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About Brad

  • Birthday 10/05/1950

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    Chester, NJ

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  1. I’ve done this from iPhones and iPads. What is the risk?
  2. Dan, one poster who is from LA claimed that he pushes people out the door and then the conversation seemed to degenerate. The Gort thought that since I had started the thread I should have been on top of things but I hadn’t looked at in a few days.
  3. The thread over at Hoffman turned into an argument and was closed over whether someone pushing a customer out the door was assault and battery.
  4. I posted the article at Hoffman and one poster linked a thread about this place on Reddit.
  5. The original agreements would have expired a long time ago. Generally, if a party to an agreement breaches it, you have to bring an action within six years of the breach. If a third person kept the discs, it would be up to one of the parties to bring an action against that third person. Assuming that no actions were ever brought, it is now far too late to bring an action because of the doctrine of laches (sleeping on your rights).
  6. I’m not sure of the answer but it was a long time ago and if either party had wanted to do something, that time is long past and no one cares anymore. The Jubilee would be interesting. I have a Spotlite record that has some Jubilees on it.
  7. It was my understanding, perhaps erroneous, that you just had to spend a certain amount in food and drink. The person seated opposite me was spare in what he purchased.
  8. https://www.dennismspragg.com/v-discs/ If the government can’t hold copyright and the musicians waived, in effect, copyright protection, then it stands to reason there was no copyright and these recordings were in the public domain.
  9. As a rule works created by a government employee is not subject to copyright rules because any work created by the government is not subject to copyright protection. However, if the government contracts with a third party to make a work for it, the work is subject to copyright protection.
  10. I was there a few months ago and like the above comments noted it’s small which is good for the listener but expensive for the food. You’re better off eating elsewhere and then spending the money at Smoke on drinks and what not.
  11. The pandemic was a different situation. I live in NJ and I had a cd sent from NY take three months to get here. It sat in Jersey City forever and then it was shipped to a town near me and then to Florida. It then returned to NJ but to Kearney, which is more efficient, and finally found it’s way to me.
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