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Posts posted by Adam

  1. Dear Friend,

    Anthony Braxton : Creative Orchestra (Koeln) 1978, hatOLOGY 2-644

    has reached the distributors.

    hatOLOGY 2-644

    Dwight Andrews, Marty Ehrlich, Vinny Golia, J.D. Parran, Ned Rothenberg

    (saxophones, clarinets, flutes, piccolo, nagaswaram, ocarina); Rob Howard,

    Michael Mossman, Leo Smith, Kenny Wheeler (trumpets, flugelhorn);

    Ray Anderson, George Lewis, James King Roosa (trombones, tuba);

    Marilyn Crispell (piano): Birgin Taubhorn (accordion);

    Bobby Naughton (vibraphone); James Emery (electric guitar);

    John Lindberg, Brian Smith (basses); Thurman Barker (percussion, marimba);

    Bob Ostertag (synthesizer); Anthony Braxton (composer, conductor)

    CD 1 Total Time ADD 52:25

    CD 2 Total Time ADD 52:00

    Barcode 752156064428

    Recorded in concert in Koeln on May 12th, 1978

    The Koeln concert shows us these positive vibrations marching through

    "the complete continuance of creative music," and on towards the next

    millennium. The "success of the future" is not a lost cause as long as there

    is music like this in the air. – Graham Lock

    Best regards,

    Werner X. Uehlinger

    Quite a line-up, no?

  2. I picked up an extra Don Pullen at Amoeba Records, new (I think; it had the extra layer of shrinkwrap that Amoeba puts on new sets). I listed it at Amazon Marketplace, but then Amazon wrote me and blocked my account for reasons which they won't divulge, due to "related links"! That's worthy of a whole separate thread. The find you guilty but won't tell you the offense or the evidence. Since I've never sold anything on Amazon, nor haave I ever been remiss with a payment, I'm stumped.

    But in any case, should I eBay it, half.com it, or offer it to any of you interested folks? Maybe $80 ish? I was hoping to get over $100, really need the money, but the hell with it. PM me if interested.

  3. Dear Friend,

    End of September 2009, two new recordings will be available.

    L a c y P o o l

    Uwe Oberg -piano

    Christof Thewes -trombone

    Michael Griener -drums

    hatOLOGY 677

    Barcode 752156.068426

    Total Time 50:14 DDD

    At every step, Lacy Pool finds new expressive possibilities in Lacy’s innate, albeit

    curiously tailored, logic. Their personalities replace Lacy’s and change the way we hear

    this music, which is as it should be. The song may have inspired the players, but the

    players have become the song. – Art Lange

    A chaque mesure, Lacy Pool trouve de nouvelles possibilités expressives dans la logique

    innée, quoiqu’étrangement bien ajustée, de Lacy. Leurs personnalités remplacent celle

    de Lacy et modifient, comme il se doit, la manière dont nous percevons cette musique.

    La mélodie peut avoir inspiré les musiciens, mais les musiciens sont eux-mêmes devenus

    cette mélodie. – Art Lange

    Manuel Mengis Gruppe 6 : Dulcet Crush

    Manuel Mengis -trumpet

    Reto Suhner -alto saxophone & alto clarinet

    Roland von Flüe - tenor saxophone & bass clarinet

    Flo Stoffner -electric quitar

    Marcel Stalder -electric bass

    Lionel Friedli -drums

    hatOLOGY 684

    Barcode 752156.067726

    Total Time 52:02 DDD

    Manuel Mengis Gruppe 6 is also available on:

    hatOLOGY 627 Into The Barn

    hatOLOGY 659 The Pond

    Is three the magic number? For many jazz musicians it’s an important one.

    Every record is of course significant, but the third is often more closely scrutinised.

    In this sense, it’s both a great opportunity and a niggling pressure: the chance to

    really begin cementing a good name, with a little weight of added expectation.

    Manuel Mengis, however, did not feel any of this. He even identifies a more relaxed

    approach than his two previous releases, partially due to shifting priorities in life.

