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Just found out a few hours ago that a good friend and fellow photographer passed away at the age of 34 :( . Not sure why I'm posting here as I'm sure other than (jazzmessenger or Rachel) would possibly know him. His name is Mpozi Tolbert, a 6'6" guy with dreadlock....very imposing but the kindest person I personally know. Spent time in NYC during the 9/11 disaster and was always working to help anyone he could. I'm not sure at this time why he died and only know that he passed away in the news room of the Indy Star and couldn't be revived.....terrible loss for his family, friends and co-workers! I worked along side him several times in the past few years and just spent much time with him a few weeks ago....damn!



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Mark, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. It's been a crappy Fourth for us too... our one-year-old kitten Lilly somehow got out last night and we haven't been able to find her, even after searching all day. :(

David, thanks! Don't give up hope, our 16 year old cat got out duing the coldest night of this past winter (-5) and was missing for 3 days. It had never been outside at night one time in it's life and we ended up finding it sleeping on some lady's front porch after three days or so.....amazing....! I'll keep my finger's crossed for you~


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I was so saddened to hear about his passing. Indeed he was much too young. I only knew him from his work with the paper and at the Casba. I'm sorry to hear that this has affected you on a more personal level, Mark.

Thanks for posting the link to the article. It describes a compassion and love for humankind that never requested recognition. I loved the link to his photo gallery. I especially like the picture of his kitten, Quatro, and the one of Gordon Parks.

David: I'm so sorry to hear about Lilly. Like Mark said, keep the faith because cats are pretty resourceful. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you guys, too.

Edited by rachel
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Holy crap. I remember seeing him a lot when he lived in Philly. Super talented photographer. Sad.

Thanks for all the replies, yes....very sad! Mpozi was originally from Philly and had his hands in a lot of things beyond photography. If you're familiar with the band The Roots, he did photographs for their debut cd as well as some background voices on their cd "Do you Want More???"....very talented dude and a great friend!


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Thanks for posting the links, much appreciated. The funeral is tomorrow, gonna be sad and beautiful at the same time. Can't say enought about the guy....just checking on the forum on the Indy Star website gives you a small inkling about what the guy was about.... :( . Really going to miss him~

Thanks again,


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