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Greg Osby Quartet featuring Jason Moran

Ed S

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Saturday, March 29

I'm really excited to have tickets for this one. Job and family responsibilities have cut way down on my ability to see live shows. Plus Buffalo isn't exactly a major stop on the circuit.

Edited by Ed Swinnich
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I've seen Osby with Moran about 4 times total. Every time has been nothing short of incredible.

Another reason to be glad to catch them now is that Moran is getting pretty busy, and isn't always available to play in Greg's group. I understand from Osby (talking with him after the show), that he's been working with one or two other piano players lately, since he knows that Moran is going to be available less and less.

Osby's new album is due out in a couple months, and I understand from Jason that it's all standards - and it doesn't have Moran on it.

Hey Ed, did you know that there's about 6 hours of 'live' Greg Osby to be downloaded from Osby's own website?? 6 different shows, and Jason's on all but 1 of them. Greg said he was considering putting a bunch of other live material out there too, and I suggested that he included one of the slightly rarer "duo" shows that he and Jason have done. Would love to hear what just the two of them sound like.

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I saw Osby and Moran with Stefon Harris in Cambridge at the Regattabar several years ago. It was actually presented as a "triple bill". The first set was under Stefon's leadership, the second set was a trio featuring Moran, and the thrid set was a quartet led by Osby. Same group all three times, they just shuffled the personnel around.

The show in Buffalo sounds very cool, though. I grew up there, and I always loved going to the Albright-Knox Art Gallery. Every time I go back to visit my grandmother, I swear up and down that I'm going to hit the Art Gallery, but I never seem to have time. I also used to love going to the Historical Society (not far from the Art Gallery) and the Science Museum (on Humbolt Parkway), although the Science Museum kind of went downhill during my childhood (ironically, as they tried to modernize it. I liked it better when it was all old and decrepit. It had more character). Enjoy the show! Sounds great!

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I agree with you about the Museum of Science. I liked the darkness and dinginess. Gave the place a real interesting ambience. They now have taken major exhibit space and converted it into hands on type stuff for kids. Fun? - maybe, but sorry kids - it's just not the same. :(

I have not been to the historical building in decades, but I'm a regular at the Albright-Knox. Next time you're in town, do try to get there. If there's a legitimate world class anything in Buffalo, it's the Albright-Knox. If you have not seen their collection in a few years I'm sure there will be some surprises and some old favorites.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, Ed, how was the show???? Do tell!!!






I am so glad I went. Stylistically, these guys were all over the map - straight ahead, in the pocket, forays into the avante garde, trios, duos, solos, ballads. Osby doesn't talk much. They just got up and played, and played, and played. It wasn't until the last song of the first set - when they broke into the Sidewinder that I recognized a song, though Moran used a part of Body and Soul in one of his solos.

That's not a complaint. It was absolutely incredible to sit there and hear stuff that I'd never heard before (or at least did not recognize), listen and appreciate the sound and feel, the solos, pick up a groove and listen to them create around it and just enjoy these guys play. I thought Osby was terrific - very versatile, great tone and feel. I loved the piano/sax duos and the sax trio segments of the performance. Moran is a genius. Never a dull moment in his playing - solos or comping. Both these guys are incredibly gifted.

Their version of the Sidewinder was absolutely kick-ass. They took the original groove and melody lines and turned in a modern version of this classic that, well - kicked ass.

The second set was much the same - incredible music played masterfully. Once again, I was at a loss as to song titles except for a fabulous version of East St. Louis Toodloo that finished the show. Never heard anything like it.

Other than introduce the band once each set, the only other thing that Osby said was thanks for attending and that it was nice to see a big crowd. (the auditorium was sold out - about 350 people). He said that so many times when they hit the road, attendance is sparce and that is the reason they go to Europe and Japan where audiences are larger.

They spent some time after the show talking with attendees. I was able to get both Osby and Moran to autograph the booklets to CDs (one of each artist) I had brought along.

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Caught Moran, Osby, and Harriss at the Jazz Standard a while back. I went home with a big smile on my face. Had only heard Osby before at that time. How wonderful to find more wonderful young players. Oh yeah, the rhythm section was great too.

Next week Ray Drummond, Billy Drummond, Rene Rosnes, Gary Bartz(my man), and Steve Wilson. Gotta make that gig.

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Chaney - if you're checking this thread out at all, they announced that Andrew Hill is appearing in October as part of next year's series. Get your tickets early. They'll go on sale sometime in August.

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