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Tony Pusey

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Posts posted by Tony Pusey

  1. Miek is a peach-she likes music and especially dancing. She doesnt like too many trumpets tho-especially when its screaming big band stuff, thus we have no Maynard Fergusson! and she doesnt like Kenton.On the other hand she even dug Zorn when we saw him! Hates my first love -Big Brother, and goes bat shit if Janis gets near the stereo, and she is fed up with my Dead obsession, tho tolerant because none of them can sing! And if there is a divide between us it would be that she enjoys more song while,no surprise,I have always likes improvisation- She really likes World music- African, Middle Easrern, Turkish, Fado, Tango, Flamenco, which is cool- likes going to gigs and never hassles me about the ever growing piles of cds. And she is in love with Chris Conner, Julie London et al.

    I guess I am a lucky man!

  2. Remember seeing that Live at the Proms when it was first aired on BBC, it had been much heralded and some of us got Frenchy the Bar man at the late ,lamented Duke of Abercorn pub in Enfield, to let us watch it in the public bar, scared off the other regulars if I remember rightly. Aside, Frenchy, never knew his real name, a Canadian who had had a severe car accident and fallen on hard times, had played trumpet with Ambrose, and legend would have it, Glen Miller, before the war, DTs got him in the end, but he turned more than a few of us Dead heads on to Jazz and the classics.

  3. Hollywood festival on their first trip to Europe, pretty much the standard Live Dead repertoire if i can remember correctly.. the show was supposed to be recorded on film for the BBC but the band laced the cameramen who immediately became true believers, needles to sew, nothing was filmed by the stoned technicians tho an audio recording was made, i recall hearing it at Rik Griffins exhibition at the Roundhouse.

    Second fav show the Wemby stand as documented on Steppin Out/ Europe 72.

  4. Steal your face was also the one one that had me giving up on the Dead, also seeing the coke fueled shows at the Ally Pally in North London as documented on a less than stellar Dicks Pick. And so the love affair came to an end, as of course they all do eventually...

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