    An atmosphere of light, easy contentment shines through the music – Mengis and

    the Gruppe 6 are really enjoying themselves, free of any kind of external strain.

    And the pleasure is contagious.– Frederick Bernas

    Serait-ce 3, le nombre magique? Pour de nombreux musiciens de jazz, il s’agit sans

    aucun doute d’un chiffre important. Chaque enregistrement est évidemment

    déterminant, mais le troisième est souvent minutieusement considéré. En ce sens,

    il représente tant une magnifique opportunité qu’une pression exacerbée: la chance

    de commencer à cimenter un nom porteur tout en assumant le poids d'une attente


    Manuel Mengis, pourtant, n’a pas connu ce ressenti. Il a même identifié une approche

    plus détendue que celle de ses deux enregistrements précédents, imputable en partie

    à l'évolution des priorités dans sa vie. Une atmosphère de lumière et de simple

    contentement rayonne à travers la musique - Mengis et Group 6 prennent vraiment

    du plaisir à jouer, libres de toute forme de tension externe. Et le plaisir est contagieux.

    – Frederick Bernas

    Followed by two remastered reissues on October 20th, 2009:

    hatOLOGY 666 : Dave Douglas' Tiny Bell Trio, Constellations

    hatOLOGY 687 : Ran Blake & Anthony Braxton, Memories Of Vienna

    Best regards,

    Werner X. Uehlinger

    Hat Hut Records LTD.

    Box 521

    4020 Basel, Switzerland


    Phone +41.61.373.0773


  4. Just got this from the LA County Museum of Art (LACMA). All hail Snooky Young, still playing at 90!

    Friday Night Jazz - Fridays | BPGE |6-8 pm

    "L.A. Jazz Treasure Award" - Snooky Young

    Friday, September 11 | 6:00 pm

    LACMA and the Los Angeles Jazz Society proudly present the inaugural L.A. Jazz Treasure Award to jazz trumpet legend Snooky Young. The evening features a special tribute band comprised of Clayton-Hamilton Jazz Orchestra and Tonight Show band members. Mr. Young recently turned ninety and is a recent NEA Jazz Master awardee. Young was lead trumpeter of the Jimmie Lunceford band from 1939 to 1942 and has played with Count Basie, Lionel Hampton, and the Thad Jones/Mel Lewis Big Band. His longest engagement was with the Tonight Show Band from 1967 through 1992. Young is still playing and recording with the Clayton-Hamilton Jazz Orchestra.

    BP Grand Entrance | Free, no reservations

    Check out LACMA's blog, UNFRAMED for more information and video on Snooky! ( http://lacma.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=JMN...zACMAAATPAAMlyg )

    ( http://lacma.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=JMN...zACMAAATPAAMlyg )

  5. In the stand alone Past masters, sitting here by my left hand, the following 4 tracks are mono:

    Love Me Do (original single version)

    She Loves You

    I'll Get You

    You Know My Name

    and all others are stereo, unfortunately.

    I'm gonna wait for mono versions of the first few albums. I did pick up Past Masters today (obviously) Revolver, and Magical Mystery Tour.

    Also a note at the back - everything taken "from the original stereo or mono analogue master tapes with the exception of 'Love Me Do' which was remastered from a mono disc."

  6. I was planning on swinging by Amoeba later today and could take a stab at doing the same. Meaning if anyone wants to commit to one, I'll pick it up for you and ship it, etc at cost. Amoeba tended to sell these for either $45 or $50, plus tax. UNless they already jacked them today, but I would think they'd be too busy with the Beatles release.

    or maybe I should just buy them for eBay. <_<

    I saw Os Mutantes at Amoeba yesterday, by the way. Delightful set. They actually have a new album out, released yesterday. There's one to go for!

  7. This is ridiculous at the plant. No more masters! What they hell? Why would anyone at a plant, even when changing whatever, ever discard masters? Another sign of the lack of archival concern among the music companies.

