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Dan Brown's publishing miracle, "The Da Vinci Code"

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As I said, I didn't read the book, but I think it's clear that its conversion to film needed more condensing.

I've read a few online reviews since I posted above, and I agree with most of the criticisms I've read. The only laughter I heard in the theater where I saw it was connected to the (intentional) humorous moments in the film... apparently there was also some laughter in Cannes during some other scenes, which was not the kind of laughter the filmmakers were after.

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The most interesting element of the whole DaVinci episode is the overreaction of the Christian community. For cryin' out loud guys, this is a work of fiction. Yeah, I know Brown makes some assertions about the reality of some of his documentation that may not be accurate, but so what? If all these folks are so sure of their beliefs and so certain in their faith, then why do they get so excercised over something like this?

Up over and out.

I saw it this afternoon and enjoyed it much more than I thought I would based on the reviews. I would say it's certainly not Tom Hanks' best moment, by any means. He didn't really seem into it, somehow. ( But 2.5 hours of Audrey Tautou is pleasant enough ).

I agree that the Christian community (to which I belong) has overreacted to the movie. Sure there's some historical balderdash which can easily be debunked. And the most obvious errors are on the lips of Teabing who turns out to be the biggest conspirator and liar of them all. But I honestly think that the movie (perhaps more so than the book) has as much possibility of engendering Christian faith than destroying it.

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