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  1. Ancient history? Maybe. But further context? Maybe that too... http://wnew.radio.com/2009/11/17/rock-101-elvis-costello-and-ray-charles/
  2. Joe

    Boyd Lee Dunlop

    FWIW, a quick trawl of YouTube turns up a few more extended glimpses of Dunlop the musician, including what purports to be a Hammond B-3 performance from 1993.
  3. Ladies and gentlemen, we are floating in space.
  4. Listening again to Giuffre's 70's recordings... I guess he must have spent part of this down-time adding flute to his instrumental "arsenal." He'd not previously recorded any performances on this instrument, correct?
  5. Larry -- would this be Joseph's Uptown session? Looking forward to it, whatever it may be. yes Fabulous news. Wonderful session.
  6. Larry -- would this be Joseph's Uptown session? Looking forward to it, whatever it may be.
  7. I'm afraid I have no insights of my own, but do you know Martin Williams' essay "Jimmy Giuffre at Home"? It can be found in his WHERE'S THE MELODY, the full contents of which are available online via the Internet Archive. http://www.archive.org/details/wheresthemelody002622mbp The piece, in part, documents a rehearsal by the Giuffre / Friedman / Peacock trio.
  8. Thanks Gokhan, all. For anyone who's interested: poking around the tubes, it appears that there is an Evans / Konitz performance (broadcast?) from this same vintage circulating. Location for the gig is given as Rome, and the set-list features much of the same repertoire as is covered on these Verve discs...
  9. Duo recordings from 1980, originally issued on Verve in the early 90's, long OOP. All I really need are reference copies; I'm working on an Evans-related writing project and would appreciate being able to expand said project's scope to encompass these recordings. Thanks in advance.
  10. Always really liked what that band is laying down there for McQueen and Bisset... sounds quite a bit like what Gabor Szabo's groups were doing around the same time... assuming Meridian West never recorded on their own (sadly).
  11. The WILDFLOWERS set Wadada Leo Smith's Kabell recordings
  12. My absolute favorite later-period Chet can be found on other labels (e.g., CANDY on Sonet; PEACE and STROLLIN', both on Enja; BLUES FOR A REASON with Warne Marsh on Criss Cross), but, of the Steeplechases, DIANE, his duets with Paul Bley and NO PROBLEM, a quartet session featuring Duke Jordan and his compositions, are very fine.
  13. I think alternates were recorded but were never issued. The Taylor tracks which appeared on Impulse A-9 were later issued on the Taylor/Rudd compilation, Mixed. Thanks Chuck. One of Cecil's best sessions, IMO, even if it does sound, after all these years, a bit "transitional" (I prefer to think of it as "sui generis").
  14. I hate to be the "guy without a good discographical reference work of his own," but... assuming this release was always conceived of a split showcase, do any extra tracks or takes exist for either session?
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