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Kevin Bresnahan

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Everything posted by Kevin Bresnahan

  1. I have both the old US CDs as well as the Mosaic, both remastered by Ron McMaster. The overall sound quality isn't all that great so I doubt that RVG can do a whole lot with these masters. Of all the material in the Mosaic, these live dates are usually what I play most often. Very good playing by all. Is it worth $40 for the JRVG? Well, as I was once told by a reissue producer many years ago, "If you want it, buy it, because you never know when you'll see it again. But if you don't buy it, don't worry... it'll get reissued." Later, Kevin
  2. God, is that an ugly speaker or what?? No way the wife's letting one of thos in the house... of course, a pair of them would probably cost as much as a house, but still... ugly. I decided to update my fronts (L, C & R) with LCR's. I found someone with 3 LCR 600 S3's for a good price on Audiogon. I have someone at work who wants my Cambridge Soundworks Tower II's, which have served me very well. Since I bought a nice sub late last year, I haven't been using the T II's to their potential. I set my receiver to "small" for the fronts and I imagine the woofers are being underutilized. Still no E-mails on these. I guess it's off to ebay. If anyone is interested in any of these, let me know. They won't all make ebay, just a few to raise the extra dough I need to cover the difference between the two deals. I'm probably going to put up the Hill and Blakey sets first because I so rarely pull them off the shelf. I don't remember the last time I played anything off the Hill set. Later, Kevin
  3. Thanks everyone. By doing this here, I saved going the ebay route and (I hope) gave you a chance at getting these sets below ebay prices. *** HOLD *** Buddy DeFranco/Sonny Clark (4 CDs) - $240 + actual shipping *** HOLD *** Illinois Jacquet (4 CDs) - $80 + actual shipping *** HOLD *** Woody Shaw (3 CDs) - $90 + actual shipping I plan to delete this later today. Kevin
  4. I like "Dippin'" a lot but there's no way it could supplant "Soul Station" as my favorite Mobley date. "Soul Station" has it all... the players, the tunes and flat out great Hank. "Soul Station" is my favorite Jazz date period. I listem to it constantly, but especially when I need a pick-me-up. Later, Kevin
  5. This morning, I am spinning Mobley's "Another Workout". I love this date. It blows my mind that it sat in the vaults for so many years. The tempos are perfectly suited to Hank and he blows lazily behind the beat in the most hip fashion. Philly Joe is in prime form. The echoes off his kit are pure Philly... I would know it was Philly after two drum beats. As for Wynton Kelly, man, he comps so well on this date. I love the trills he adds to "Gettin' and Jettin'". All in all a fun, swingin' date for the Hankster. Later, Kevin
  6. That is not what I am implying. I am simply pointing out that the way this thread turned... way before I entered, BTW... had Wynton Marsalis crucified for having the opinion that white critics have it in for him. The guy can think that all he wants... it's his opinion and a bunch of guys, mostly white, can't argue with his point of view on this. He's a black man who has some white critics who don't review him favorably. He sees it as racism. BTW, I also thought it was pretty funny that Mike posted a critique by a white musician in response to these accusations that Wynton's playing the race card so I posted that. It struck me as very funny. Ha ha funny. Chris, you keep talking to me like I am some home boy who's never been around a black person in my life. I grew up with a best buddy who was black. He was in my wedding party. I used to party with him endlessly. I also have a best friend whose wife is black. I know what black people think and I have been in many arguments with them over race. And Chris, one more thing for you to consider, something I've wanted to post back when you first brought up your encounter with that woman at the radio station. Have you ever considered that the reason that woman wanted to file charges against the company was because some was messing with her besides you? We're talking the 60's right? You specifically brought in some blacks to "balance" the workforce a bit? You don't think there might have been some people who were upset with that? Maybe someone on the loading dock maybe? a quick switch of shipping labels... And before you jump all over this, let me tell you... I've seen this kind of thing many times in my life. Too often. I've nailed racist assholes for doing this. I came close to slugging a guy at work over it. It is ugly and I hate it. I do not live it though. On top of that, if it's bad being black in a white man's world, it can be even worse for a gay/lesbian in nearly any work environment. I work with some real head cases now... people who would probably like to shoot homosexuals. Too much bigotry in this world today. Later, Kevin
  7. Did you catch that Pittsburgh/Dallas Sunday night?? Dallas absolutely blew it, in "Pisarcik-ian proportions". All they had to do was run a couple of plays, kick a field goal and make a defensive stand against a hobbled Steelers offense. Instead, Testeverde bumps into his running back, fumbles, and the Steelers seal the W. Steelers should've lost that one. The Jets are an enigma. Like NE, they've played some pretty weak teams (that's what we get with the Bills and Dolphins in our division). Who knows if their 5-0 is real? At least we have two tough W's. Not the Jets. Belichick seems to have Pennington's number though. Later, Kevin