    Or, maybe they had to throw everything away at the plant to make room for new Beatles remasters pressing.

    Yet another example of how the Beatles destroy music! :winky:

  8. I went yesterday and it was excellent. Looking forward to today. was particularly impressed by Dave Douglas & Brass Ecstasy (a very fun set to end the evening) and by the Satoko Fujii Four. I had never heard of the latter before the show (although I had heard Mark Dresser and Jim Black, on bass & drums in the 4), but they really played superbly and wowed the house in their late-afternoon slot. Superb interaction among them.

  9. I just pre-ordered the mono set from some place called CD Pacific for $216.00 USD. Has anyone ordered from them before? Also, I'd appreciate knowing if the set can be found cheaper elsewhere.

    I've always been a marginal Beatles fan (but like them more in recent years), but have never heard any of the mono mixes. I'm curious if it will make Revolver an even better experience, as it is my favorite of their albums.

    If anyone buys the mono set and also has the original mono LPs, I'd be interested in reading about a sound comparison. CDs tend to be mixed too much "in the red" these days, and I hope this Beatles set doesn't follow suit. Although I can't imagine any CD sounding better than an original LP, I'm hoping the CD set was mastered with the quality of the music as the main concern, even given the limitations of the medium. I hope it is not muddy and overloaded in comparison to the originals.

    I've gotten DVDs from DVD Pacific and found their service to be perfectly good. Same outfit, I believe.

  10. And more...

    Dear Friend,

    End of September 2009, two new recordings will be available.

    L a c y P o o l

    Uwe Oberg -piano

    Christof Thewes -trombone

    Michael Griener -drums

    hatOLOGY 677

    Barcode 752156.068426

    Total Time 50:14 DDD

    At every step, Lacy Pool finds new expressive possibilities in Lacy’s innate, albeit

    curiously tailored, logic. Their personalities replace Lacy’s and change the way we hear

    this music, which is as it should be. The song may have inspired the players, but the

    players have become the song. – Art Lange

    A chaque mesure, Lacy Pool trouve de nouvelles possibilités expressives dans la logique

    innée, quoiqu’étrangement bien ajustée, de Lacy. Leurs personnalités remplacent celle

    de Lacy et modifient, comme il se doit, la manière dont nous percevons cette musique.

    La mélodie peut avoir inspiré les musiciens, mais les musiciens sont eux-mêmes devenus

    cette mélodie. – Art Lange

    Manuel Mengis Gruppe 6 : Dulcet Crush

    Manuel Mengis -trumpet

    Reto Suhner -alto saxophone & alto clarinet

    Roland von Flüe - tenor saxophone & bass clarinet

    Flo Stoffner -electric quitar

    Marcel Stalder -electric bass

    Lionel Friedli -drums

    hatOLOGY 684

    Barcode 752156.067726

    Total Time 52:02 DDD

    Manuel Mengis Gruppe 6 is also available on:

    hatOLOGY 627 Into The Barn

    hatOLOGY 659 The Pond

    Is three the magic number? For many jazz musicians it’s an important one.

    Every record is of course significant, but the third is often more closely scrutinised.

    In this sense, it’s both a great opportunity and a niggling pressure: the chance to

    really begin cementing a good name, with a little weight of added expectation.

    Manuel Mengis, however, did not feel any of this. He even identifies a more relaxed

    approach than his two previous releases, partially due to shifting priorities in life.

    An atmosphere of light, easy contentment shines through the music – Mengis and

    the Gruppe 6 are really enjoying themselves, free of any kind of external strain.

    And the pleasure is contagious.– Frederick Bernas

    Serait-ce 3, le nombre magique? Pour de nombreux musiciens de jazz, il s’agit sans

    aucun doute d’un chiffre important. Chaque enregistrement est évidemment

    déterminant, mais le troisième est souvent minutieusement considéré. En ce sens,

    il représente tant une magnifique opportunité qu’une pression exacerbée: la chance

    de commencer à cimenter un nom porteur tout en assumant le poids d'une attente


    Manuel Mengis, pourtant, n’a pas connu ce ressenti. Il a même identifié une approche

    plus détendue que celle de ses deux enregistrements précédents, imputable en partie

    à l'évolution des priorités dans sa vie. Une atmosphère de lumière et de simple

    contentement rayonne à travers la musique - Mengis et Group 6 prennent vraiment

    du plaisir à jouer, libres de toute forme de tension externe. Et le plaisir est contagieux.

