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Tom in RI

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Everything posted by Tom in RI

  1. Well bust my buttons! I bought it when (I assume) it was originally released, which, according to Allmusic, was 1992 although if someone had asked me I would have guessed a couple of years earlier. I am going to have to hoe it out and give another listen. I just don't remember it as having spectacular sound. Still curious about what people think about the 45rpm issues from Aoustic Sounds. TIA.
  2. I am curious, can anyone comment on the 45 rpm Fantasy issues? Pretty pricy at $50 a whack. However, if they are "that" good, maybe I'd spring for one every 3-4 months or so. One thing that caught my eye was that they issued Ben Webster at the Reniasance Club in this fomat. Its sold out. It just seems curious to me to issue this in an audiphile format since its a live recording that, iirc, wasn't recorded on professional equipment to start with.
  3. At his age Roger Clemens has to be concerned about wearing down. The smart move for him is to wait until May 1 to re up with Houston (as much as I'd like to see his final season in Beantown). Houston presents the best adjustment for a guy who wants to come and go according to his own schedule. The Yankees are already own record that they won't go for Roger rules. The Red Sox do have a lot of question marks going into the season. However, they are getting set up for what will hoepfully be a 4-5 year run based on (can it be?!?) good pitching and defense. I still can't figure out, though, why they didn't sign Caberera at short for 2005, should have been around 3 million less per year than what they spent on Renteria (maybe even more since the Sox signing of Renteria set the market for the other short stops that year).
  4. We had about 2-3 inches overnight here in RI. The storm has just picked in the last half hour(10:30 AM), starting to look like the blizzard that was forecast. Lots of snow and lots of wind, white out conditions.
  5. It's not jazz but I picked up this compilation on Rhino from 1996 in a cheapy used bin some time ago and I have to say, its pretty damn good. Features 14 artists each performing one song by this premier song writer. Performers include Los Lobos, Bob Dylan, Shawn Colvin, Irma Thomas, Dion, The Band, Aaron Neville, John Hiatt, BB King, Lou Reed, Rosanne Cash, Soloman Burke, Dr. John, and Brian Wilson. If you see, it grab it. You won't be dissappointed.
  6. Jeremy Slate Tom Shales Harold J. Stone Ben Stone Sly and the Family Stone Sylvester Stallone
  7. Nate, you are absolutely correct. I believe there is a mention of distortion on the discography at the Mosaic website. I had the Omega Tape music 1st on an Onxy lp and then on the BN twofer, finally on the cd releases from 1988. I think I will stick with the issues I have.
  8. The only tune on the Select that isn't on the single cd issues I have is a feature for Bill Perkins, Angel Eyes. However, the Select also includes 4 selections from a 4th cd, Art Pepper, The Artistry of Pepper from 1992 which was transferred to digital by Malcolm Addey. The Artsitry of Pepper also includes a nonet session from 1957 that isn't on the Select. So, between 4 cd's I am missing 1 tune from the Select but have an additional session. Thanks for the feedback J.A.W.
  9. Can anyone comment on the remastering of the Art Pepper Select compared to the single cd's issued in 1988 as The Complete Aladdin Recordings Vol 1-3? I imagine there would be some improvement, can anyone tell how dramatic it is? TIA.
  10. No Brownie, I don't think there was more than one (there may have been a sheet advirtising Beehive t-shirts with well known fashion plate, Ray Haynes, modelling). It was the 4 page set of photos I meant to refer to.
  11. Here's a great deal at the moment. A fine lp, wonder if it has the inserts. I am not the seller. http://cgi.ebay.com/HYDE-PARK-AFTER-DARK-V...1QQcmdZViewItem
  12. Nice article in today's Globe. Not online yet, as far as I can tell, I'll post it when it is.
  13. I dig Derek Trucks. I have a coupe of his commercial releases, I think they are a little uneven but they have their moments. He is also very taper friendly, you can find his show from Ithaca, NY (1/24/06) at bt.etree.org. Likely the show you saw will be posted in the next week or so. I think there are also quite a few of his shows at the Live Music Archive.
  14. Thanks, everyone, for your feedback.
  15. I have some credit at Cadence to spend, looking at the Mario Pavone titles on Playscape. Can anyone vouch for these? Thanks.
  16. Tom in RI

    Sex Mob

    I like the Diaspora Soul cd and have heard a couple of live dates from torrents that were also entertaining enough for me. I put the Diaspora Soul cd on during a cookout last summer and the reaction from a friend of mine who is Jewish was priceless. He was so unprepared to hear melodies he was quite familiar with in that context.
  17. I saw this at Borders and my warped mind was immediately drawn to it. Somehow I resisited the urge to be the only guy on my block to have a uklele jazz cd around the house. So, can anyone tell how this is? Seems like a natural to be put into shuffle paly with the Buddy Emmons also on LPR (which I have had as a Razor and Tie release for awhile).
  18. Hey Ken, did you spring for the Fine Arts rider? Typical homeowners insurance will not cover replacement cost of "collectable" or OOP recordings.
  19. I ruined a cdr trying to peel off a label that had bubbles in it (hate it when that happens). For making cd case inserts, though, I can strongly recommend MediaFace. Very easy to use and pretty flexible.
  20. My brother has made his living in the computer world for close to 15 years and he swears by Toshiba. I am on my third one as a result and have been happy with them (have had 3 Satelite models). If I have a good year next year I'll be upgrading (my current machine is 3 years old).
  21. Another Miller disc of interest, Hand to Hand. And, of course, he's all over late 80's Tony Williams dates (among others).
  22. Another Bit Torrent site that currently has soundboards is at: http://www.tmnsp.net/useragreement.php
  23. I like Chris's, Potter, Cheek, Speed. Seamus Blake. Mark Turner. I really enjoy a disc by Robert Stewart on Qwest called The Force, produced by Quincy Jones (I think he also was involved in Sonny Simmons Qwest release, were all Qwest releases produced by Quincy Jones?). Stewart has, at least on this disc, a little Pharoah Sanders influence. Other recordings I have picked up bty Stewart have not grabbed me the way The Force does.
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