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Rachael Ray


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And FWIW, the original intent of this thread was not to single out Ms. Ray's anatomy (you'll note that the omission of a photo in the opening post was noted quite clearly), but instead to focus on the allure that she creates through body language, facial expressions, and overall attitude.

The "usual suspects" will get my attention, but it takes a lot more than that to capture my imagination. It takes personality - that combination of knowledge, curiosity, humor, confidence, sexual awareness, and overall "joy of living" that we all possess in differing quantities and proportions.

Ms. Ray is by no means unattractive, but the world is full of not unattractive women. It is not her appearance but her personality, her personal charisma that attracts me to watch her shows. If that makes me simple-minded, so be it, but I have to ask - if a man is not supposed to be feel (not "act out", mind you) something about physical attractiveness in a woman, and if a man is not supposed to be intrigued by the personality of a woman, what the hell IS a man supposed to be moved by?

I find Rachael Ray's personality (and the way she expresses it on her shows) intriguing. She's not the only woman I feel that from, nor is hers the only personality type that does that to me. And - I've been deliriously monogamous (ok, sometimes simply delirious, but I've given as well as I've gotten in that regard) for over 20 years, so it's not like I'm the president of the "I Want A Date With Rachael Ray Even Though I Know It'll Never Happen Club". Get real.

In a broadcast landscape filled with silicone bimbosity, pestilent perkiness, and shameless sluttery, Rachael Ray stands out as a female television personality who actually seems like an interesting person. I was in the mood to say that, so I did. There it is if you like it, there it is if you don't like it.

I take no responsibility for what others have posted in this thread, but damn if I feel like I have to apologize for starting it.

Edited by JSngry
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Well, maybe I won't.

No "maybe" to it, in fact.

And the part of the Organissimo community that I feel the closest kinship to is a little bit more multifaceted than that. If I have to refrain from posting something like this because the "burgers and porn" boys have taken over, well....

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Well, maybe I won't.

No "maybe" to it, in fact.

And the part of the Organissimo community that I feel the closest kinship to is a little bit more multifaceted than that. If I have to refrain from posting something like this because the "burgers and porn" boys have taken over, well....

been communicating with rocky boy too much off late and forgot to add the obligatory smiley... sorry!

here's an extra big one:


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  • 1 year later...

Actually, the house we bought had the cable left on from the previous owners, for about two weeks. Unfortunately, they didn't leave the switch box, so we had to choose between things like Lifetime, C-Span2 and The Food Network. Minor league politicians are okay, but I'll take Rachael Ray over 'em anyday!

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