  8. When you pop an unfinalized CR-R into a machine with EZ CD Creator (and maybe Nero), there is an option to finalize the session or CD in one of the menus. You should be OK. Much better off than you were with a dead hard drive. Later, Kevin
  9. Mike, we can do whatever we want but the simple fact is we are white, not black and certainly not capable living the life of a black man in our society. This thread took a turn on Wynton's comments about racism in the Jazz community. We can sit here and say he's full of it but we cannot put ourselves in his shoes. Impossible to do. I have a very good friend who is black and I've tried for years to understand his world. I've come to the conclusion that I just can't. He faces things in his daily life that I never will. Add to that the fact that he is married to a white woman and you can just imagine how little I know of the stuff he puts up with. You know, there are certain restaurants that he can't go to without getting nasty stuff dumped into his food? There are a lot of people in our world who have issues with race. We can ignore this fact or recognize it. Don't bury your head in that sand and ignore it just because the person speaking is Wynton Marsalis. He may have a very good beef with some white critics and they very well could be racially motivated. FWIW, a former poster to this board, who happens to be a white drummer, told me in no uncertain terms that there is racial discrimination in the Jazz world. In his case, it's reversed. Please don't act like it's not there. Later, kevin
  10. Well jeez, she's not black. You'll have to admit that at least. Later, Kevin
  11. Mike, I just thought it was funny was that most of the previous posts leading up to your post were about Wynton and white critics. You following these posts with a critique by a white musician just seemed rather ironic. That's all. I followed that with an observation, one that I hadn't really thought about before, that many of us debating this on-line are also white. It is odd, don't you think? Later, Kevin
  12. I assume you have a reason for this question? Are you implying that someone would have to be a sociologist or statistician to make an observation about the race of people who post on Jazz discussion boards? Later, Kevin
  13. Here at work, we just paid over $2,000 to recover data off of a dead hard drive. This was on the "low end" of the pricing spectrum. Unless you really, really need that data, just get a new drive and chuck the old one. Next, make sure to get a CD or DVD burner. Back-up often. Frequent back-ups can save major headaches in the future. I have a DVD burner in my PCs. 4.5 GB of storage per disc. Nice. Later, Kevin
  14. Oh, don't get me wrong... I know there are plenty of blacks who complain about Wynton. It's just that in our little Internet world, many of the critics seem to be white. Of course, one of his biggest defenders, Hardbop Heaney, is also white so maybe the Internet is just full of white guys who like to complain? Later, Kevin
  15. Um, Mike, citing criticism by Gunther Schuller, a white man, seems to help cement Wynton's point a little, doesn't it? You know, as much as we talk about this guy, it's funny to see our on-line racial profile. One of Wynton's biggest on-line critics, Chris Albertson, is white. Mike, you don't seem too fond of him and I assume you're white. Chris has mentioned some artists who have stated they don't like Wynton's playing, specifically Toshiko Akiyoshi and Lew Tabackin and they are white. On-line at least, it would seem that the whites are dissing him. Maybe Wynton's a lurker? Later, Kevin
  16. I called it pretty good on the Pats/Seahawks game... I said their only hope was turnovers and Brady and that's exactly how they won this. Luckily the turnovers turning into points came early. It limited the Seahawks to playing catch up and this usually means "throw the ball". I still think the Seahawks had a chance in the end but I have to wonder why Alexander wasn't being handed the ball more often on their last drive. It's not like the Pats were stuffing him. Oh well, a win is a win. The biggest winner of the day? Bethel Johnson. He is probably still in Belechick's doghouse but he may have earned a reprieve for that incredible catch. Totally laying out like that and then being able to tuck it in so the replay couldn't overturn the call. Wow. Anybody watch the Cowboys blow it last night? Was that bizarre or what? I was thinking it was a lock. All they had to do was hand off a couple of times and try for a long FG. Next thing you know, Testeverde has the ball knocked out of his hands by his his running back and "Wham," they're done. It reminded me of that Giants/Eagles game years ago with the fumble. Quite a boneheaded play by the Cowboys. Of course, Parcells will blame the players, which is who screwed up, but the play calling has to be questioned. Later, Kevin
