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Posts posted by sonnymax

  1. On 8/15/2022 at 4:26 PM, GA Russell said:

    The *average* Briton suffers two 36-hour-long hangovers per month.

    This works out to be an entire year of their lives hungover.


    If nothing else, you're consistent in citing questionable sources:

    Zero Hedge is a far-right libertarian financial blog and news aggregator....Over time, Zero Hedge expanded into non-financial political content, including conspiracy theories and fringe rhetoric advancing radical right, alt-right, and pro-Russia positions. Zero Hedge's non-financial commentary has led to multiple site bans by global social media platforms... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero_Hedge

    U.S. intelligence officials [...] accused a conservative financial news website with a significant American readership of amplifying Kremlin propaganda and alleged five media outlets targeting Ukrainians have taken direction from Russian spies. The officials said Zero Hedge, which has 1.2 million Twitter followers, published articles created by Moscow-controlled media that were then shared by outlets and people unaware of their nexus to Russian intelligence. The officials did not say whether they thought Zero Hedge knew of any links to spy agencies and did not allege direct links between the website and Russia. https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Zero_Hedge

    GA, you have the right to consume lies and propaganda, but be prepared to be called out when you share disinformation here.


    Meanwhile, in today's news: 

    Monkey calls 911 from cellphone, sending deputies to California zoo

  2. My favorite post from the Hoffman thread:

    It’s impossible that they are digital because so many people on here can ‘sense the naturalness’ of analog over the ‘harsh superficial glare’ of digital. So they would have known already and told us.

    I don't think MOFO lied, per se, but they could have been more transparent about their process. In the end, customers got what they  were looking for - a superior sounding recording. They mistakenly believed the only way this could be achieved was through an all-analog process. They were wrong, and they're embarrassed and angry. It reminds me of the A/B or A/B/C comparisons I used to do with a friend. Once in a while I'd play the same CD twice, and he swore he could hear a difference. Luckily, he took my deception with his usual good humor. 

  3. Today

    by Kenneth Peplowski, Beneficiary

    Well, I’ve lost most of my hair and I’m winding up looking like Martin Short playing the banjo player in Deliverance (see photo). I have a meeting with the hospital August 9 for yet another bone marrow extraction as they need me to quarantine from them for three weeks since I just had Covid again. I did take a nasty fall from being weak but luckily I mostly just fell on my brains so it’s a little painful to sit down!! I will be at the Litchfield Jazz Fest on July 30 with my pal Houston Person so I’m looking forward to that! Then the difficult part of deciding what next and what gigs I have to cut. I can’t thank you all enough for your help and encouragement. ❤️Ken


  4. 18 hours ago, T.D. said:

    Japanese police are turning to tranquiliser guns in an attempt to stem the tide of wild monkey attacks that have been terrorising residents.

    And then the primates respond by arming themselves. Did we learn nothing from the nuclear arms race? :rolleyes:



  5. 143 views and no replies? Perhaps some words from Peplowski himself will help:

    Just want to let everyone know how incredibly grateful I am for your support, generosity, positivity, and friendship. Here's where things stand (the short version): I've been getting treatments for Multiple Myeloma for a year now, so in addition to missing a year and a half of work because of the pandemic, I missed much more because of treatment and not being able to stay on the road too long or even work in Europe. Now I'm almost in remission (this is not a cancer that's considered "curable" - but one can stay in remission for a very long time). The problem is that the first attempt at a stem cell harvest failed, and now they gave me what the doctor rightly described as the worst chemo I've ever had, purpose being two-fold: to kill off any remaining microscopic cancer cells that may still be lingering and to free the stem cells back into the blood stream. So right now I'm completely drained of energy from the chemo, I'm giving myself daily injections of a drug that's supposed to help with white blood cell production, and I go in every day for blood work - unfortunately the numbers aren't there yet so it looks like this will drag on for another week or so. If it fails this time, I have a meeting with the doctor in another week to determine strategy. If it takes, I'm going to have to pick a time in the next year to get the healthy stem cells re-transferred into my body as a sort of cancer firewall. When this procedure happens it's another three months of quarantine on my part, so three more months of no work. So, as you can imagine, my medical bills are just staggering and I've pretty much wiped out my nest egg. All I can tell you is I plan on working as much and as hard as I can around all this, and despite the fact that we've all had tough times, the fact that there's been such an incredible outpouring of generosity and encouragement from all of you makes me not only want to keep going but to excel and come back stronger than ever! So I'll see you on the bandstand and I can't thank you enough. With much love and appreciation, Ken

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