan of the TV show "Scrubs"?

Is it just me or is this series a bit off this season? It seems like the humor is a little flat like they have new writers or something who don't quite fit into the groove of the show. It seems as if the timing or rhythm is off and parts of it seem kind of forced. I don't think I've seen an episode yet this season that had the rhythm, flow or charm of past seasons.

Also, I don't think the introduction of children is going to help the series at all and may even signal the beginning of the end. I already hate that Cox's kid is already a walking/talking toddler and is getting as much air time as he has. Sure, that character does exist, but we don't necessarily want to see them.

Has anyone else picked up on a different vibe from the show this season?

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SCRUBS is my favorite TV show and has been for the last five years. But you're absolutely right; you'd think they were planning on this being the final season. It does seem like it's lost its edge. Introduction of kids is usually a bad thing anyway; here, the possibilities for disaster are multiplied thousands times over.

Although I have to admit that the Cox kid is so darn CUTE! :wub:

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I'm a HUGE fan of Scrubs as well and have the first 3 seasons on DVD and still Tivo the syndicated reruns. I haven't had a chance to see too many episodes this season since I'm not quite sure when it's on (lately it's been Thurs at 9pm and that interferes with CSI - one of the wife's faves).

Like every other brilliant show that the network neglects, doesn't get and shifts the days/times around (Freaks N Geeks, etc), I think Scrubs has suffered as well. I was checking out Nielsen ratings from the first season or two and Scrubs was always in the top 10 or 20. Now, who knows how it fares since it starts in January or mid-season or some other unlikely midpoint in the TV season. I'm sure the neglect takes its toll on directors, writers, actors and producers, so I wouldn't be surprised if this is the last season or next to last...

Hate to see it go, but the quality isn't the same. There were some great episodes last season, especially the one with Nicole Sullivan with rabies and the 3 transplants. I love the dramedies. Scrubs continues to make me laugh and gets me choked up in the same episode.

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i've completely picked up on the different vibe this season from episode uno, but remember that the season, as it were (more like a quarter season), is less than six shows elapsed. the writing, thus far, has obviously tended to focus on the more serious. i've been thinking to myself that maybe once they resolve a direction with the unresolved tension surrounding the pregnancy of j.d. and his girlfriend that maybe we'll feel some of that heaviness lift and we'll be in what we've come to think of as a more scrubs kinda place. until then, mortality seems to hang relatively heavy...


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Isn't adding a baby always a sign of jumping the shark?

I also think sit-coms tend to have quality lives of about 5 years tops. They might have some good shows after that, but the fomula for the show (whatever it might be) is so established by season 5 or 6 that shows just write themselves, and there isn't any more of the bits of randomness or anarchy that makes shows work. i am always amazed by how different shows are in the first season, or their first trial run, from the rest of the series.

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Interesting that this is considered a dramedy. I guess it tries to be but I just see mainly hamfisted comedy and I'm never really touched.

I recall an episode which totally and unexpectedly brought serious tears to my eyes. It was an episode where JD had a female patient who knew she was going to die yet she had this bright and positive attitude. He asked her what she thought dying was going to be like and she said that she envisioned it something like a Broadway musical with music and song. When it came time and she died, JD's coworkers were consoling him for losing the patient but he was consoled with one of his "head fantasies"where he envisioned the deceased patient being sent off with her singing this wonderful ballad accompanied by other members of the hospital staff. It totally worked on me and I still am moved just thinking about it.

The episode where Cox's best friend and brother-in-law (played by Brandon Frasier) returns after a two-year absence (susequent to a 2 episode story arc earlier in the season or in the prior season) was also touching with it's surprise ending.

I don't think I started watching this until the 2nd season, but got totally hooked thereafter. I think the incredibly delicate balance between off the wall comedy and the way they dealt with serious issues and relationships at the same time is wonderful. I'm literally buying the show's premise and have the first 4 seasons on DVD and I think they're all great. I don't like what I've seen so far of the 6th season. I think the show is showing some serious slipping.

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Interesting that this is considered a dramedy. I guess it tries to be but I just see mainly hamfisted comedy and I'm never really touched.

I recall an episode which totally and unexpectedly brought serious tears to my eyes. It was an episode where JD had a female patient who knew she was going to die yet she had this bright and positive attitude. He asked her what she thought dying was going to be like and she said that she envisioned it something like a Broadway musical with music and song. When it came time and she died, JD's coworkers were consoling him for losing the patient but he was consoled with one of his "head fantasies"where he envisioned the deceased patient being sent off with her singing this wonderful ballad accompanied by other members of the hospital staff. It totally worked on me and I still am moved just thinking about it.

The episode where Cox's best friend and brother-in-law (played by Brandon Frasier) returns after a two-year absence (susequent to a 2 episode story arc earlier in the season or in the prior season) was also touching with it's surprise ending.

I don't think I started watching this until the 2nd season, but got totally hooked thereafter. I think the incredibly delicate balance between off the wall comedy and the way they dealt with serious issues and relationships at the same time is wonderful. I'm literally buying the show's premise and have the first 4 seasons on DVD and I think they're all great. I don't like what I've seen so far of the 6th season. I think the show is showing some serious slipping.

I've seen both those episodes and while I agree that it's interesting how they deal wtih "deeper" content, I never am actually moved by any of the material. I'm too old and jaded maybe. Also I just sort of supsend a lot of my personal involvement in the show emotionally because a good chunk of the humor is so over the top. . . it disconnects me.

My favorite character is the janitor.

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  • 3 weeks later...

As much as I enjoyed watching Carla move to the Latin number, I gotta say I pretty much hated tonights musical episode. I think I hated this one as much as the episode that was like a staged sitcom. Sure, sometimes you have to take chances, but they seem to be trying too hard. Just when I thought this season was finally getting back into it's old stride with last weeks episode, this one comes along. I'm sorry to say that this season has basically sucked so far.

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As much as I enjoyed watching Carla move to the Latin number, I gotta say I pretty much hated tonights musical episode. I think I hated this one as much as the episode that was like a staged sitcom. Sure, sometimes you have to take chances, but they seem to be trying too hard. Just when I thought this season was finally getting back into it's old stride with last weeks episode, this one comes along. I'm sorry to say that this season has basically sucked so far.

I missed the episode, but isn't it a general rule of thumb that a "musical" episode is the beginning of the end? (aka jumped the shark)

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As writers go, so goes the show. If the Scrubs writers left, you can count on it starting to suck. The same thing happened to the X-Files, which started very strong and ended up turning into crap seemingly overnight. It's also what's happened to Lost, I'm told (I've only seen DVDs of the first season and a half, so I'm bummed that Lost has lost it). Apparently one of the main producers bailed.

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