  17. What a catch by Bethel Johnson! Man, was that a nail-biter, or what? I tell you, Chris Collingsworth truly sucks and his hatred of the Patriots shines through his commentary. First, he calls Harrison "the dirtiest player in the NFL" after Harrison falls backwards into Hasselback to get a "roughing the passer" call. Then, when Brady is clearly dumped by a Seahawk defender well after he threw the ball, a play that's always roughing, he clams up with a chuckle. What a jerk. The other one that showed his bias was when he defended the zebras on that bullshit "unecessary roughness" call when a Seahawk jumped and Warren shoved him on his ass. Collingsworth is saying, "Yeah, that's a penalty... I've never seen it called before, but that's a penalty." This after very early in the game where he blasted the refs for calling taunting on the Seahawks, calling it "totally unecessary". Hey Chris, go call someone else's games. You don't like the Pats and it shows. Later, Kevin
  18. Over on the Jazz Corner's Speakeasy, Lois Gilbert is reporting that she spoke with several people familiar with Max's situation last night and she was told that Max's children sold his apartment so they would have enough money to afford a very good home for Max. She said she's knows the name of the place and it's a good one. Later, Kevin
  19. I can't vote... my heart says the Pats will win but my head says they're gonna get their asses kicked. Rumor today is that Dillon might not play. Brown and Branch are out. Bethel Johnson may get sat again after his stupid comments this week. There's also some stories saying that Brady's shoulder may be acting up. All in all, if the Patriots win, they should prove that they still got game. Later, Kevin
  20. I prefer Ron McMaster's remasterings for some sessions, but definitely not Sonny Rollins "Live at the Village Vanguard". The original CDs were not made from the master tapes... and they sound it. When RVG got these recently unearthed master tapes, he brightened them up in his usual fashion but to my ears, it works well for this. The original CDs sounded muffled. The RVG CDs sound bright, more "live". I would not trade my RVG of "Live at the Village Vanguard" for the older version. Later, Kevin
  21. I was talking to Mosaic the other day and they mentioned that they will be changing their web site soon. I told them that I hope they keep all the directory structures the same so we could continue to access these old discographies. My statement caught them a bit off guard so I explained to them what we do here with the links. They really liked that we still use these discographies and they are looking into having them in the "No Longer Available" section of the new web site. Hopefully this happens. However, in the chance that they don't do this, anyone who wants to back these old discographies up, should do so soon. I have no idea when the changeover will happen but you don't want to wait until they're gone. Later, Kevin
  22. Jackie's currently listed in the Gillespie tribute band's stop at The Regattabar from October 27-30. I have tickets to the 30th show. However, Jackie just cancelled his November visit to Yoshi's so his health might be a problem again. I have to wonder if he'll show up at either Gillespie tribute show. I'm expecting a last minute sub. Later, Kevin
  23. Fuckin' eh... I knew they'd arrive! Now if only Aric would send Soulstation his copy of "Money Jungle", we'd be one big love-fest. Later, Kevin
  24. The biggest change with these CDs is that they will use the US master tapes. These tapes are 3rd or 4th generation and they have had layers of echo and EQ'ed to "max output" (on some tracks).... "Americanized" if you will. I will probably buy them just to have them but by this time, having had the original CDs for almost 20 years now, I am very used to hearing the British versions. BTW, they way they're filling each CD with one of these short LPs is by including both the mono and stereo versions of each tune. Basically, you'll get each LP twice. Later, Kevin
  25. Check out the ticket to the record-breaking Pats/Dolphins game: Notice the subliminal tuff? Add the players numbers togther... 2+6+3+8 = 19. The referee is number 19. The best is on the wall behind the play... "Sec. 19"... "in"... "a"... "row" . BTW, speaking of the Pats next opponent, over on patsfans.com, they have former QB Steve Grogan analyze the games each week. This week, they asked him about the Seahawks. Here's what he had to say: R.R. Marshall: This will be the first quality opponent the Patriots have faced since the opening week of the season. What’s the game plan for Seattle? Steve Grogan: I hadn’t seen Seattle play much before last Sunday and I was really impressed with their running back Shaun Alexander. I assume Alexander is what the Patriots will try and take away. He is the kind of back that hesitates to wait for a hole to open up, so it is going to be really important for the defense to swarm him and not give him time for that hole to open up because he can accelerate quickly. Matt Hasselbeck is a good quarterback but the Seahawk receivers seem to have a lot of problems with catching the ball, so if you can neutralize their running game it will give the Patriots a great shot at extending their winning streak to 20 games. This is exactly the way I feel about this game with one exception... I am worried that the Patriots offense might get shut down by the Seahawk's D. They need some of their receivers to get back in the game. Branch's absence is going to hurt when the opponents start doubling Givens on every play. Patten is going to have to get open and catch the ball, which he wasn't able to do agianst the Fins this weekend. Later, Kevin
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