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Posts posted by Adam

  1. Here's a link to a longer ten-minute version on You Tube, just sent to me by another friend. One of the more astonishing medleys I've ever heard or seen. There are edits evident in this version as well.


    There are just too many things worthy of comment. At 8:50 when "Fables of Faubus" kicks in, are those Japanese translated Mingus lyrics, or entirely new lyrics? What's with the flower-egg? Etc.

  2. And one more thing (forgive the line-breaks, but like this I can go on typing below the editing bar which is displayed in between!): some links open in the same window, as opposed to in a new tab or window, for instance the links to Amazon I posted here:


    I'm having the same issue, using the newest Firefox, can't find a Preference to change it. But links are opening in the same window (Tab) rather than opening a new Tab. I just looked through organissimo preferences and Firefox preferences, but haven't found the correct place yet. Anyone know how to change that setting?

  3. On the other hand, some other stuff that I've listened to recently (Buffalo Springfield, Santana) seems boring and dated.

    In your opinion, maybe; I strongly disagree :)

    Well, other than mine, in whose opinion would that be? :unsure:

    I assume you're a big Santana fan; it just didn't have the same magic for me. The Springfield was not bad. Liked some things I heard.

    I always get an uneasy feeling when people are expressing opinions as facts, which I thought was the case here.

    His use of "seems" makes it clear that it, as are all statements about music, are opinions, and so to point that out is a needless redundancy. In my opinion.

  4. Has it occurred to anyone that I was unaware that this was a violation of board policy? The fact of the matter is, I was not. Instead of just blowing off the post, why not ask me to edit it? I would have been more than happy to do so.

    Up over and out.

    Sure, no problem. It seems to me that Mark did politely ask you to edit it. Were you the one who deleted it, or someone else?

  5. Lots of classic West African labels in that position - Syliphone, Mali Kunkan, Barenreiter Musicaphon. Blogs doing vinyl rips of this stuff now. The copyrights are owned by the governments of the countries.


    Syliphone has had some reach CD - a nice 2 disc mix, and 2 disc sets of Balle et les Balladins and, uh, I'm blanking for the moment. Have a couple of them from Amoeba Music in Hollywood, but they are generally in distribution in the US, I believe.

  6. I'm bummed that the Dodgers didn't make it again, but at least they were beat by a team that clearly looked & played better.

    Dodgers need to up their starting pitching & hitting against really good pitchers to take it to the next step. It's well within the possible, just needs to be done.

  7. Rita Lee hasn't been with them for over 30 years. They have been os mutantes for far far longer without her than with her.

    They have another woman singer now.

    I saw them at the El Rey a year or two ago, missed their full concert this time but caught their record release gig at Amoeba Records, and bought the new album. I agree, they are kickin', and having a great time, and if you go, you will too.

  8. I was at yesterday's Dodger-Cardinals game. Man, that was amazing. The sort of game where, as we left, we hi-five strangers on our way out of the stadium.

    But it really looked like a loss. Two out, no one on, the reliever just got the two best hitters out. The crowd didn't have a lot of energy or noise - it seemed to have gotten spent when Wainright got out of the loaded bases jam in the 8th. There weren't many towels waving on the pitch that Loney hit to Holliday (although there were plenty in the 8th and in teh rest of the 9th). Holliday says he lost it in the lights. Whatever reason, it looked like the 3rd out, and then the ball just bounced off, and it seemed like destiny after that. Casey Blake's at-bat was really the nail-biter right after that. Count 1-2, then he fouls off a couple, and then draws the walk.

    Just amazing.

    Went with my brother, and he said he probably thought that was the second best game ending he has been at, but he was at the game in the 1988 World Series when Gibson hit the homer (with my other brother, mom, and aunt - I was in school in Boston, screaming by myself in the college lounge).

    Freeway series!!!! :-0

  9. I come to Nels Cline through my appreciation of his guitar work in the band Wilco, never having heard his jazz stuff. But on Wilco's Live CD (Kicking Television) the very last song contains some really nice riffs from Cline which revealed another side to his playing. Otherwise, seeing this going on stage for Wilco you would never guess he was a jazz-oriented. He's full of all kinds of antics, looking for feedback and distortion, and tossing himself about in such a manner that he's given himself whiplash (see Ashes of American Flags DVD). But a thoroughly enjoyable performer nonetheless. I'm guess he must exude a different stage presence when playing more jazz-oriented stuff.


