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Thinking of Taking a Naim Plunge


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I have had a pair of Linn Tukans for about 8 months, now looking for an appropriate integrated amp for a small system. I'll probably use a Rotel CD player for another year or two, maybe til I can afford a Naim CD player if this works out well. A friend of mine (audio maven) has been recommending I try Naim, since he knows how happy I was for so many yrs w/ an NAD 3020. Any comments, warnings? I see you need to or should use their interconnects and so forth. Thanks

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I recently auditioned the Nait 5i ( new integrated amp), I thought it sounded great and has the ability to use standard RCA connects in addition to their own system. It doesn't have a pre-out so upgradability is an issue. Good timing, punchy sound and wide sound stage but limited top end detail. None the less a very nice sounding amp.

Went for a Sugden A21a in the end. Everything (including Blanto Webster Years set) sounds wonderful on it. Try before you buy whatever. Use your ears and not someone elses !!

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I owned a 32/250 combo for many years (many years ago) and was always happy with it. Naim made up a set of cables for me; kinda slick, compared to the RCA phono options available elsewhere.

Don't know anything about their integrated, but they've a good reputation generally.

Make sure you find a good dealer.

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I operate a NAC82 pre in combination with NAP250 power amp and can recommend it. Lots of detail and good dynamic range (there's nothing like it for playing Big John Patton Blue Note vinyl cranked up B)) . I've always had very good experience with Naim back-up too (in fact if you want details of build standard, servicing etc. on any of their amps you can give their UK servicing department a call and they check the records for the unit). Not sure what the support is like over in North America though.

I had a chat with a very knowledgable Naim dealer recently though who advised some caution re: the more recent 'integrated' components. Not sure about the model details but I guess he was referring to some of the stuff intended for the home cinema market.

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no remote on the Sugden , the Nait does. I struggled with this issue myself before purchase but decided to go for sound first and features second.

The Sugden has a mono button B) and balance knob if that helps :P

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I had Naim 62/140 for a few years. Bought it used and sold it for what I paid for it. It broke once and dealer gave me another one to use until it was repaired...no charge for repairs. :D

When I wanted to upgrade I started finding better stuff(IMO) for less money.

Does the Nait have enough juice to drive the Tukans?

If you had more efficient speakers I'd say try a little Audio Note.

Other than that it should be great for a small system.

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