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Morgan Freeman hospitalized in South

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Sounds like he may have reached the age where he shouldn't drive anymore.

In any case, I hope he recovers quickly and completely.

71 isn't THAT old. I don't know what happened, but people can drive badly/crazy or just have an accident at any age. Hope I don't have to quit driving when I hit 71 - though if my driving skill have eroded, I hope that I will.

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Sounds like he may have reached the age where he shouldn't drive anymore.

In any case, I hope he recovers quickly and completely.

71 isn't THAT old. I don't know what happened, but people can drive badly/crazy or just have an accident at any age. Hope I don't have to quit driving when I hit 71 - though if my driving skill have eroded, I hope that I will.

although it has NOT been confirmed, they reported that he MAY have fallen asleep at the wheel.

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Good thing he had his seatbelt on!

If it's true that he dozed behind the wheel, it's a shame and something that happens all too frequently. Driving while tired is a real grind and in this case, dangerous. I recently did a 6.5 hour drive while sick(massive congestion) & tired. I had to make frequent rest stops and a few times I started drifting into the next lane- it was scary.

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