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Everything posted by Gary

  1. This link should help with what's covered in the Live Trane box. http://home.att.net/~dawild/livetrane_details.htm
  2. oh! the horror!!! Who could forget that thread , my Miles comment was just an attempt (admittedly a weak one) at a joke.
  3. You had me going there for a minute - your definately a wind up merchant! Before you know it we'll have people posting that they don't like Miles!
  4. Gary

    Funny Rat

    A solo on FMP as well. also Tales Out of Time, with Joe McPhee on Hat. That's seven. One a month, not too shabby. I keep hearing rave reviews for this. If I were only going to buy one of these 2004 Brotz releases this would be it. & this one on the DMG email PETER BROTZMANN / MARCO ENEIDI / LISLE ELLIS / JACKSON KRALL - Live at Spruce Street Forum (Botticelli 1015) Brotzmann plays tenor sax & taragato, Marco plays alto sax, Lisle plays contrabass and Jackson plays drums. Word is that this is a smoking set and no doubt that we believe that fact. Marco Eneidi's recent trio disc with Paul Murphy & Kash Killion (on Cadence) was one of this year's best free/jazz gems, so... CD for $15
  5. Gary

    Funny Rat

    there are some great releases on Nessa. Get the Fred Anderson, the Air disc, the AEC box and Roscoe Mitchell's Snurdy McGurdy and her Dancin' Shoes to start. Agreed , I've been listening to some of the AEC box today coincidentally. The AIR cd is magnificent - but the track 'I'll be right here waiting' is one that gets the hairs on the back of the neck raised with every listen.
  6. Gary

    Funny Rat

    That doesn't sound like the sort of thing that I'd like , perhaps you could tell that Mr Brotzmann to play something a little more peaceful in future. I'm still here lurking as always. The mention of Hal Russells name has encouraged me to listen to the NRG Ensemble CD on Nessa - some wonderful music. Whoever chose Hal Russell as a CD of the week & introduced me to his music has a lot to answer for !!!
  7. Gary

    Funny Rat

    Hey, once I have that MD here, I can offer CDRs to the rats! Same goes for the Stanko. Just be patient! Sorry , I hope you dont feel I was trying to step on your toes .
  8. Gary

    Funny Rat

    If anybody rememberrs King Ubu's recent post about a Stanko broadcast - I've managed to get transferred to CDR an equally magnificent (if not more so )broadcast by Hancock / Shorter / Holland / Blade recorded in London . 70 Mins - 5 Tunes excellently reconstructed . Its not 'Funny Rat' but if you like the Stanko broadcast you will enjoy this . Pm if youd like a copy
  9. Gary

    Joe McPhee

    Reading these posts encouraged me to dig out this Cd again a truly magnificent CD , one of those one where I can always remember the first time I heard it , I knew I was listening to something special. I have only ever picked up one more Joe McPhee Cd 'As serious as your life', Another great solo CD. I always get the same feeling with each listen ... 'Why have I never bought more Joe McPhee CDs ???????????????'
  10. Gary

    Funny Rat

    Д.Д., any more comments on 14 Love Poems? Won't be able to add any more comments before I get home and re-listen to it which will happen in mid-August only. But trust me, this is good stuff. Probaly Gary could help a bit with reviewing this one before then. Hopefully I'll be getting this one next Wednesday . I'll post my initial impressions then.
  11. Only once or twice, he sat on the bench most of the time. He wasn't good enough for Ajax. By the way, he's from Belgium. oops sorry. I understand that a Brazillian who had a very good season was keeping him out of the Ajax team. Perhaps that was a bit of spin on SFC's part to hype up the signing.
  12. I should've seen this, of course... Hans, have you seen your fellow countryman Jelle Van Damme play ? We've just signed him from Ajax.
  13. Don't worry I'm not too upset ! I'm not expecting us to win the league. Top 8 is a possibility but so is 18th ! We are OK in defence , have possibly the best keeper in the league & we are strong up front . But we have no creativity in midfield & are very inconsistent. But that is what is exciting about following a team like Southampton& when we have had a small sniff at glory its appreciated more.
  14. I'm counting down the days , Saturdays seem to be boring at the moment , I'm getting so deperate I'm even thinking of going to some pre-season frendlies this year! Hopefully my season tickets on the way to me in the post. My team are trying to sign an American player - Marcus Beasley. Cmonn you Saints!!!
  15. From the BBC site today Beckham's Golden ball Portugal sink England The ball that David Beckham blazed over the bar during England's Euro 2004 shoot-out with Portugal has attracted bids of nearly £7m on ebay. The England skipper's spot-kick sailed into the stands at the begininng of a tense quarter-final penalty competition. Beckham put the blame on a mound of dirt by the spot, but could not have imagined the money his mis-kick might generate. The Spanish fan who caught the ball put it up for auction on the internet after hearing a British newspaper was ready to pay £12,000. Pablo Carral, 25, admitted at the time: "The incredible thing was that the ball reached us because we were so far from the goal. "As I left the stadium, I was guarded by two friends whilst I hid it in my clothes." Now he could be laughing all the way to the bank - providing the bids are genuine. A spokesman for the Spanish ebay site admitted they had been trying to distinguish the phony bids from the genuine ones. "Nothing like this has ever occurred in Spain before," he told Spanish news agency Europa Press. "We are having to check out each bid with our departments in other countries and are trying to cancel out those we believe to be false." The ball, which is embossed with the names of the two teams, the venue and the date of the contest, attracted an opening offer of just one Euro (66p) but bidding has since spiralled out of control, with the current price standing at £6.5m. The auction is open until July 22, with ebay insisting bids can only be withdrawn in "special circumstances". Carral has kindly offered to pay full delivery costs when sending the ball to its new owner.
  16. Gary

    Funny Rat

    If any more shows catch the eye I'm sure 'guess who' would pass on the MD, its just a shame I'm far too lazy to learn how to copy MDs to CD , but if someone else is willing to copy it .... There was a particularly good show from the Chicago Underground trio last week , that has enjoyed repeated spins . I caught Stanko live earlier in the year & found them more enjoyable than on CD. The piano player was magnificent.
  17. Gary

    Albert Ayler

    Thanks for posting that Brownie .
  18. Gary

    Albert Ayler

    Happy Birthday Albert.
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