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Blind Faith - Hyde Park 1969 Concert on DVD


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Just got this yesterday and aside from the rather goofy introduction about Swinging London in the 60s (I would have put this in the extras, but I guess the young people need context) and some poor camera work, it's a decent concert film.

I have to say from the start I have been a long time big fan of Blind Faith.

On the DVD,the sound and pictures are fine (you can even see that some of these superstars don't clean their fingernails), maybe a bit too much filming of the crowd.

The band is fine with Little Stevie Winwood in fine voice and on Fender Rhodes piano and Hammond B3, Clapton playing a Tele with a Strat neck, Rich Grech on bass that has no bridge - just a piece of foam he shoved in there and Ginger - well being Ginger and that's great.

Mick and Donovan in the audience.

They do a good job on the Blind Faith tunes and there is an interesting version of Under My Thumb which I loved the way Winwood changed the melody and perhaps harmony, but it lacked a bit of energy- maybe needed more practice or maybe seeing Mick in the audience was intimidating.

Overall, a must for Blind Faith fans like me. Sigh...........Gone are the days!!!!!!!!!!!

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I still like Blind Faith--on the whole--as much as, if not more than the lesser Cream and Traffic albums.

I totally agree with that assessment. And I consider 'Disraeli Gears' and 'Mr. Fantasy', despite some brilliant moments, two of those lesser albums. Both are wildly inconsistent. Tell you what I think is the great hidden pearl of the Traffic catalog, is the live second side on 'Last Exit'. Wish they had released more of that in the CD era.

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I think, on the Cream end of things, that the studio portion of Wheels of Fire is some of the finest British Blues-rock ever produced. More consistent, on repeated listens, than the substantially more dated Disraeli Gears (although the moments are there) and the accomplished, albeit tentative Fresh Cream. Goodbye has always been a hodgepodge to me, but it's fine for what's there (the live material is a whole other ballgame, and I'd have to throw in the Grande Ballroom and Fillmore stuff just for posterity...).

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I think, on the Cream end of things, that the studio portion of Wheels of Fire is some of the finest British Blues-rock ever produced. More consistent, on repeated listens, than the substantially more dated Disraeli Gears (although the moments are there) and the accomplished, albeit tentative Fresh Cream. Goodbye has always been a hodgepodge to me, but it's fine for what's there (the live material is a whole other ballgame, and I'd have to throw in the Grande Ballroom and Fillmore stuff just for posterity...).

Totally with you on the assessment of their studio stuff. I do like 'Fresh Cream' quite a bit, but the studio LP of 'Wheels of Fire' is their greatest work. Felix Pappalardi really did brilliant work on that with them. I even love "Pressed Rat an Warthog", where I generally can't tolerate that sort of thing in British Rock (not a fan of Ogden's Nut Gone Flakes, for instance). Their live stuff is totally self-indulgent, so is fun if I'm in the mood, tedious if I'm not. It's more of the time and place, as is 'Disraeli Gears', where 'Fresh Cream' and the studio 'WOF' disc are timeless. And I sure don't need to ever sit through the entire WOF live version of "Toad" again!

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Picked up the DVD at Best Buy for $12.99 this week. I'm really enjoying it!! It seeems as if they could have used a little more rehearsal but I kind of like the loose feel to it. :tup:tup

Wasn't this their "first ever live" date together?? If not, one of the first -- I think I've read.

Here's some footage to sample.

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