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Scrubs: RIP

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Looks like there will be a season 9 to Scrubs. Mass panic on the internet over the move by Scrubs fans, people jumping off the ledges as I type. Geesh, it's only a tv show, I love it, and I hoped this was the finale, but life goes on, if season 9 is good, great! If it stinks, I think I will somehow survive....

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Looks like there will be a season 9 to Scrubs. Mass panic on the internet over the move by Scrubs fans, people jumping off the ledges as I type. Geesh, it's only a tv show, I love it, and I hoped this was the finale, but life goes on, if season 9 is good, great! If it stinks, I think I will somehow survive....

Wait, so it was saved AGAIN? How many extra seasons is this show going to get?

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  • 10 months later...

Well, the suspense is over: Scrubs has finally been canceled -- for good this time. By the rating numbers, I must have been the only person that watched all the episodes from season nine, it wasn't too bad, but it became Scrubs Light, very much a safe sitcom, which was too bad. What I did not like was the season and series ended on the lame episode that was aired last week, the series deserved better. Still *sigh* I loved Scrubs.

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Well, the suspense is over: Scrubs has finally been canceled -- for good this time.

Let's all hope and pray that it does actually end this time, even though it will still be repeated ad nauseam, hopefully to the point where people will eventually realise that it wasn't all that good to begin with.

By the rating numbers, I must have been the only person that watched all the episodes from season nine,

Still *sigh* I loved Scrubs.

Are they good things to admit to in public???

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My son also watched this season. I tried, but it was just awful. My son agreed, but he still watched and even took a very Sheldon Cooper approach to it: "I prefer to let Bill Lawrence disappoint me in the order in which he intended." :D

As bad as everything was about this season, I think the most painful thing to watch was the transformation of Dr. Turk into basically a black JD, and then teaming him up with Dr. Cox. I hope these guys got highly compensated, because nobody should have to lose that much dignity without proper payment.... :mellow:

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