    I've seen him multiple times in a jazz context but have not yet been able to get tickets to see him in his Wilco context. Just saw him at the Angel City Jazz Festival with the Nels Cline Singers (no vocalists in that group though). He's fabulous and has an excellent stage presence in these contexts.

    I've seen him at All tomorrow's Parties with Thurston Moore from Sonic Youth, and at Angel City he was with Jeff Parker from Tortoise. It was painfully evident in both cases (particularly with Parker) how superior Cline is as a guitarist, in his ability to listen to the others and respond in a superb improvisation.

  10. Dear Friend,

    The CDs 677 and 784 will be shipped o the distributors this week.

    L a c y P o o l

    Uwe Oberg -piano

    Christof Thewes -trombone

    Michael Griener -drums

    hatOLOGY 677

    Barcode 752156.068426

    Total Time 50:14 DDD

    At every step, Lacy Pool finds new expressive possibilities in Lacy’s innate, albeit

    curiously tailored, logic. Their personalities replace Lacy’s and change the way we hear

    this music, which is as it should be. The song may have inspired the players, but the

    players have become the song. – Art Lange

    A chaque mesure, Lacy Pool trouve de nouvelles possibilités expressives dans la logique

    innée, quoiqu’étrangement bien ajustée, de Lacy. Leurs personnalités remplacent celle

    de Lacy et modifient, comme il se doit, la manière dont nous percevons cette musique.

    La mélodie peut avoir inspiré les musiciens, mais les musiciens sont eux-mêmes devenus

    cette mélodie. – Art Lange

    Manuel Mengis Gruppe 6 : Dulcet Crush

    Manuel Mengis -trumpet

    Reto Suhner -alto saxophone & alto clarinet

    Roland von Flüe - tenor saxophone & bass clarinet

    Flo Stoffner -electric quitar

    Marcel Stalder -electric bass

    Lionel Friedli -drums

    hatOLOGY 684

    Barcode 752156.067726

    Total Time 52:02 DDD

    Manuel Mengis Gruppe 6 is also available on:

    hatOLOGY 627 Into The Barn

    hatOLOGY 659 The Pond

    Is three the magic number? For many jazz musicians it’s an important one.

    Every record is of course significant, but the third is often more closely scrutinised.

    In this sense, it’s both a great opportunity and a niggling pressure: the chance to

    really begin cementing a good name, with a little weight of added expectation.

    Manuel Mengis, however, did not feel any of this. He even identifies a more relaxed

    approach than his two previous releases, partially due to shifting priorities in life.

    An atmosphere of light, easy contentment shines through the music – Mengis and

    the Gruppe 6 are really enjoying themselves, free of any kind of external strain.

    And the pleasure is contagious.– Frederick Bernas

    Serait-ce 3, le nombre magique? Pour de nombreux musiciens de jazz, il s’agit sans

    aucun doute d’un chiffre important. Chaque enregistrement est évidemment

    déterminant, mais le troisième est souvent minutieusement considéré. En ce sens,

    il représente tant une magnifique opportunité qu’une pression exacerbée: la chance

    de commencer à cimenter un nom porteur tout en assumant le poids d'une attente


    Manuel Mengis, pourtant, n’a pas connu ce ressenti. Il a même identifié une approche

    plus détendue que celle de ses deux enregistrements précédents, imputable en partie

    à l'évolution des priorités dans sa vie. Une atmosphère de lumière et de simple

    contentement rayonne à travers la musique - Mengis et Group 6 prennent vraiment

    du plaisir à jouer, libres de toute forme de tension externe. Et le plaisir est contagieux.

    – Frederick Bernas

    Followed by two remastered reissues end of October, 2009:

    hatOLOGY 666 : Dave Douglas' Tiny Bell Trio, Constellations

    hatOLOGY 687 : Ran Blake & Anthony Braxton, Memories Of Vienna

    Best regards,

    Werner X. Uehlinger

    Hat Hut Records LTD.

    Box 521

    4020 Basel, Switzerland


    Phone +41.61.373.0773


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