    – Frederick Bernas

    Followed by two remastered reissues on October 20th, 2009:

    hatOLOGY 666 : Dave Douglas' Tiny Bell Trio, Constellations

    hatOLOGY 687 : Ran Blake & Anthony Braxton, Memories Of Vienna

    Best regards,

    Werner X. Uehlinger

    Hat Hut Records LTD.

    Box 521

    4020 Basel, Switzerland


    Phone +41.61.373.0773


    The Journey Continues the 35th Year too!

    Since 1975, an ear to the future

    Depuis 1975, une oreille vers le futur

    Seit 1975, ein Ohr in die Zukunft

  11. Dear Friend,

    Anthony Braxton : Creative Orchestra (Koeln) 1978, hatOLOGY 2-644

    is on the way to the distributors.

    hatOLOGY 2-644

    Anthony Braxton : Creative Orchestra (Koeln) 1978

    5 musicians on reeds, 4 musicians on trumpets & flugelhorn,

    3 musicians on trombones and tuba, piano, accordion,

    vibraphone, electric quitar, 2 musicans on double bass,

    percussion and marimba, synthesizer,

    Anthony Braxton –composer and conductor.

    CD 1 Total Time ADD 52:25

    CD 2 Total Time ADD 52:00

    Barcode 752156064428

    Recorded in concert in Koeln on May 12th, 1978

    The Koeln concert shows us these positive vibrations marching through

    "the complete continuance of creative music," and on towards the next

    millennium. The "success of the future" is not a lost cause as long as there

    is music like this in the air. – Graham Lock

    Enregistrement life à Cologne le 12 mai 1978.

    Le concert de Cologne témoigne de ces vibrations positives en marche à

    travers«la continuité parfaite de la musique créative», et vers le prochain.

    Le «succès de l'avenir» n'est pas une cause perdue tant qu’existera une

    telle musique. – Graham Lock

    Live-Aufnahme in Koeln vom 12. Mai 1978.

    Das Koelner Konzert beweist, dass sich diese positiven Schwingungen durch

    „die ganze kreative Musik“ hindurch und ins naechste Jahrtausend weiter

    fortpflanzen. Der „Erfolg der Zukunft“ ist keine aussichtslose Sache, solange

    Musik wie diese in der Luft liegt. – Graham Lock

    Best regards,

    Werner X. Uehlinger

    Hat Hut Records LTD.

    Box 521

    4020 Basel, Switzerland


    Phone +41.61.373.0773


    The Journey Continues the 35th Year too!

    Since 1975, an ear to the future

    Depuis 1975, une oreille vers le futur

    Seit 1975, ein Ohr in die Zukunft

  12. Normally I would be all over this, but Rocco runs it Labor Day Weekend, and I normally go to the Telluride Film Festival each Labor Day weekend. So I missed last year's installment and might miss this year. However, I might have to forgo Telluride, in which case I'll try to attend as much of this as possible. I hope it cools down by then!

  13. I know we discussed this in the past. Recently I've been going to the "Paley Center for Media" in NYC and watching some old jazz TV programs. Johnny Carson seemed to always have jazz guests. Too bad his two predecessors haven't followed his his path. I wonder how much of the jazz guests were Carson's own requests, or were the Tonight Show's producers jazz fans as well?

    The museum doesn't have every show because I do recall some shows with artists that I haven't come across in the archives.

    But I thought at least one of his predecessors, Steve Allen, had lots of jazz guests. Do you mean his two followers? yeah, they are too much into rock and not into exploring anything else.

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